Is there a way (How ?) to maximize Resistances through Reforging/Refining and not use Imbuing ?



  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Just give an example for a suit you want to build.

    1. What items you want to begin with and what your desired ending resists are. 

    2. Any limitations on the enhancements. For instance is this a luck suit that requires only spined/gold enhances. 

    From there I'll walk you through the exact process 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    King_Greg said:
    Just give an example for a suit you want to build. 

    1. What items you want to begin with and what your desired ending resists are. 

    2. Any limitations on the enhancements. For instance is this a luck suit that requires only spined/gold enhances. 

    From there I'll walk you through the exact process 
    @King_Greg ;

    WARNING. This is a quite long winded Post in 2 parts....

    The following is an example of what I am having a hard time to understand in regards to crafting a suit without wasting anything in the proces.....

    I found this old Post from 2012 here.... Reforging Work

    I have read it over and over several times but have been unable to understand it.

    I will analyze it in chunks.

    "Horned Kit with Fortune package, No PowerReforging. Then you basically have 2 options:"

    What I "seem" to understand there, is that, when Reforging for "Luck", ONLY and STRICTLY the Horned Sewing Kit must be used, not the Barbed Sewing Kit, neither the Spined Sewing Kit. And the Power Reforging option, should NOT be used.

    And there is 2 ways to get it done....

    "- Either you select the Wizardry package. But due to the way the system is designed you will roll only 150 Luck with either MR3 or CastingFocus2, nothing else I believe (beside parts with less than 150 Luck of course). You can use this solution for one part, this is what I did on the Tunic. It leaves 2 slots and a weight of 100 to imbue, so 15 resists. Obviously you need to start with bases with 0 except points in at least one slot if you don't want to waste free except resist points by overimbuing them."

    Select the "Grand Artifice" and then "Inspired Artifice" and then "Choose Name" as "Arcane / of Wizardy"

    I thought that, in order to reforge for Luck, the "Auspicious / of Fortune" name had to be selected so, I do not understand why Arcane / of Wizardry is mentioned which, on armor, adds "Casting Focus, Lower Reagent Cost". Not sure if them all, or at random, it picks "some" of these....

    Not to mention that, at the page.... Runic Reforging – Ultima Online , Mana Regen is not even mentioned among the Arcane/of Wizardry mods for Armor ! It does is mentioned, though, in the column "All Types" so, I do not understand....

    What does it mean where it says that "the system is designed you will roll only 150 Luck with either MR3 or CastingFocus2, nothing else I believe" ?

    If I select Arcane / of Wizardry and not Auspicious / of Fortune, how can I ever get the 150 Luck to roll ??

    Then is says "You can use this solution for one part, this is what I did on the Tunic. It leaves 2 slots and a weight of 100 to imbue, so 15 resists. Obviously you need to start with bases with 0 except points in at least one slot if you don't want to waste free except resist points by overimbuing them."

    And I do not understand a single word here....

    Why doing that Arcade / of Wizardry for 1 piece would then leave "2 slots and a weight of 100 to imbue, so 15 resists" ?

    And what does it means, to start with "bases" (what bases ? The regular piece that one makes with plain leather or iron armour and no runic tool ?) with "0 except points in at least one slot" if one does not want to "waste free except resist points by overimbuing them" ?

    What is this "0 except points" ? And I see crafters all the time talking about overimbuing items of resists to compensate, for example for the debuff that happens to Physical Resist when casting the Protection Spell....

    So, why does instead he talks about "wasting" "free" except resist points by "overimbuing" them ?

    Then, let's see the second option....

    "- Either you select the Defense package. This is what I did on all the other pieces but the Tunic, but this is extremely tricky:
    Basically choosing the Defense package will roll Luck150 + ONE resist at +15 in about half the cases (in the other half it will roll 2 resists and under 150 Luck, you can of course trash those parts).

    From Runic Reforging – Ultima Online I assume that the Defense package is Fortified / of Defense which, I read there in the table, adds "Eater" to Armor.... that's it. On "All Types" it does mention Resists but, at this point, am not sure what this "All types" stands for....

    Perhaps that an armor piece, for example the Tunic, gets Resists from "All types" + "Eater" being an Armor piece ?

    Anyways, I see no mention whatsoever from getting the 150 Luck from choosing Fortified / of Defense...

    Then he says "Basically choosing the Defense package will roll Luck150 + ONE resist at +15 in about half the cases (in the other half it will roll 2 resists and under 150 Luck, you can of course trash those parts)."

    Why choosing Fortified / of Defense would roll Luck 150 + 1 Resist at 15+ points in "half the cases" while in the other "half the cases" it will Roll BELOW 150 luck + 2 Resists (with how many points those 2 resists ? Both 15+ ?).

    Is this just a thing of the RNG ?

    And then comes the toughest part, which I could understand nothing of....

    "The catch is if the 15 points of resist from the package fall on a slot which already has free except resist points, the weight of those free resists will be accounted for so you won't be able to do an optimal piece."

    Now, I assume that he is talking about that "half the cases" where, using the Fortified / of Defense chosen name will roll 150 Luck + 1 Resist at 15+ points...

    He says that "the catch is" that if those 15 points of resist "fall on a slot which already has free except resist points" ...... what is this supposed to mean ?

