Triton Statue "instructions" for proper use : can someone please point me to them ?

poppspopps Posts: 4,130
edited May 2019 in General Discussions
I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

Since I clearly must have missed the official instructions where this is stated and whether there is "other" specialties in regards to where to claim a Statue, where to activate a Statue to spawn a Triton etc. etc. (proper instructions for use, that is...), may I please ask to someone to kindly point me to such official notes about the Triton statue and its proper use, where to claim it, where to activate it, etc. etc. depending on what type of Triton the player might want to spawn and so forth.

Thank you very much.


  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    While trying the Pet Planner for a Triton at Pet Planner |

    I got this message :

    Caution: You have a Tokuno ability selected. Make sure your statue was opened in Tokuno Islands to correctly see the ability on your pet.

    and amazingly from that same site that you visited at 9am was this note
    • If you open the Triton Statuette in Tokuno Islands, you can train it with Bushido/Ninjitsu Magicals
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Please feel free to show us any official guide put out by the devs that really tells us how to do anything all those guides that you want links to were made by the players playing and testing the game and you were even on one of the best pet guides there is and it is free to use.
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    popps said:
    I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

    Since I clearly must have missed the official instructions where this is stated and whether there is "other" specialties in regards to where to claim a Statue, where to activate a Statue to spawn a Triton etc. etc. (proper instructions for use, that is...), may I please ask to someone to kindly point me to such official notes about the Triton statue and its proper use, where to claim it, where to activate it, etc. etc. depending on what type of Triton the player might want to spawn and so forth.

    Thank you very much.
    Instructions: Double-click statue to spawn a Triton. I don't think we need official documentation from the developers on that one.

    In regards to what the Triton can train, its spawn range, damage type, stats etc. None of this was ever disclosed "officially" by the devs, nor has it been disclosed "officially" for any other pet in the game. You find this information by playing the game or leaning on others as a resource. This is an MMO and part of the game is player discovery.

    You can do all the testing yourself if you want to know about a new feature, pet, etc. There are also many resources created by players that do this discovery process for you, so you just have to read those resources to learn.

    You seem to reject any answer given to you by players (on any subject) and demand an answer come directly from a developer or it doesn't count.

    During the Khaldun Halloween event, for example, there was a great quest released that required detective work and puzzle solving to complete the quest. The devs did not release a step-by-step guide for how to complete this quest (nor do I feel they should have). Players came together to solve this quest, and then guides were made available on fansites for those that wanted to fast track the quest and not experience the content.

    There are also elements common in many video games called "Easter Eggs". These are typically hidden features, jokes, messages, etc. that act as their own reward for players that discover them. 

    If you want to remove all aspect of learning the game and new content and figuring stuff out, there are many resources out there to help you do that, you just need to use those resources. The devs are not going to hand-hold and give step-by-step instructions for every little thing in the game. Like it or not, you need to learn to rely on the players that do testing and post the information, and not always demand direct answers from developers.

    If you do have questions for developers, there are Meet & Greets every month where you can go and ask a question or two to get an answer from them

    In regards to the Triton being spawned in Tokuno enabling it to get Bushido/Ninjitsu, this was discovered after it went live to all shards. It was brought to the Devs attention privately to ask if it was intended or not. After we were told this is OK, this information was then made publicly available on our website and other sites. 

    Learn to use the resources that others spend the time to put together. Not everything released by the devs will have a line by line instruction manual for how to operate.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2019
    WOW  Well said @Khyro
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,648
    popps said:
    I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

    This is untrue.  A newly spawned Triton only has the healing ability.

    This has been in the UO wiki for over 2 years.

    Bushido and Ninjitsu

    Only creatures from the Tokuno Islands are capable of learning Bushido and Ninjitsu abilities


    Only creatures owned by characters with positive karma are capable of learning Chivalry

    If you want the ability to teach your Triton Bushido or Ninjitsu, they need to be born in Tokuno.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited May 2019
    Pawain said:
    popps said:
    I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

    This is untrue.  A newly spawned Triton only has the healing ability.

    This has been in the UO wiki for over 2 years.

    Bushido and Ninjitsu

    Only creatures from the Tokuno Islands are capable of learning Bushido and Ninjitsu abilities


    Only creatures owned by characters with positive karma are capable of learning Chivalry

    If you want the ability to teach your Triton Bushido or Ninjitsu, they need to be born in Tokuno.

