Is there a way (How ?) to maximize Resistances through Reforging/Refining and not use Imbuing ?

We know that, through imbuing, we are allocated a weight of 500% to imbue modifiers on items.

Now, imbuing for Resistances costs a FLAT 100% for EACH resistance regardless of how many reistances points we imbue in a given resistance.

Therefore, if a Crafter was to be able to maximize resistances in ways "other" then imbuing, they could save 100% imbuing weight for each resistance not imbued, which could go towards OTHER, also very important modifiers on a suit....

Question is, is out there a way to "maximize" resistances for a suit without having to imbue them or, at the very least, to reduce the imbuing of resistances to a bare minimum so as to leave all of that imbuing weight usually used to imbue Resistances be used for "other" modifiers ?

Perhaps through Reforging and Refining ?

But how could this be done ?

Anyone well knowledged into the Arts of crafting in Ultima Online can suggest a way to get this done ?


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I'm not sure I totally understand what you're saying, but in my experience when I make a fully imbued suit I craft in barbed leather, imbue 2 of the resistances on each piece, sometimes I get away with only needing to imbue one, taking the suit to all 70s resists and leaving 3 slots to imbue lrc, lmc and something else.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    As I understand it, in order to get the best out of a crafted item/suit, it is often advisable to first craft an item with PLAIN material (regular leather, iron ingots etc.), THEN reforge with a runic to get added what one wants through reforging, THEN POF it and at the end, imbue it.

    What I am not sure, is how Refining (to adjust the resistances) fits in all this and where is the proper step to insert refinements....

    Since crafting Exceptional pieces adds some Reistances "at Random", there is a rare chance that those Resistances coming from the exceptional crafted bonus (15%, then there is also an additional 5% resistances from having Arms Lore) all go towards 1 or 2 resistances rather then be split among all of the 5 resistances...

    Since imbuing for resistances has a CAP and, regardless how much resistance one imbues (whether it is 1% or the CAP, I believe 19% ?) costs ANYWAYS the full 100 imbuing weight, it is beneficial to reforge/refine ONLY some resistances leaving the others as low as possible and only then imbue those with the least points in resistances so as to squeeze all of the 100% imbuing cost that it takes to inbue a resistance and, in the process, thus "save" on imbuing weight so as to imbue OTHER properties instead of resistances and, thus, to have a suit with "more" properties as compared to one with less....

    The question is, "how" this is best achieved ?
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Imbuing over writes whatever is there.  Refinements have no effect whatsoever on what resist an item has, only the cap that the total resist can be taken to. You can use refinements to, for example, raise physical resist to a 75 cap, but you still have to reforge or imbue the resists on the piece to reach that total.

    I'm not a fan of reforging, I find the results to random and wasteful, you can burn your way through multiple runic tools and still not achieve what you aimed for. On the other hand I'm not a chaser of 'the uber suit' either, imbued are usually sufficient for my needs, I'm not an uber skilled player. 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    edited April 2019

    How about you do some research and then come back and tell us and I bet Stratics has some info on refinement too.
  • WornOutYourToolWornOutYourTool Posts: 299
    edited April 2019
    Short answer, yes.

    Say a human 70-70-70-70-70 =350 total
    So you craft exceptional say studded.

    Each piece is 16 base +15 exc + 5 lore =36/piece

    So whole suit base is now 216 total, +96 when barb enhanced so now we're at 312/350

    So only a few pieces need to have a single resist imbued depending on needs.  If it's a refined DCI suit less, is vamp more, resist refined more.  Can try reforging a mega over capped resist on one or two of the pieces but that just adds more complexity.

    The time consuming part comes with crafting the base pieces.  Chew through thousands of leather/ ingots and pull out the pieces with one or more base resists.  Say if plate, one of the resists lands at a base ie. 5-3-2-3-2.  Start with the chest, then legs etc. gloves last since you'll be making a lot of them and they're easy on resources. 