    For slot, I assume he means like a head piece or a chest piece or arms piece and so forth. But, again, what does he mean with the words "a slot which already has free except resist points??

    And why "fall" ? Am I not selecting the piece that I am making and chosing what piece to keep and further enhance ?

    Then he adds... "the weight of those free resists will be accounted for so you won't be able to do an optimal piece." ......... What does this mean ?

    I will not be able to do an optimal piece because I decided to enhance and imbue a piece that came with 150 Luck + 1 Resist with 15+ points for a body part which had "free except resist points" ??

    I am lost..... I really do not understand what that means....

    Then, I think he starts explaining what to do to avoid those mistakes and, thus, be able to craft such an optimal piece....

    "The trick is thus to start with a base piece with 2 slots without any except points from the draw. This is about 0.1% of pieces crafted if I remember, so you will burn a lot of leather to get those working bases. So when you reforge you have 1 chance out of 2 to get the 150 Luck+1 resist distribution, and if this is the case then 2 chances out of 5 that the resist will fall on one of the 2 right slots (the ones with no except points), so this gives you a total of 1 chance out of 5 to succeed the reforging."

    Now, what would this piece LOOK LIKE that was a "base piece" with "2 slots without any except points from the draw" ?

    He also adds, that such a piece comes with 0.1% of all those crafted which, I understand, means 1 in 1,000 !!

    What would the 5 resists need to look like for such a 1 in 1,000 piece ?

    And is this 1 in a 1,000 piece needed for only 1 piece of the ENTIRE suit or is this process necessary to be repeated for ALL parts making up a suit ?

    Because, if so, with a suit being comprised of many different pieces that will be a whole lot of x 1,000 pieces to have to craft....

    Then he says, if one has been wise to only pick that 1 in a 1,000 crafted pieces with 2 slots without any except points from the draw (whatever this means...), at this point "So when you reforge you have 1 chance out of 2 to get the 150 Luck+1 resist distribution" which I assume means that this 1 in 1,000 crafted piece with the wanted resists (with 2 slots without any except points from the draw) will not even be good enough !!

    Because, only in 1 chance out of 2 it will be possible to get that 150 Luck + 1 Resist distribution...

    Which, I seem to understand, means that if one gets instead the BELOW 150 Luck + 2 Resists roll, he/she has to redo all that 1 in 1,000 crafting all over to get that 1 "right" piece with the 2 slots without any except points from the draw (whatever this means....).

    And this, OVER and OVER until one gets that wanted reforged piece with 150 luck + 1 Resist +15 points...

    Is that so ?

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062


    He then adds "....and if this is the case then 2 chances out of 5 that the resist will fall on one of the 2 right slots (the ones with no except points), so this gives you a total of 1 chance out of 5 to succeed the reforging."

    Does that mean that EVEN IF one gets the 1 in a 1,000 crafted piece (with the 2 slots without any except points from the draw, whatever this means) to get reforged into the wanted 150 Luck + 1 Resist +15 points, this could fall, for 2 chances out of 5 (I assume that we are talking here of the 5 resist types ?), on "one" of the 2 "right" slots which he identifies as those "with no except points", this would end up with ONLY 1 chance out of 5 to succeed with the reforging ?

    I am VERY lost here..... I frankly do not understand it. Is there a way to possibly explain that concept in simpler terms ?

    He then proceeds telling how to identify the actual, wanted piece by saying "If successful, the piece will have 3 free slots and 250 weight to imbue: You will imbue the remaining "empty" resist slot and 2 other slots (usually LRC and LMC, but you can choose what you want). In the end you will have for example 5 slots with the following: 150 Luck, LRC, LMC, Resist1, Resist2. Note that the balance between Resist1 and Resist2 can be adjusted without loosing anything: you don't need to leave all 15 points from the Defense package on the slot they initially felt in, you can overimbue Resist1 and raise Resist2. This is very important because the ability to freely balance resists by pair on each part will allow you to build a suit without wasting any point."

    What I seem to understand is that, if I FINALLY was able to get that "right" piece, the look of this piece will be one with 3 "free" slots and 250 weight to imbue.

    What does it mean to have 3 "free" slots ? He is talking about 3 resists untouched by the reforging process ?

    Why 3 ? I mean, didn't he say that the Reforging was to add 150 Luck plus in ONE Resist the 15+ points ?

    If so, that would leave FOUR untouched Resists, not 3.....

    He also says "You will imbue the remaining "empty" resist slot and 2 other slots (usually LRC and LMC, but you can choose what you want)."

    Why "resist slot" as "singular" when he just mentioned the sentence before that about having THREE "free" slots (shouldn't they be 4 as I just asked ?) to imbue ?

    But, as he follows saying "In the end you will have for example 5 slots with the following: 150 Luck, LRC, LMC, Resist1, Resist2. " perhaps he is NOT talking about getting worked up all of the 5 resists but only 2 of them ?

    If so, why the goal would be to have a piece that has only 2 Resists increased, and 3 modifiers (luck, LRC and LMC) and not all of the 5 resists ? What about the OTHER 3 resists ? Why leave them "untouched" ?

    He then adds "Note that the balance between Resist1 and Resist2 can be adjusted without loosing anything: you don't need to leave all 15 points from the Defense package on the slot they initially felt in, you can overimbue Resist1 and raise Resist2. This is very important because the ability to freely balance resists by pair on each part will allow you to build a suit without wasting any point."