    BUT BUT BUT It didn't say they had to be born there.  People are born all over the world and move so why can't pets.  >:)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Khyro said:
    popps said:
    I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

    Since I clearly must have missed the official instructions where this is stated and whether there is "other" specialties in regards to where to claim a Statue, where to activate a Statue to spawn a Triton etc. etc. (proper instructions for use, that is...), may I please ask to someone to kindly point me to such official notes about the Triton statue and its proper use, where to claim it, where to activate it, etc. etc. depending on what type of Triton the player might want to spawn and so forth.

    Thank you very much.
    Instructions: Double-click statue to spawn a Triton. I don't think we need official documentation from the developers on that one.

    In regards to what the Triton can train, its spawn range, damage type, stats etc. None of this was ever disclosed "officially" by the devs, nor has it been disclosed "officially" for any other pet in the game. You find this information by playing the game or leaning on others as a resource. This is an MMO and part of the game is player discovery.

    You can do all the testing yourself if you want to know about a new feature, pet, etc. There are also many resources created by players that do this discovery process for you, so you just have to read those resources to learn.

    You seem to reject any answer given to you by players (on any subject) and demand an answer come directly from a developer or it doesn't count.

    During the Khaldun Halloween event, for example, there was a great quest released that required detective work and puzzle solving to complete the quest. The devs did not release a step-by-step guide for how to complete this quest (nor do I feel they should have). Players came together to solve this quest, and then guides were made available on fansites for those that wanted to fast track the quest and not experience the content.

    There are also elements common in many video games called "Easter Eggs". These are typically hidden features, jokes, messages, etc. that act as their own reward for players that discover them. 

    If you want to remove all aspect of learning the game and new content and figuring stuff out, there are many resources out there to help you do that, you just need to use those resources. The devs are not going to hand-hold and give step-by-step instructions for every little thing in the game. Like it or not, you need to learn to rely on the players that do testing and post the information, and not always demand direct answers from developers.

    If you do have questions for developers, there are Meet & Greets every month where you can go and ask a question or two to get an answer from them

    In regards to the Triton being spawned in Tokuno enabling it to get Bushido/Ninjitsu, this was discovered after it went live to all shards. It was brought to the Devs attention privately to ask if it was intended or not. After we were told this is OK, this information was then made publicly available on our website and other sites. 

    Learn to use the resources that others spend the time to put together. Not everything released by the devs will have a line by line instruction manual for how to operate.

    "In regards to the Triton being spawned in Tokuno enabling it to get Bushido/Ninjitsu, this was discovered after it went live to all shards. It was brought to the Devs attention privately to ask if it was intended or not. After we were told this is OK, this information was then made publicly available on our website and other sites. "

    Point taken.

    NONETHELESS, I think that the Tokuno --> Bushido/Ninjitsu "feature" is quite a "major" one which deserved, perhaps, "just" perhaps, a more visible "publicity"....

    For example, a Warning Gump when clicking the Statue to WARN the player that, "if" he/she wanted a pet WITH Bushido/Ninjitsu, that Triton MUST be claimed only on the Tokuno facet.....

    The fact that players should go "hunting" informations all over the place, even on NON-official places where there is no guarantee of their accuracy (and I say this as a "general" advisable thing, some players' sources have proved themselves to be VERY accurate and even better then official ones, at times, only, they are just NOT official.....), I do not find it as correct.

    Small, uninportant things perhaps it still is ok to gather them from players' sources, but MAJOR things like this ?

    To MY opinion, they should definitively be available from official, clear-cut and unmistakenble official sources.

    At least, that is how I see it.

    By the way, is there "any other" easter egg that players need to know aside from this Tokuno one?

    "In regards to what the Triton can train, its spawn range, damage type, stats etc. None of this was ever disclosed "officially" by the devs, nor has it been disclosed "officially" for any other pet in the game. You find this information by playing the game or leaning on others as a resource. This is an MMO and part of the game is player discovery."

    I think that one needs a comment.

    Sure, you are very right in that information about a pet (spawn Range, damage type, stats etc.) is learned by gameplay, "normally".....

    Please, note that I mentioned the word "normally"....

    In that, "other" tameables, the 99% of them, are a continuous, persistent Spawn.