    You want the resists after imbuing to all line up perfectly so you don't waste any imbue weight at all.

    *Edited autocorrect junk
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Bilbo said:
    @ popps

    How about you do some research and then come back and tell us and I bet Stratics has some info on refinement too.
    I have been reading for over a month now, not only that link you posted, but a ton other writings, as well as Posts about crafting in UO all over the place.... yet, things do not come clear, still....
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited April 2019
    Short answer, yes.

    Say a human 70-70-70-70 =350 total
    So you craft exceptional say studded.

    Each piece is 16 base +15 exc + 5 lore =36/piece

    So whole suit base is now 216 total, +96 when barb enhanced so now we're at 312/350

    So only a few pieces need to have a single resist imbued depending on needs.  If it's a refined DCI suit less, is vamp more.  Can try reforging a mega over capped resist on one of the pieces but that just adds more complexity.

    The time consuming part comes with crafting the base pieces.  Chew through thousands of leather/ ingots and pull out the pieces with one or more base resists.  Say if plate, one of the resists lands at a base ie. 5-3-2-3-2.  Start with the chest, then legs etc. gloves last since you'll be making a lot of them and they're easy on resources. 

    You want the resists after imbuing to all line up perfectly so you don't waste any imbue weight at all.
    Thanks for the heads up !


    # 1 - Is it possible to over-resist some of the resistances to take into account "debuffs" or also "buffs" which lower certain resistances ? Even if this "breaks" the 70% CAP for each resist ?
    How ?

    # 2 - in your example with barbed enhancing which mostly adds to resistances sure, the remaining imbuing need is reduced.
    But "what if" one needs to imbue for Luck, for example, and worse in leather where spined ONLY adds, besides Luck, on Physical resistance ? Is there a way to STILL limit the number of imbuing for resistances for each piece so as to "save" on imbuing weight for "other" modifiers likewise much needed ?
    How ?

    # 3 - The Wiki mentions the Exceptional Crafting Bonus to the Resistances as 15%.
    This Guide on Stratics, instead, , I seem to understand it indicates the Exceptionsl Crafting Bonus to Resistances as 6% (Exceptional armor has a 6% defense bonus compared to non-exceptional armor. The 6% is distributed at random among the base properties of the armor. If you are lucky, the 6% is added to a single resist type.).
    Which is the valid one, the 15% or the 6% ?

    # 4 - In your other example, you mention a plate piece landing with one (or more ?) resistance(s) at its "base value" (5-3-2-3-2 ) even if it has been crafted as Exceptional and with the Arms Lore bonus.
    Now, is this (rare occurrance, I understand), possible for BOTH bonuses ?
    That is, is this even possible to see ALL 20% (15% from exceptional + 5% from Arms Lore) ALL go to 1 Resistance ?
    That is, is it possible to Craft a Plate piece, Exceptional+Arms Lore, that was to look like any of these 5 possibilities?

    --> 25-3-2-3-2
    --> 5-23-2-3-2
    --> 5-3-22-3-2
    --> 5-3-2-23-2
    --> 5-3-2-3-22

    Or, will more likely, the 20% total Bonus in between Exceptional and Arms Lore fall over a "number" of resistances rather then all to 1 of them ?

    In this latter case, what would be the "acceptable" distribution of the Exceptional+Arms Lore Bonuses in order to minimize THE MOST the need to imbue for resistances, even if one needs to "overcap" Resistances over 70 to account for some Debuffs' reductions to a particular resistance or reduction to a resistance caused by a buff ?

    That is, is it acceptable a piece with only ONE resistance kept at normal base value (i.e. not getting ANY bonus resistance) ?
    Or is it acceptable only a piece with TWO resistances kept at normal base value (i.e. not getting ANY bonus resistance) ?
    Or would only be acceptable a piece with THREE resistances kept at normal base value (i.e. not getting ANY bonus resistance) ?