    I am not sure to follow.... "overimbue Resist 1" (HOW ?? Is it possible to "OVER-imbue a resist ?) and ALSO "raise" Resist 2 (again HOW ??) ?.

    He also mentions that "This is very important because the ability to freely balance resists by pair on each part will allow you to build a suit without wasting any point."

    I can understand the importance of that Post as it explains how to best craft a piece of armor, but I do not understand the logic of it, nor "how" to do it correctly ......

    He then proceeds to say "In the end, use of course a Forged Metal Tool to enhance in Spined.
    Each part will have 20 free resists from except crafting (none have been lost) + 5 free resists from Spined Leather + 40 free Luck from spined Leather + 500 normal imbuing weight, for a total of 133 + 33 + 40 + 500 = 706.

    I understand the part where one would enhance with Spined to get the additional +40 Luck points to have a total of 190 Luck on that piece, what I do not understand, is the part where he says "Each part will have 20 free resists from except crafting (none have been lost) + 5 free resists from Spined Leather + 40 free Luck from spined Leather + 500 normal imbuing weight, for a total of 133 + 33 + 40 + 500 = 706."

    Why would that be ?

    Why would "each part" have 20 "free resists" from "except crafting" so that none would have gotten lost and, on top of that, also get 5 "free resists" from Spined Leather + another "40 free Luck" from the use of Spined Leather + 500 normal imbuing weight so that such a piece would get a weight of 706 ???

    I cannot seem to understand that either....

    He then says "Finally, do the circlet last, it is the easiest part since you don't have to use any trick: you can get a plain 150 Luck with a copper hammer. You even get 1 more resist point because golden ingots adds 6 while spined leather adds 5. It also adds LowerReq30 even if you likely don't care  But you can also still choose the ugly (and hardest to do) leather cap if you want of course."

    What is this thing with the "Circlet" and about the "Leather Cap" being "hardest to do" ?

    And why for doing this one piece it would not be necessary to use any trick ??

    If one is doing all of this for "medable" armor, why would he/she want to use a metal circlet that would not be medable ? At that point they would need to imbue it as Mage Armor to make it medable....

    He then concludes by adding "Now, even if you do all this correctly, you will likely still need to craft a couple of extra parts, because having bases with 2 slots without free points is not enough, they have to be different on each part: if you use, say 4 parts with the "free" resist slots all beeing Cold and Poison, there is no way you will be able to get matching parts. I ended up crafting 8 perfect parts for the suit, so I have 3 extra ones (for a backup suit one day, who knows)"

    Why having "bases with 2 slots" and "without free points" (how does a base without "free" points look like ? what does this exactly mean ?) would not be "enough" ?

    I think he says "because they have to be different on each part"..... but in what sense is meant "different on each part" ??

    He mentions about using 4 parts with the "free" resist slots (free in what sense ??) being all for Cold and Poison and this leading "in no way" to being possible to get "matching parts".... why would that be ?

    He had to craft 8 "perfect parts" for the suit thus leaving 3 extra ones....

    Since 8 - 3 = 5, this would mean a suit made out by 5 pieces....

    Ain't a suit made out by 7 pieces (Armor - UOGuide, the Ultima Online Encyclopedia) ? That is, Head, Neck, Chest, Legs, Arms, Hands and the Shield for the left hand ?

    So why is he talking about a 5 pieces suit ?

    He then concludes the Post by discussing about the alternative of making suit by "blind" burning Barbed Sewing Kits which I neither understand very well but that is another thing....

    Since I am trying to make a fully optimized Luck Suit, medable, and for a Spellcaster to start (as I learn the ways of crafting I will then also work on "perfect" suits for Warriors and Melee combat... but that is later...).

    Therefore, I would like to use the great advice contained in that Post for crafting such a "perfect" suit and yet, since I cannot understand it, I cannot proceed on to work for making such a suit....

    If anyone can explain that "perfect" suit crafting process in a simpler way, it would be really great, thanks !
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    @popps ; I don't know why you reposted everything you've already asked. You want to build a luck suit for a mage. Do you want it built around the leurocian's Mempo? The armor of Fortune? (I don't suggest the armor of fortune) 

  • ArronArron Posts: 485
    Bilbo said:
    Here is how to figure out Reforging.
    The first thing you do is get yourself a bunch of different runics and when Char Copy returns go to TC with them and all your needed resources and a comm. deed box and any other deeded items you may need for a shop.  Place yourself a house, set up shop and start testing what you want to make with different set ups.  The very next day copy over another char with all the runics,comm deeds until you have a house full of runics and resources and make sure you keep track of what you did, how you did it and what the results are.

    I know some one is going to write a book on I don't understand, well you know what maybe if you would stop reading everything to death and nit picking every little detail apart and go do it you just may learn how to do it by doing it yourself.
    Very good advice. When reading up on how to do something, there comes a point when you have to just get up and learn through doing. Nothing like getting your hands dirty and gaining insight along the way. And just a little bit of advice about your post,try not to make them so long. You have many post and thats ok, but when they are soooo long it makes it hard to get through them at least for me. I try to read all of your post but because they are so long I find myself skipping them, and I don't want to do that. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    edited May 2019
    King_Greg said:
    @ popps  I don't know why you reposted everything you've already asked. You want to build a luck suit for a mage. Do you want it built around the leurocian's Mempo? The armor of Fortune? (I don't suggest the armor of fortune) 

    I am more interested to learn the "logic" behind the thinking process rather then how a specific suit might be made....