    Thus, Tamers' players have all time at hand which they want, AT THEIR PACE, to actually make that learning....

    The Triton, and pets like it, which do not regularly and indenifitively spawn and which, if I am understanding it correctly, will STOP being offered to players at some point over the course of the current 2019 Timeline (i.e. will NO LONGER be available as a spawning Tameable...), has  WAY MUCH SHORTER time frame during which players can get to "learn" about it, which is the better spawn and which the worse spawn...

    And even worse, it is a Tameable which has a cost, the Doubloons, to obtain. And this currency takes further time to be gathered, as we know, through the current Rising Tide content.

    So, in my opinion, it is NOT possible to handle a tameable such as the Triton like "any other" other Tameable which can indefinitively and persistently spawn, thus permitting to players' Tamers to gather and learn those informations and Stats about them at their ease and pace.

    That is why, I think, for content like the Triton, where players are TIME CONSTRAINED in that learning, and that time can often conflict with their real life obligations, the Developers should be particularly generous in releasing informations so as to STILL permit to players the much necessary ability to actually get those informations still much needed to handle and benefit from that particular content.

    "IF" the Triton tameable spawn was made an indefinite, persistant spawn, then I would have no argument about it. Players could keep spawning them at their hearts' content until they get the one they really want.

    Unfortunately, at least to my understanding, the Tritons' Spawn is "time limited" and either a Tamer player gets the one that they really want in that time frame, or they will be gone at some point as an obtainable Tameable.

    And this, makes the Triton, to my opinion, a totally different ball as compared to any and all other Tameables which can indefinitively and persistently spawn. A different ball which should therefore get particularly more informations and data from the Developers to the players.

    At least, that is the way i see it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    Pawain said:
    popps said:
    I just learned, AFTER having claimed a Triton from a Statue, that, in order to get the spawned Triton with some particular ability, the Statue needs to be activated in the TOKUNO facet....

    This is untrue.  A newly spawned Triton only has the healing ability.

    This has been in the UO wiki for over 2 years.

    Bushido and Ninjitsu

    Only creatures from the Tokuno Islands are capable of learning Bushido and Ninjitsu abilities


    Only creatures owned by characters with positive karma are capable of learning Chivalry

    If you want the ability to teach your Triton Bushido or Ninjitsu, they need to be born in Tokuno.

    Considering how the Triton is "exceptional" content, created "ad hoc" for the current Timeline, how would one know that the "general" note which you mention about Tokuno Islands' creatures would "also" apply to the Triton, generated from a Statuette and not "born", naturally, on a given facet ?

    I still am of the opinion, that a Warning Gump should be opened, when clicking the Statue to spawn a Triton, to WARN the player that, "if" he/she wanted a pet WITH Bushido/Ninjitsu, that Triton MUST be claimed only on the Tokuno facet.....

    Not all players have it easy to gather 140,000 Doubloons necessary for a Triton.

    Some players are very much constrained in their time to play Ultima Online.

    And I imagine that, for these players, seeing that hard earned Triton (considering their time that they can spend in UO) go wasted because they had no idea that, in order to have that Triton come with the ability to have Bushido/Ninjitsu, they only could do that on Tokuno, I imagine would quite displease them....

    That is why I think it as very important that a warning Gump mentioning this was to be added when clicking the Triton Statue, to protect these players from wasting all for nothing their valuable time spent playing Ultima Online.

    Also "what else" besides this Tokuno spawn thing should players interested in getting a Triton tameable know that is not readily available as information ?
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    You have a point about fail-safe systems... but then you mix it with UO and become delusional... just look at our devs for a sec...
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    I agree with popps. It’s not obvious at all and once claimed, that is it. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    JollyJade said:
    You have a point about fail-safe systems... but then you mix it with UO and become delusional... just look at our devs for a sec...

    Mervyn said:
    I agree with popps. It’s not obvious at all and once claimed, that is it. 

    At this point, since lots of players, possibly NOT knowing about this "particular" thing, yet "ruined" their Triton tameable claim, if they claimed it not in Tokuno although they DID want it to come with Bushido/Ninjitsu abilities nonetheless, I think that the Developers should make a "fix" and apply this ability to ALL Tritons, RETROACTIVELY, regardless of where players may have claimed their Triton from a Statue.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    On the topic, personally, I thin that "besides" a warning gump about the Tokuno thing, there should have ALSO been a Warning Gump about the need to have the Tamer have high Karma if they wanted the Triton to spawn form the Statue with the ability to have Chivalry.