    The reason for asking this, is that, I imagine, the "more picky" one gets, the HARDER it is to then craft that 1 particular piece....

    Also, since after the "normal" tool/material crafting there is the Runic reforging stage, a stage which can WELL LIKELY "screw up" that "hard to get" piece with one or more resistance kept at the Base value, "how reasonable" is to insist on getting that one perfect "stage 1" piece which could then so much easily get ruined by a bad roll of reforging during "stage 2" ?

    For example, say that one is going for luck, gets through a ton of pieces crafter at stage 1 to get ALL of the 20% bonus on 1 resistance, then reforges with a Horned Runic Sewing Kit for Luck and only gets, say, 130 Luck on that piece... that very rare piece with all of the 20% Bonus landed on 1 resist is unusable, because, instead of getting the 150 Luck, got less....

    I hope I was able to explain myself about what troubles me and how to define the "line not to cross", that is, where to stop in the search for the one "perfect piece" in order not to try to follow a unachievable, impossible goal .....

    # 5 - Where do "Refinements" which, to my understanding, work to "shuffle" resistance points from one resistance to another, as needed, fit into all of this ?
    Say, for example, that working with Leather and enhancing with Spined Leather (for Luck), which adds all to Physical resistance, one gets way too much Physical resistance on that piece that would not be needed, using Refinements can that "excess" Physical Resistance be given to some other Resistance which is still lacking ?

    If the crafting (proper) order is, as I understand : 

    1) - Crafting using regular tool/regular material;
    2) - Reforge using Runic Tool for added properties;
    3) - Enhance with special material for other added properties;
    4) - Powder of Fortification to 255 for a piece that one is happy with;
    5) - Imbue to add additional Properties not gotten with the earlier stages or to further increase some properties already received from the earlier stages.

    At what stage would one want to properly use REFINEMENTS to adjust and re-shuffle the points in the 5 various resistances as wanted ?

    # 6 - Which "resistances values" one needs to "line up" in a Spreadsheet to as to find the perfectly matching pieces that are wanted to go in the final suit ?
    The ones obtained after the 1 stage ? The Crafting using regular tool/regular material or one of the other stages ?

    Thanks for the kind help and clarifications !!
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    The Stratics page you're referencing is a Xena Dragon page, it is years out of date! 
    A more recent page is this one ; which is based on the uoherald page
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    The Stratics page you're referencing is a Xena Dragon page, it is years out of date! 
    A more recent page is this one ; which is based on the uoherald page
    Sorry, that is one of the difficulties when trying to get knowledged about UO stuff.... it is hard to say what is outdated and what is current so, in the end, these discrepancies add to the confusion....
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    In very rough terms, uo.stratics/content pages pre-date Stratics' move to wordpress. 
    uo2.stratics is the site I maintained up to October 2014 when I resigned my position there. That site has not been updated since, instead Stratics moved to a wiki format. 

    So for current information you need stratics wiki, uoguide or I would recommend the wiki 
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    popps said:
    The Stratics page you're referencing is a Xena Dragon page, it is years out of date! 
    A more recent page is this one ; which is based on the uoherald page
    Sorry, that is one of the difficulties when trying to get knowledged about UO stuff.... it is hard to say what is outdated and what is current so, in the end, these discrepancies add to the confusion....
    Well if you look at the bottom of most pages they have a date on them when last modified.
  • @popps let's see...

    1. It depends on the debuff really, it's commonplace to over cap fire for vamp and other forms and inject, but things like corpse a that lower your maximum resist could only be somewhat mitigated by refining for 75 resistances.