    Because if I only learn about 1 suit, I will only learn how to make "that" suit, perfectly, but only "that" suit....

    Instead, if I get to understand the "thinking process" behind how not to waste any single, craftable resist point or imbuing weight on each and every single piece of the suit, then I would be able to replicate this on a variety of suits for various, different needs....

    But let's make an example, then, perhaps from this example it is easier to understand the general thinking process that makes it possible not to waste a single resistance point or imbuing weight and, still, get a great suit.

    Luck Suit, for a Spellcaster, so the usual LRC, MR, FC/FCR at CAP or even higher to account for possible debuffs (although I think FC/FCR's debuffs might not be compensated, I seem to understand...), Resistances as high as possible and even higher for Physical to account for the debuff coming from the Protection Spell, PvM so, refining could go towards more Resistances rather then DCI (Defence Chance Increase is more important in PvP as in PvM, is that so ?)...

    Luck Artifacts to be used ?

    Head - Leurocian Mempo
    Chest - I agree, and think that, for only 10 more Luck Points it is not worth the Armor of Fortune which comes with terrible other mods, better settle with 190 Luck for a crafted piece but better other mods
    Ring - Compassion's Eye
    Bracelet - Bracelet of Primal's Consumption
    Robe - Conjurer's Garb
    Talisman - Lucky Charm
    Footware - not sure, Minax's Sandals are too expensive.... maybe the Soles of Providence ?

    You have better suggestions in regards to what Luck Artifacts to use ?

    That said, I do am willing on taking compromises as you will see it as proper to suggest me, to "reduce" the number of artifacts and, thus, of the total Luck, "in exchange" for an overall suit which will have a much better performance in gameplay, with less Luck, perhaps, but better and more numerous much needed modifiers overall, nonetheless....

    The problem with Luck Artifacts, usually, is that they have great Luck, but quite bad other modifiers...

    And since I am trying to craft yes, a "Luck" suit but also one that does well in gameplay, resistances and other modifiers are also to be kept well in mind.

    Sure, I know that there is players who "swap" Suits in between the Combat one and the Luck one required before the kill or the digging of a chest but I do not like that.... it looks like cheating to me...
    Personally, I do not think that it should be permitted at all....

    A Template should have one suit and handle the entire task at hand with THAT suit, period.
    Not swap pieces a go-go and even entire suits at will while in the middle of a task...

    I mainly want to learn how to push Resistances up the roof and beyond through reforging and refinements without wasting a single point of them, without then losing imbuing weight and, thus, the ability to imbue additional modifiers on that suit without having to "sacrifice" other modifiers to the altar of the 5 resistances as much as possible..

    That is, learn "how to squeeze" until the last drop of juice out of a crafted suit without any drop getting wasted for miscalculating.....

    Of course, the Forged Metal of Artifacts is a must, for the 190 Luck Enhanced crafted pieces....

    Before using its expensive charges, though, I would want to be 100% sure that those pieces to be enhanced to 190 Luck with it, are the "right" ones where every single point of resistance and of imbuing weight has been "squeezed" as humanly and technically possible....

    Thanks for the kind help !!

    NOTE. By the way, I have noticed that, for Spellcasters (that is for "medable" Armor...), some crafters tend to like "metal" or other (non-medable) materials' armor, NOT Leather, and they add Mage Armor property to the pieces....
    Now, I understand that various, non-Leather materials come with better Base Properties resistances (more points as compared to Leather...) BUT, isn't having to spend a "Mage Armor" property on a piece result in wasting precious Imbuing Weight to add that Mage property and, thus, in doing so, not be able to use that precious imbuing weight on something else ?

    If so, why do some crafters STILL suggest non-Leather, non-medable materials then imbued with the Mage Armor property ?
    Cold you please kindly explain the logic behind this choice ? Thanks !
  • @popps

    Going to be honest, but can answer some stuff I skimmed, totally didn't read all that.  Might later.

    On the tool selection...

    People use horned kits or say copper hammers specifically because they want to be very selective on the mod they want.  I'll use copper hammer for example.

    For luck you CAN use the higher tier runics.  Buuut you'll get the luck + extra mods.  Can be good and get the job done, and in odd cases is needed.  They use the copper because it's easier and cheaper, you reforge for just the one over capped mod (luck here) and call it a day, imbuing the rest. 

    Crafters like to use metal armor because it's easier to cover resists with gold ingots compared to leather, copper hammers are generally cheaper and since blacksmithing has a better selection of runics it's easier to get the desired result.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    @ popps

    Going to be honest, but can answer some stuff I skimmed, totally didn't read all that.  Might later.

    On the tool selection...

    People use horned kits or say copper hammers specifically because they want to be very selective on the mod they want.  I'll use copper hammer for example.

    For luck you CAN use the higher tier runics.  Buuut you'll get the luck + extra mods.  Can be good and get the job done, and in odd cases is needed.  They use the copper because it's easier and cheaper, you reforge for just the one over capped mod (luck here) and call it a day, imbuing the rest. 

    Crafters like to use metal armor because it's easier to cover resists with gold ingots compared to leather, copper hammers are generally cheaper and since blacksmithing has a better selection of runics it's easier to get the desired result.