    Of course, 1 single Warning Gump with BOTH warnings would have done just fine...

    Imagine a Tamer player, with time constraints who had a hard time to gather the 140,000 Doubloons to get the Triton Statuette who claimed it without having high Karma and not in Tokuno....

    The spawned Triton would have come with no Chivalry nor Bushido/Ninjitsu on it....

    And this, because no Warning Gump was provided upon clicking the Triton Statue ?

    I can only imagine how upset such a player could then feel.

    Do we want to have players keep playing Ultima Online and pay their subscriptions or get upset and quit playing?

    Then, I think, it is necessary to have them be happy about their time spent in the game, not be upset about it.

    At least, that is how I see it.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Mervyn said:
    I agree with popps. It’s not obvious at all and once claimed, that is it. 

    Welcome back!
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    One additional issue to have to consider, is the "transferring" of Triton pets to other players (perhaps with a large expense of gold in the trade...).

    For the player buying a Triton, is it possible to Lore that pet being transferred and "see" that the pet they are being transferred will NOT be able to have Chivalry (because claimed by a player not having sufficient Karma) or NOT be able to hav Bushido/Ninjitsu because not claimed in Tokuno ?

    Or will this "lackings" only show off through setting up the training of that Triton pet, which would only be possible for the purchasing player AFTER the trade (and the gold transfer) has taken place ?

    If so, don't we then ALSO have an additional issue with purchasing players of Tritons being at a potential great loss which, to my opinion, should be addressed by the Developers ?
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    You need to have positive karma when claiming the pet? I thought you just needed positive karma at time of choosing magical ability. 
    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    My congratulations to the player who made the logical deduction from the original pet training publish notes and subsequent information that if only Tokuno pets could train those skills, claiming the Triton in Tokuno had a chance of unlocking them for it.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Mervyn said:
    You need to have positive karma when claiming the pet? I thought you just needed positive karma at time of choosing magical ability. 
    It could be as you say, I just do not know....

    That is PRECISELY WHY I would like to get some detailed instruction for use for BOTH the Triton Statuette and the Triton once spawned....

    In order for players not to make mistakes which CANNOT be reversed, unfortunately.

    Just imagine, a player who does NOT know that they have to claim the Triton on Tokuno in order to get Bushido/Ninjitsu and does not know (if this is the case) that they have to have high Karma in order to have Chivalry as available on the spawned Triton and they claim it with low Karma somewhere else BUT in Tokuno.

    They get that rare 85%+ Intensity Rating Triton spawn, unfortunately, it comes WITHOUT what they wanted for it, no Chivalry and no Bushido/Ninjitsu....

    Now, how would this player now feel knowing that such a rare occurrance has gone wasted all for nothing because no Warning Gump came up when they actually interacted with the Triton statuette to tell then where and how they should have used that Triton statuette to PROPERLY get the type of Triton which they wanted ?
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    edited May 2019
    I am not an expert on pets, so I have already claimed several pets without being in Tokuno. This was not obvious to me.

    Are there any other facets that should be considered?
  • JollyJadeJollyJade Posts: 578
    edited May 2019
    popps said:
    In order for players not to make mistakes which CANNOT be reversed, unfortunately.
    Stupid players, playing the game instead of reading all publish notes and "subsequent information" up front.

    You're beating a dead horse.. the mentality you ask for is non-existent in UO..
    Just a troll who got told by lesser trolls (moderator classification)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited May 2019
    My congratulations to the player who made the logical deduction from the original pet training publish notes and subsequent information that if only Tokuno pets could train those skills, claiming the Triton in Tokuno had a chance of unlocking them for i

    Yet, if, as I am understanding, such knowledge and information was assessed while in Testing, and the Developers informed about it as I seem to understand from some posts about this particular issue, shouldn't then such knowledge and information be made available to ALL players, likewise, with a Warning Gump to pop us with a few lines of Text upon clicking the Triton Statue to clain a Triton?

    May I ask you whether you think that this should have been the correct way to go, to the greater benefit of all players ?