    2.  Yeah good leather luck suits are tricky and damn near impossible to perfect for someone that uses wraith form.  Best bet is dual base resist pieces.  So for let's say leather You'll want pieces that are 2 physical resist and one other base alternating between the 4-3-3-3 so they can be imbued later.  I put this all into spreadsheets adding up base resist + material bonus, then I can see where the random and imbued resists need to go.  They 2+ base resist pieces are hard to come by, so it can take a lot of time.  Made worse by failed reforging for 150 luck.  To do this I've gone through maybe 150k+ leather/ingots at times. It's nuts

    3.  It's 15 + the 5 from arms lore if you have it.

    4.  Yes it's possible just very rare.  I get 1 base often, 2 maybe on in a couple hundred.  For having it all land on one resist ive only done it twice in my life.

    For the base resist stuff if your not working with leather it's easy, just one base resist is needed.  You just keep churning out 1 base pieces until it fits.  That's why gloves last, can take a while to find and reforge one that completes the puzzle.  Leather same deal you just have to watch and fit physical correctly making it more difficult.

    Best bet for "the line" is to toss what you want into an imbuing calculator like knuckleheads, pick the final mods you want + one resist up to like 16-18 depending on armor and material needs and see what room is left.  There's usually a bit of wiggle room

    5. Refinements do two things.  Lower MAX resist to increase max DCI or the opposite.  You can do it to 5 pieces of armor between 1 and 5% per piece.  So you could get all 75 MAX resistances (human) or 70 max DCI.

    I do it any time after reforging, it has no effect on imbuing caps.

    6.  So here's what my spreadsheets kinda like...

    Columns with the different armor pieces after basic crafting, then column for extra resists ie shield, jewels clothing, skills and forms added together.  Then a column for the material bonuses, then what I intend to imbue with totals at the end for before and after refinements. 

    The rows underneath are broken up into the resists phys, fire, etc.

    I generally have a stash of base resist pieces, so I just grab a good chest and legs Todd them in and get an idea of what the arms neck head and gloves will need to look like.  I do arms/ head third depending on the helm... Screw samurai helms lol.

    You'll be panicking a bit when it comes to the gloves buts ok to back track and remix the neck and arms to tweak it all to fit perfect.

    Whew, think that's it
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    @WornOutYourTool are you doing anything with reforging or just straight imbueing
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Bilbo said:
    popps said:
    The Stratics page you're referencing is a Xena Dragon page, it is years out of date! 
    A more recent page is this one ; which is based on the uoherald page
    Sorry, that is one of the difficulties when trying to get knowledged about UO stuff.... it is hard to say what is outdated and what is current so, in the end, these discrepancies add to the confusion....
    Well if you look at the bottom of most pages they have a date on them when last modified.
    But even then, one would need to know about all the subsequent Publishes on that issue in order to know whether the content at that date is still valid or not...
  • @Bilbo ;

    Depends, if I include some low resist artifacts or have some pieces with 5 mods already I sometimes have to take a base resist piece and reforge defense on it and keep trying until I get an overcapped resist to land on the one or multiple base resists.  It's a nightmare of rng but has to be done in some cases.

    Otherwise usual process of craft, reforge, POF, imbue, enhance.
  • This is why I'm still campaigning for crafting tweaks.  All this work and the end result still pales in comparison to loot.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    @ Bilbo 

    Depends, if I include some low resist artifacts or have some pieces with 5 mods already I sometimes have to take a base resist piece and reforge defense on it and keep trying until I get an overcapped resist to land on the one or multiple base resists.  It's a nightmare of rng but has to be done in some cases.

    Otherwise usual process of craft, reforge, POF, imbue, enhance.
    The proper order is not this ?

    1) - Crafting using regular tool/regular material;
    2) - Reforge using Runic Tool for added properties;
    3) - Enhance with special material for other added properties;
    4) - Powder of Fortification to 255 for a piece that one is happy with;
    5) - Imbue to add additional Properties not gotten with the earlier stages or to further increase some properties already received from the earlier stages.

    Enhancing comes as last, after imbuing ? Not before POF ?