    "For luck you CAN use the higher tier runics.  Buuut you'll get the luck + extra mods.  Can be good and get the job done, and in odd cases is needed.  They use the copper because it's easier and cheaper, you reforge for just the one over capped mod (luck here) and call it a day, imbuing the rest. "

    I understand that "lower" runics come cheaper, that makes sense, but usually, in a suit there do are more modifiers then mere Luck...

    If higher runics can get a "better" reforging, sure, it will come more expensive, no doubt, but won't the crafted pieces be better ones ?

    What I am trying to say, whether one reforges with a Copper runic OR a Valorite Runic, for example, the reforged piece STILL would carry the 500 imbuing weight to add "more" modifiers just as well, whether one may have reforged that piece with a Copper Runic or a Valorite Runic ?

    Or would the Valorite Runic hammer reforged piece carry "less" imbuing weight because some of it was taken away by the Valorite runic reforging ?

    Otherwise, albeit surely more expensive, using higher runics would bring more modifiers, more resistances through reforging and THEN, still have the full 500 imbuing weight as available to add more modifiers and, thus, make a better piece....

    "Crafters like to use metal armor because it's easier to cover resists with gold ingots compared to leather, copper hammers are generally cheaper and since blacksmithing has a better selection of runics it's easier to get the desired result."

    That is understandable, but only if one thinks at the wanted luck....

    Instead, I understand, usually on a suit a whole number of modifiers is wanted and having to waste precious imbuing weight in order to add "Mage Armor" on each non-medable crafted piece looks to me a way not to "squeeze" all the possible juice into a suit....

    Or am I wrong in my thinking ?
  • Ok that's what you're missing here...

    Any property has "weight".

    Regardless of where it comes from, loot, imbuing, reforging etc 

    So in your example of copper vs valorite, the copper will yeild a piece with just 150 luck.  The valorite, luck + all kinds of other stuff.  Meaning you probably won't be able to imbue at all.
  • WornOutYourToolWornOutYourTool Posts: 299
    edited May 2019
    In short, reforging is just a way to get overcapped mods or a few special mods.  If you ever catch me in game I could probably sit for hours and explain this all.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,789
    edited May 2019

    Loving this thread....

    I completely sympathise with Popps tbh - all of this is how I feel when I look at anything crafter or armour related.

    How I see it...

    You need a ton of runics - and these are almost impossible to get in any quantity you want these days. It could take you a couple of years to just collect the runics you need. All I do these days, is Lumberjack and Carpentry BODS, it is such a slow process, I've got nowhere tbh. It is no wonder players have to script this stuff.

    Then you need to craft a load of random stuff, burn through 1000's of runics, up to 1 million items. This will take another couple of years.

    Then you need to sort through all the random shit you've generated, and try and find the best matches - this takes another year.

    Then you realise, oh, this actually just gets you a Luck suit, and nothing else, none of the other stats are any good for the suit to be in the slightest bit functional unless you've put it on a tamer.

    Then 5 years later, you get to where I am... The whole thing is a dead loss.

    This is not about wanting it easy "WornOutYourTool", it's about wanting a properly functional system - this is a level of complication and randomness that is just beyond ridiculous.

    I'd like to be able to just craft what I want. What's wrong with having that as an expectation?

    I don't want Random, I don't want RNG, I don't want Negative Properties, I just want a suit I can put on my characters, and play the game in them, as is meant to be.

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @Cookie you have already done all the leg work as many others have done and come up with the same solution and asked for more control over the outcome unlike the OP who has done none of this but wants you to post all your data so he does not have to do any leg work and because of the RNG and lack of total control there is no %100 guide to it all and the OP will never be satisfied.  This has started out as a "RESIST" question and has turned into an I want everything guide and people have even asked what exactly do you want on a suit and he refuses to answer.
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    popps said:

    Head - Leurocian Mempo
    Chest - I agree, and think that, for only 10 more Luck Points it is not worth the Armor of Fortune which comes with terrible other mods, better settle with 190 Luck for a crafted piece but better other mods
    Ring - Compassion's Eye
    Bracelet - Bracelet of Primal's Consumption
    Robe - Conjurer's Garb
    Talisman - Lucky Charm
    Footware - not sure, Minax's Sandals are too expensive.... maybe the Soles of Providence ?
    FIrst i'd like to say that if you are worried about the cost of Minax Sandals, you really shouldn't be stressing as much as you are about "optimizing" your resists 100% because you will burn through more than the minax sandals will cost you in leather to achieve your ideal resists.  

    Okay, the jewelry selection isn't what I would pick for a caster. Even though it has 500 luck it has 0 faster casting and recovery. You would be better off with the Etoile set for 3/6 casting and 400 luck. 

    So let's get started. You wanted to overcap for protection. So your desired resists will be 


    You picked Leurocian's Mempo, Bracelet of Primal's Consumption. For Pieces of armor that actually have resists on them. 

    Leurocian's Mempo 

    Primal Consumption 

    So Pre Enhance You need 

    Desired Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder
    85 15 20

    70 10 20

    70 10 20

    70 10 20

    70 15 20


    Okay, You have 5 pieces of Armor Left. 