    Not all players have the time handy to spend much time in Ultima Online to earn Doubloons to then purchase a Triton statuette. Some, perhaps are very time constrained to play Ultima Online extensively.

    To waste 140,000 Doubloons which took them time in the game to earn, time which for them is scarce, perhaps, and get a Triton LACKING those abilities because they were NOT warned beforehand with a Warning Gump on "how" (and what to excatly do) to actually get a Triton with those abilities, "can" perhaps be upsetting.... right ?

    And does it do good, ultimately, to Ultima Online as a whole, if I may ask, to have players who are upset about it?

    How much work and time would it have taken, I wonder, to add a few lines of Text on a Warning Gump to tell players that 1) - They had to have high Karma if they wanted a Triton to come with Chivalry and 2) - That they had to claim it while in Tokuno if they wanted it to come with the Bushido/Ninjitsu ability ?

    Would it have been "that" of a big deal, if I may ask ?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    JollyJade said:
    popps said:
    In order for players not to make mistakes which CANNOT be reversed, unfortunately.
    Stupid players, playing the game instead of reading all publish notes and "subsequent information" up front.

    You're beating a dead horse.. the mentality you ask for is non-existent in UO....
    "Stupid players, playing the game instead of reading all publish notes and "subsequent information" up front."

    That I could understand, it was not in the Publish notes for the Triton ( that, in order to have the spawned Triton come with the Bushido/Ninjitsu ability, one had to activate the statuette while in Tokuno...

    Not to mention, the need to have High Karma if one wanted it to come with the Chivalry ability....
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited May 2019
    My congratulations to the player who made the logical deduction from the original pet training publish notes and subsequent information that if only Tokuno pets could train those skills, claiming the Triton in Tokuno had a chance of unlocking them for it.
    Well said - so well said no one will pay attention. ((((Petra))))

    It is not the developers' job to hand game play to the population. It is up to the player to PLAY THE GAME and TAKE THE RISK to find BENEFITS and FEATURES. That is the definition of a Sandbox Game. I like how things are not explained - hearkens back to the earlier days when Sosaria was alive and exciting to play. 

    If players want the game handed to them, there are console games of which to partake. This is not the game you are looking for if you want it served any differently than it is.

    Can I haz ur stuffs? 
  • KirthagKirthag Posts: 541
    edited May 2019
    popps said:

    That I could understand, it was not in the Publish notes for the Triton ( that, in order to have the spawned Triton come with the Bushido/Ninjitsu ability, one had to activate the statuette while in Tokuno...

    ... because it was in the publish notes YEARS AGO.
    Simple deduction man.

    Now, can I haz ur stuff?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Kirthag said:
    popps said:

    That I could understand, it was not in the Publish notes for the Triton ( that, in order to have the spawned Triton come with the Bushido/Ninjitsu ability, one had to activate the statuette while in Tokuno...

    ... because it was in the publish notes YEARS AGO.
    Simple deduction man.

    Now, can I haz ur stuff
    Only my point of view, sure, but I do not think that a persistent Spawn like that which that "Years ago" Note referred to, can be likened to an occasional, exceptional "Statuette triggered" Spawn like the Triton is...

    That is and cannot be a granted, considered the "exceptional" spawning conditions for the Triton.

    Hence, once found, I still say that it should have "deserved" a special Warning notice upon using the Triton statuette, and this, particularly all things considered in regards to all involved with getting a Triton.....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Where you claim it only matters if you plan to train it.
    If you plan to train it, then you have read the information on pet training
    Therefore you have read the notes regarding Bushido, Ninjitsu and Chivalry
    Someone remembered what they read.
    You didn't. 
  • MervynMervyn Posts: 2,208
    edited May 2019
    Where you claim it only matters if you plan to train it.
    If you plan to train it, then you have read the information on pet training
    Therefore you have read the notes regarding Bushido, Ninjitsu and Chivalry
    Someone remembered what they read.
    You didn't. 
    So, when purchasing a 120+ wrestling triton from another player, like popps said, how are you supposed to know where it was claimed?

    I am an expert on pets yet did not think to claim my pet in Tokuno, (partly because i couldn't enter Tokuno with that char) as you would think the skills it can train would actually be linked to the TYPE of creature it is. If someone releases a dragon in tokuno and i tame it, i wouldn't expect it to develop bush/ninj.