    Also, Refinements at what stage is better for them to be be done, if necessary ?
  • popps said:
    @ Bilbo 

    Depends, if I include some low resist artifacts or have some pieces with 5 mods already I sometimes have to take a base resist piece and reforge defense on it and keep trying until I get an overcapped resist to land on the one or multiple base resists.  It's a nightmare of rng but has to be done in some cases.

    Otherwise usual process of craft, reforge, POF, imbue, enhance.
    The proper order is not this ?

    1) - Crafting using regular tool/regular material;
    2) - Reforge using Runic Tool for added properties;
    3) - Enhance with special material for other added properties;
    4) - Powder of Fortification to 255 for a piece that one is happy with;
    5) - Imbue to add additional Properties not gotten with the earlier stages or to further increase some properties already received from the earlier stages.

    Enhancing comes as last, after imbuing ? Not before POF ?

    Also, Refinements at what stage is better for them to be be done, if necessary ?
    Always enhance after imbuing for the good stuff.  The properties for materials will screw with imbuing if you do it before, refinements I leave for the end when I'm happy with everything.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    popps said:
    @ Bilbo 

    Depends, if I include some low resist artifacts or have some pieces with 5 mods already I sometimes have to take a base resist piece and reforge defense on it and keep trying until I get an overcapped resist to land on the one or multiple base resists.  It's a nightmare of rng but has to be done in some cases.

    Otherwise usual process of craft, reforge, POF, imbue, enhance.
    The proper order is not this ?

    1) - Crafting using regular tool/regular material;
    2) - Reforge using Runic Tool for added properties;
    3) - Enhance with special material for other added properties;
    4) - Powder of Fortification to 255 for a piece that one is happy with;
    5) - Imbue to add additional Properties not gotten with the earlier stages or to further increase some properties already received from the earlier stages.

    Enhancing comes as last, after imbuing ? Not before POF ?

    Also, Refinements at what stage is better for them to be be done, if necessary ?
    Always enhance after imbuing for the good stuff.  The properties for materials will screw with imbuing if you do it before, refinements I leave for the end when I'm happy with everything.

    Thanks, but if I leave Enhancing for the end, how can I "anticipate" what it will do to my resistances?

    For example, an Invulnerability Refinement will change 4 resists with a "chance" at 5....

    Even if I do not need to bump up all 5 resistances but only some of them, how do I know that I will get those I need boosted and not those I do not need and the one I need remain untouched ?

    I mean, this especially if I ALREADY had to use the Forged Metal's expensive charge....

    It would be quite upsetting to go through all that and then, remain with the resistance which I more need to stay low because the Refinement did not touch it...

    Also, since the exchange with refinements is in between Resistances and Defence Chance Increase, is it safe to assume that a higher DCI is more needed in PvP rather then PvM ?

    That is, that a suit for PvM would need more resistances as compared to DCI ?

    Or not ?

    Thanks again !!
  • @popps
    I mean enhancing as in adding colored material.

    With the refinements you get to select the resist (s) you want

    Steps should be

    1. Basic craft exceptional pieces.

    2.  Reforge the winners.

    3.  Pof to 255.

    4. Imbue what you need.

    5.  Enhance with materials.

    Refinements can be done multiple places.  It's up to you I do it at the end, but do anywhere passed step 2.

    Regarding refinements it's complicated.

    PvP can be funny, load up on DCI, and sure you'll get hit less but magics can hurt more.  Same is true with the 75 resists.  

    What I've done for some people is lower dci for some resists (fire for protection from mages)for a few pieces and lower say cold and poison resist to get the DCI back up.

    Same is true for pvm.  For a very specialized boss you might do that, mix and match.  Or just go full 75 resist or 70 DCI.  It depends on the targets or how you need to stay alive
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    @ popps
    I mean enhancing as in adding colored material.