    Circlets are a wonderful thing for Mage luck suits because they are medable and can be enhanced with gold ingots. Gold has a much better spread of resists than spined leather, but it isn't worth adding mage armor to metal armor for the better resist spread since mage armor costs 100% imbuing intensity and 1 slot. 

    So we are going to do Circlet, And leather Armor for the remaining 4 pieces. I'm also just going to pick a buckler shield. Why? Because it starts with 1 poison resist, not that it really matters much. 

    So, we have 5 pieces of armor, 1 shield to be enhanced. So I'm going to subtract out the enhance bonus for each item from our previous "remainder" 

    # of Pieces 5

    Gloves Arms Tunic Legs Circlet Buckler
    Material Bonus
    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder

    50 9 9 9 9 2 2 10

    40 0 0 0 0 2 2 36

    40 0 0 0 0 3 3 34

    40 0 0 0 0 0 1 39

    35 0 0 0 0 3 3 29

    I put the 1 resist for the shield in the enhance part. I'm sure it will irk you, but really I am just removing everything that is random to start. 

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Next step is calculating how many resists you will have to imbue total. To do this you need to subtract out the total number of resists you will get for each piece of armor. From the total resists after enhance. 

    Now, Leather armor gets 35 Resists when crafted with regular leather and 100 Arms lore. Circlets get 35 Resists when crafted with iron and 100 arms lore. 

    Total Resists Required

    Base Resists


    Imbued Resists

    This means using the Primal Consumption bracelet you shouldn't have to imbue any resists at all.

    Even though you don't have to imbue any resists, I'm still going to walk you through the process all the way to the end. 

    Next step is Subtracting out your Base resists for Each piece of armor. This is us removing what comes standard with each piece of armor so you can see where the random resists need to fall. 

    Leather armor is 2/4/3/3/3 Base, a Circlet is 1/5/2/2/5. You can figure this out by looking at a non exceptional piece of armor. So, we subtract out each of these and this leaves us with the resists we still need to get on the armor from random resists and Imbued Resists. 

    Base Resists On Pieces


    Piece1Piece 2 Piece3Piece4Piece5Piece6RemainderAverage 





    The Average at the end is the remainder divided by the # of pieces we have. This average here helps you to determine where you want to imbue resists on a suit that actually needs resists imbued. 

    Since you don't need any resists imbued though we are going to skip to the end where we play with the resists we need on each piece of armor. So we go back to the resists we need before enhance 

    Total Resists29293030300

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Note that each piece of armor has a maximum resist of 35. So you have 5-6 points of wiggle room. So as you start crafting each piece the suit is only going to get easier from left to right. 

    So you want to craft starting with the gloves. Craft armor that has those resists+ and then reforge 

    Horned Kit 
    Inspired (Auspicious Of Fortune) 
    Sublime (Mystic of Sorcery) 

    You will get gloves with these mods eventually.
    Mana regeneration 3 
    Luck 150 

    After you get the gloves you can subtract out the extra resists you got from the next piece and start crafitng again, and keep repeating that process until you are finished, but Really with how much wiggle room this suit has for resists you could probably craft any random piece of armor, reforge the luck onto it and slap it onto the suit and still hit your resists. 

    On the Circlet 

    Copper Hammer 
    Inspired (Auspicious of Fortune) 

    You will get a circlet with just luck 150 

    Pof each piece, and imbue whatever you want on them. You will spend the most amount of your time on the reforging. I would suggest at least 20 Horned kits and 10 copper hammers. 
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Since that wasn't remotely challenging, I'll do a walk through for a luck suit without the primal consumption bracelet
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Starting off with just the Leurocian's Mempo. I'm going to factor Minax Sandals Physical. 

    Same Steps as the last suit

    Determining how many resists we need on the remaining armor. 

    Desired Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder
    85 15 -3

    70 10

    70 10

    70 10

    70 15


    Subtracting out the Enhances

    # of Pieces 5

    Gloves Arms Tunic Legs Circlet Buckler
    Material Bonus
    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder

    73 9 9 9 9 2 2 33

    60 0 0 0 0 2 2 56

    60 0 0 0 0 3 3 54

    60 0 0 0 0 0 1 59

    55 0 0 0 0 3 3 49

    Subtracting out the resists that you get from crafting a regular piece to see how many resists we will need to imbue.

    Total Resists Required

    Base Resists
    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Total

    35 35 35 35 35

    Imbued Resists

    So now that we are this point you can see that you need 76 Resists Imbued. This is going to be quite a bit trickier. 
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    Subtracting out the base resists that aren't random from each resist slot to see where we want to put our imbued resists. 

    Remainder Piece1 Piece 2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder Average
    33 2 2 2 2 1
    24 4.8
    56 4 4 4 4 5
    35 7
    54 3 3 3 3 2
    40 8
    59 3 3 3 3 2
    45 9
    49 3 3 3 3 5
    32 6.4

    So, these numbers at the end, the further they are from 5 the more difficult they will be/the more you will want to imbue into the resists. This is just the warm up for the next step which is playing with the imbued resists. 

    To start I am going to show you the blank spreadsheet. 

    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder Imbued Average

    24 0 4.8

    35 0 7.00

    40 0 8.00

    45 0 9.00

    32 0 6.40

    Notice that the numbers on the right column are the same as in the previous. I'm going to start with poison resist. and you'll kind of see what's happening. 