    As for the wiki saying "only creatures from Tokuno may train Bushido or Ninjitsu", well they're not "From" tokuno even if claimed there, they are from bucs den as a reward. Is this also the case with vollems held in crystals and paroxysmus swamp dragons, vanity store pets etc?

    I tell you the truth, tis better to do 10 damage on the right target than 100 damage on the wrong target.

    Breaking in the young since 2002

  • For you people concerned about negative karma and chivalry.  Take it from of the few negative Karma's around... You're fine.  That mechanic only screws negative karma people.  You can train it with chivalry and all day.  It's only people like me that can't train it... Ever, even though positive karma peeps can train necro and poisoning all day *sigh*
  • KhyroKhyro Posts: 237
    edited May 2019
    popps said:
    Mervyn said:
    You need to have positive karma when claiming the pet? I thought you just needed positive karma at time of choosing magical ability. 
    It could be as you say, I just do not know....

    That is PRECISELY WHY I would like to get some detailed instruction for use for BOTH the Triton Statuette and the Triton once spawned....

    In order for players not to make mistakes which CANNOT be reversed, unfortunately.

    Just imagine, a player who does NOT know that they have to claim the Triton on Tokuno in order to get Bushido/Ninjitsu and does not know (if this is the case) that they have to have high Karma in order to have Chivalry as available on the spawned Triton and they claim it with low Karma somewhere else BUT in Tokuno.

    They get that rare 85%+ Intensity Rating Triton spawn, unfortunately, it comes WITHOUT what they wanted for it, no Chivalry and no Bushido/Ninjitsu....

    Now, how would this player now feel knowing that such a rare occurrance has gone wasted all for nothing because no Warning Gump came up when they actually interacted with the Triton statuette to tell then where and how they should have used that Triton statuette to PROPERLY get the type of Triton which they wanted ?
    "It could be as you say, I just do not know...."

    Maybe you should go test things before running to the forums crying and demanding safety gumps for every action you take? 

    No one ever said you need positive karma (let alone high karma) when claiming a Triton in order to give it Chivalry. That was created purely in your mind and now you are running around multiple forums crying over ruined Tritons that cannot get chivalry.

    Your tamer needs positive karma in order for Chivalry to become available to train on a pet. It even says so in the Official UO Wiki. It has always been this way. 

    This does not mean you need positive karma when you claim the Triton, you just need positive karma when you train it if you decide to give your pet Chivalry.
    Home of the Pet Intensity Calculator, Pet Planner, Trainable Animal Bestiary, and other Tools, Guides, and Information. 

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Mervyn said:
    Where you claim it only matters if you plan to train it.
    If you plan to train it, then you have read the information on pet training
    Therefore you have read the notes regarding Bushido, Ninjitsu and Chivalry
    Someone remembered what they read.
    You didn't. 
    So, when purchasing a 120+ wrestling triton from another player, like popps said, how are you supposed to know where it was claimed?

    I am an expert on pets yet did not think to claim my pet in Tokuno, (partly because i couldn't enter Tokuno with that char) as you would think the skills it can train would actually be linked to the TYPE of creature it is. If someone releases a dragon in tokuno and i tame it, i wouldn't expect it to develop bush/ninj.

    As for the wiki saying "only creatures from Tokuno may train Bushido or Ninjitsu", well they're not "From" tokuno even if claimed there, they are from bucs den as a reward. Is this also the case with vollems held in crystals and paroxysmus swamp dragons, vanity store pets etc?

    Just because it was conceived in bucs den does not mean it is from bucs den, it is from what even land it was born in.  I hope you as a dedicated Tamer researches what type of pet they want before wasting your time taming one which I think you are smart enough to do.  Is it really worth taming/claiming pet a, I don't know let me go research it first.  It is obvious that some people didn't know that this pet had certain abilities before they went out to get one without doing any research.  Do you have a Triton?  Did you research it before claiming it?  Did you try different builds before settling on which build you wanted or did you just willy-dilly pick what to do and do it.  Hell I will just dump all my points into mana/mr and poison resist.  Dang why does my tank keep dying with only 100 hp and 20 phy/fire/cold/energy resist, i could have sworn Cus poisoned their enimies and my pet doesn't cast any spells, oh wait was I suppose to activate magery somehow to use all that mana.
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