    With the refinements you get to select the resist (s) you want

    Steps should be

    1. Basic craft exceptional pieces.

    2.  Reforge the winners.

    3.  Pof to 255.

    4. Imbue what you need.

    5.  Enhance with materials.

    Refinements can be done multiple places.  It's up to you I do it at the end, but do anywhere passed step 2.

    Regarding refinements it's complicated.

    PvP can be funny, load up on DCI, and sure you'll get hit less but magics can hurt more.  Same is true with the 75 resists.  

    What I've done for some people is lower dci for some resists (fire for protection from mages)for a few pieces and lower say cold and poison resist to get the DCI back up.

    Same is true for pvm.  For a very specialized boss you might do that, mix and match.  Or just go full 75 resist or 70 DCI.  It depends on the targets or how you need to stay alive
    "Or just go full 75 resist or 70 DCI."

    WOW !

    I had no idea that it was possible to craft a suit that not only had 75 in any and all of the 5 Resistances but, that ON TOP OF THAT it was also possible to add 70 Defense Chance Increase!


    I imagine, though, that in order to also have the 70 DCI it is necessary to sacrifice other properties somewhere....
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    It is also the only way to make 190 luck gear
  • @popps

    Yeah it's one or the other or a mix.

    So the full 75 resist suit (80 energy for elf) only has 20 dci cap.

    70 Dci suit has resists of 65 across the board.
  • HermioneHermione Posts: 51
    I'm not sure I totally understand what you're saying, but in my experience when I make a fully imbued suit I craft in barbed leather, imbue 2 of the resistances on each piece, sometimes I get away with only needing to imbue one, taking the suit to all 70s resists and leaving 3 slots to imbue lrc, lmc and something else.
    This is an example of how NOT to maximise resists.

    You should craft out of normal material first (with arms lore skill), then imbue resist, then enhance with special material, so the reists go above what is imbueable (you may require a forged metal of artifacts)
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Hermione said:
    I'm not sure I totally understand what you're saying, but in my experience when I make a fully imbued suit I craft in barbed leather, imbue 2 of the resistances on each piece, sometimes I get away with only needing to imbue one, taking the suit to all 70s resists and leaving 3 slots to imbue lrc, lmc and something else.
    This is an example of how NOT to maximise resists.

    You should craft out of normal material first (with arms lore skill), then imbue resist, then enhance with special material, so the reists go above what is imbueable (you may require a forged metal of artifacts)
    BEFORE Imbuing, it is always advisable to apply Powder of Fortification to the item because, after imbuing, it is NO LONGER possible to do it....

  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Hermione said:
    I'm not sure I totally understand what you're saying, but in my experience when I make a fully imbued suit I craft in barbed leather, imbue 2 of the resistances on each piece, sometimes I get away with only needing to imbue one, taking the suit to all 70s resists and leaving 3 slots to imbue lrc, lmc and something else.
    This is an example of how NOT to maximise resists.

    You should craft out of normal material first (with arms lore skill), then imbue resist, then enhance with special material, so the reists go above what is imbueable (you may require a forged metal of artifacts)
    Works for me. If you prefer it, you could call it the 'cheapskate' method. Everything I need to create this 'starter' suit I can farm myself - it usually has all 70 resists, 100 lrc, 40 lmc and 12 MR. add additional MR with jewels, spellbook, shield, I can gradually improve it by replacing parts with looted pieces as and when I come across them, usually from treasure chests, tangle (or Blackthorn equivalent) .  I haven't bought an armour piece since players sold invul pieces on uo-auction pre AoS :D. Every character I play is dressed in a mix of crafted and looted armour all of which I have got through my own play.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited May 2019

    I'm going to say it again, I read through all of this, and none of it really sank in.

    This is way too complicated for a normal player, it's put me right off an area of the game I would love to be doing.

    And then when you actually try to play it.....

  • Cookie said:

    I'm going to say it again, I read through all of this, and none of it really sank in.

    This is way too complicated for a normal player, it's put me right off an area of the game I would love to be doing.

    And then when you actually try to play it.....