    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder Imbued Average

    24 0 4.8

    35 0 7.00

    40 0 8.00

    30 1 7.50

    32 0 6.40

    The Average at the end now is the # of pieces - The Number imbued. Because any random resists that land in that slot are wasted and don't effect the end result. So we need to spread 76 Resists across this suit with the end goal being that all the resists will be as low as we can get them. +15 is the highest you can imbue a base resist. Just an FYI Reforging overcapped resists is pointless and a waste in my opinion. You have to craft a piece with +0 in a resist slot and then land the reforge in the same same slot, which is astronomically low chance on top of landing 150 luck. 

    I went ahead and came up with a decent spread. I am over doing the resists by 6 on the suit. Because from my experience in building suits and your reaction to the price of minax sandals. I don't think you are ready for the difficulty of making a "Perfect" suit which only gains 50% more  imbuing intensity on one piece for 1000x the difficulty and cost of resources and time.

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    edited May 2019
    Imbued Resist Spread 

    Piece1 Piece2 Piece3 Piece4 Piece5 Piece6 Remainder Imbued Average

    24 0 4.8


    20 1 5.00

    15 10

    15 2 5.00
    15 15

    15 2 5.00

    20 1 5.00

    Note that all the numbers on the right are now 5's which means that on average every resist that isn't imbued will gain +5 to the base resist. You will need 1 piece of armor with 2 resists imbued. I picked fire and cold because getting double +0's are easier in Fire/cold/poison than other resists. You'll just have to trust me. 

    Now we subtract our imbued resists from our total resists needed after subtracting enhances. And then plug in the base resists for the slots that we imbued for the pieces. 

    Total – Imbued Gloves Arms Tunic Legs Circlet




    3 3

    29 3 3


    Total Resists 3 3 3 7 5 0

    Then we start filling in the gaps. 

    Total – Imbued Gloves Arms Tunic Legs Circlet
    33 6 7 7 8 5
    41 9 9 9 4 10
    29 8 8 3 3 7
    29 3 3 7 9 7
    37 8 7 8 9 5
    Total Resists 34 34 34 33 34 0

    Now, I gave this suit 6 points of wiggle room. I have distributed them fairly evenly, with +2 points of wiggle room going to the legs since they will be the most difficult piece to craft. 

    *Editing this post to make things easier on you. 

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    edited May 2019
    Since you have 4 pieces of leather armor, the resists that we calculated for the gloves, arms, tunic and legs will work for any slot. So what I would do is start with gloves and if you get any piece with resists better than 


    Go ahead and reforge it. If you land the 150 luck and Mana regen 3, then cross that one off and move onto the next piece. Any extra resists that didn't land on an imbued slot can be subtracted from a different piece to make things easier. 

    I'd say probably 300,000 leather 20 Horned kits, 10 Copper hammers. 

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    What I just showed you is how to calculate what your pieces of armor will look like for an optimized imbued suit. The further your resists get from +4 to the base resist, the harder the piece of armor will be to make. 

    +0's aren't very common. 
    Double +0's Very rare 
    Triple 0's I have only seen in Fire+Cold+Energy 
    I have never seen a piece with all of the random resists into 1 slot in all my years. 

    Reforging resists is idiotic.

    If it were anything other than a luck suit I would tell you to just invest in a legendary artifact to carry your resists so you don't have to deal with this nonsense. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    edited May 2019

    That was an amazing and wonderfully helping essay !!

    Thank you really SO much.... I will need to read it over several times and then do some calculations myself with variations just to make sure that I understood the process, but I think that I have started to finally gather the logic behind it.

    I might hav have more questions later on but for now, there is one that immediately comes up my mind....

    In your first example, the one using the Bracelet of Primal Consumption, there is no need to imbue Resists at all because the balance is -27. That is, through Exceptional crafting and reforging, and the use of artifacts, the resists come more then enough (balance is -27 towards imbuing...).

    Now, do I need to see that " -27 " as somewhat a "crafting waste" because it is not a "perfect" zero?

    What I am trying to say is, does that "excess" balance show me that perhaps I could select other artifacts, for example the Armor of Fortune, which come with less resistances but 10 more Luck and still have a suit with the high resistances that I am looking for with no need to imbue ?

    Bear with me, this is only an example that I am making to verify if I understood correctly the thinking process....

    But this is only a first read of your excellent essay so, as I said, I will read it over several times and do some calculations of my own to try understand it better....

    Thanks really very very much, it was extremely helpfull in dissipating quite many doubts and confusion that I had!
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    popps said:
    @ King_Greg

    That was an amazing and wonderfully helping essay !!

    Thank you really SO much.... I will need to read it over several times and then do some calculations myself with variations just to make sure that I understood the process, but I think that I have started to finally gather the logic behind it.

    I might hav have more questions later on but for now, there is one that immediately comes up my mind....

    In your first example, the one using the Bracelet of Primal Consumption, there is no need to imbue Resists at all because the balance is -27. That is, through Exceptional crafting and reforging, and the use of artifacts, the resists come more then enough (balance is -27 towards imbuing...).

    Now, do I need to see that " -27 " as somewhat a "crafting waste" because it is not a "perfect" zero?

    What I am trying to say is, does that "excess" balance show me that perhaps I could select other artifacts, for example the Armor of Fortune, which come with less resistances but 10 more Luck and still have a suit with the high resistances that I am looking for with no need to imbue ?