    This isn't about just crafting a suit of armor.  That can be done any way you wish and is quite simple. 

    This is about crafting a '''perfect" suit of armor.  It's reasonable to see it as hard work and complicated as any master crafted item would be.

    Could have crafting like wow where you just pop in the required materials and boom, legendary armor.  But just as you see this as complicated, I see that as boring and a waste of time.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    Cookie said:

    I'm going to say it again, I read through all of this, and none of it really sank in.

    This is way too complicated for a normal player, it's put me right off an area of the game I would love to be doing.

    And then when you actually try to play it.....

    This isn't about just crafting a suit of armor.  That can be done any way you wish and is quite simple. 

    This is about crafting a '''perfect" suit of armor.  It's reasonable to see it as hard work and complicated as any master crafted item would be.

    Could have crafting like wow where you just pop in the required materials and boom, legendary armor.  But just as you see this as complicated, I see that as boring and a waste of time.

     "This is about crafting a '''perfect" suit of armor.  It's reasonable to see it as hard work and complicated as any master crafted item would be."

    I am not complaining about its complexity (to make that "perfect" suit...).

    Only, I would like to be able to understand "how" it works, and what steps need to be done, without making any mistake, in order to be able to craft that "perfect" suit....

    Instead, the more I read be them Guides, Posts or comments, the more I get confused and am having trouble trying to remember all of what would need to be remembered in order not to make mistakes while trying to craft that "perfect" suit without wasting anything.....

    I guess it is moreless like Tamers want to do when training up their pets, use up all of the points not to leave any out, unused....

    The problem with crafting is, at least to my viewing, that not only one needs to have clear in mind all the complexity of crafting itself, but it ALSO is necessary to have a deep knowledge of the game's fighting mechanics because, in the end, that Suit, Weapon, Shield that one is making, needs to be "usefull" to whatever Template will be fighting with it....

    And that means, a LOT of knowledge to digest, variations, differences, small details to keep track of....

    Will that character use Anatomy ? Will they have Inscription ? Will they be using Focus or Meditation or both ? And on and on and on....

    It gets so complicated that, at least to my viewing, it gets almost impossible for a crafter to make a suit for "someone else" because it is very difficult to know "precisely" what they will do with that suit, for what Template it will be used and all that stuff....

    Personally, I am convinced that Crafting is "THE" most complicated mechanics in Ultima Online and by far....

    This, if one wants to pursue the Crafting of that "perfect" suit, that is....

    I really wish that someone extremely experienced in Crafting had made a comprehensive and detailed Walkthrough about crafting in Ultima Online, and this, considering all of the aspects of Crafting from Base Properties to Material Bonuses, to Exceptional Crafting to Reforging, to Enhancing, to Refining, to Imbuing etc. etc. etc.

    The thing is, though, that I think that such a comprehensive Guide, would need to be done by someone who really is VERY experienced and knowledged about Crafting in Ultima Online, in order to be of any good use to all other crafters in UO....

    Everything is intertwined when it comes to Crafting a "perfect" suit and, yet, there is Guides out there but they are for "separate" crafting mechanics.... an imbuing Guide, a Reforging Guide etc. etc.

    What I feel is missing, is a Guide that tackled them all.... because they are all connected and related to one another mechanics, me thinks.

    Oh well....
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Here is how to figure out Reforging.
    The first thing you do is get yourself a bunch of different runics and when Char Copy returns go to TC with them and all your needed resources and a comm. deed box and any other deeded items you may need for a shop.  Place yourself a house, set up shop and start testing what you want to make with different set ups.  The very next day copy over another char with all the runics,comm deeds until you have a house full of runics and resources and make sure you keep track of what you did, how you did it and what the results are.

    I know some one is going to write a book on I don't understand, well you know what maybe if you would stop reading everything to death and nit picking every little detail apart and go do it you just may learn how to do it by doing it yourself.
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