    Bear with me, this is only an example that I am making to verify if I understood correctly the thinking process....

    But this is only a first read of your excellent essay so, as I said, I will read it over several times and do some calculations of my own to try understand it better....

    Thanks really very very much, it was extremely helpfull in dissipating quite many doubts and confusion that I had!
    Since you don't have any weight in resists on your armor, I would say that the "waste" is the bracelet. 

    You could choose the armor of fortune, but you will still have to make up the lmc somewhere else. Minax sandals and Shadow cloak of rejuvination will get you 7. You can get Lmc on weapon and shield with luck 150, but it will cost you a lot to reforge 150 luck + LMC on a weapon/shield. 

    And in the end you still have 0 FC 0 FCR. Good for a quick last minute swap, but not good to actually play in. 

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    King_Greg said:
    Since you don't have any weight in resists on your armor, I would say that the "waste" is the bracelet. 

    You could choose the armor of fortune, but you will still have to make up the lmc somewhere else. Minax sandals and Shadow cloak of rejuvination will get you 7. You can get Lmc on weapon and shield with luck 150, but it will cost you a lot to reforge 150 luck + LMC on a weapon/shield. 

    And in the end you still have 0 FC 0 FCR. Good for a quick last minute swap, but not good to actually play in. 


    Since you mention Lower Mana Cost, by the way, in regards to the other modifiers which would need to get imbued on the crated pieces, what is usually more advisable to do, concentrate them on 2 or 3 pieces for that modifier until the max possible CAP is reached, or is it better to "spread them out", evenly, among all of the crafted pieces ?

    In the example of that suit, even considering the Minax sandals and the Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation, the remaining LMC still missing towards the 40% LMC, would be better imbued at max (8%) on 4 pieces plus 1% on 1 piece (that would be 33% remaining once deducted the Minax sandals 5% and Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation 2%), or spread out, moreless evenly, among all of the crafted pieces ?

    The reason for asking this, is that, if I understand it correctly, the more the weight to be imbued on a piece the higher the risk of failure and, thus, to loose expensive imbuing materials ?

  • @Cookie

    I hear ya, not against that at all.  I love the complexity and just get caught up when people ask for it to be dumbed down to say WoW levels, which seems a common trend.  Not like what you're talking about.  I'm all for having a bit more control and power in crafting.  I just want that same satisfaction in completing these great works.  

    Having layers helps keep people like me happy.  More customization, more thought, more time.  That's me.  The random mess works for me but can be replaced, as long as the outcome isn't put leather in one side and perfect item comes out the other.

  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    popps said:
    @ King_Greg

    Since you mention Lower Mana Cost, by the way, in regards to the other modifiers which would need to get imbued on the crated pieces, what is usually more advisable to do, concentrate them on 2 or 3 pieces for that modifier until the max possible CAP is reached, or is it better to "spread them out", evenly, among all of the crafted pieces ?

    In the example of that suit, even considering the Minax sandals and the Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation, the remaining LMC still missing towards the 40% LMC, would be better imbued at max (8%) on 4 pieces plus 1% on 1 piece (that would be 33% remaining once deducted the Minax sandals 5% and Shadow Cloak of Rejuvenation 2%), or spread out, moreless evenly, among all of the crafted pieces ?

    The reason for asking this, is that, if I understand it correctly, the more the weight to be imbued on a piece the higher the risk of failure and, thus, to loose expensive imbuing materials ?

    With 150 Luck items, You pretty much have to use a forged metal artifact. And I mean that. For the amount of time and effort you are spending on trying to make these pieces though it is worth the cost. 

    In regards to the LMC on the example suit. You'll just have to play with it to see what you want. Knuckleheads imbuing calculator is a great tool for this. 

    WIth LT Sash + Minax Sandals + the Compassions eye you would have 40% Lower Reagent cost 

    So you could do 
    Mr 3, Luck 150, Lrc 20, Lmc 7 x 3 
    Mr 3, Luck 150, Mana 7, Lmc 7 x 1 

    Mr 2, Luck 150, Lmc 5, (???), (???) 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062

    Hi again, I just learned about the existance of (medable) Tiger Pelt armor which was introduced with the Valley of Eodon and comes with 1 more resistance point as compared to regular leather...

    It comes in "less" pieces, though....

    Do you advice on crafting that Luck suit with medable Tiger Pelt Armor ?

    In such a case, considering that a Tiger Pelt Armor suit has less pieces as a regular Leather Armor suit, how would the crafting, reforging, imbuing process go (and what about refinements ?).

    Thanks for the kind help !!
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250

    Can't enhance Tiger Armor or Dragon Turtle armor

    Dev's don't think crafting additions through. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,062
    King_Greg said:
    @ popps

    Can't enhance Tiger Armor or Dragon Turtle armor

    Dev's don't think crafting additions through. 
    Wow, then Tiger/Dragon Turtle Armor, basically, are a pretty much useless addition, from a practical and really usefull utility point of view, at least.....

    That's quite unfortunate...
  • King_GregKing_Greg Posts: 250
    popps said:
    Wow, then Tiger/Dragon Turtle Armor, basically, are a pretty much useless addition, from a practical and really usefull utility point of view, at least.....

    That's quite unfortunate...
    :) Just pixel crack. It's fine on legendaries when your resists are already overcapped
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