Free IDOC runes for everyone
Im marking them on Atlantic but anyone can come and try for free stuff or place a house. 1st house out umbras east gate runebooks on porch. I will mark them every week. more info posted on atlantic shard forum. I just want many to see this and its not just for atl players but all UO players.
It takes about 2 to 2 1/2 hours to check all houses in malas, so im not spending 20 hours everyday looking for idocs like some seem to think. Trammel takes me longer and I do split it up between 2 to 3 days, 1 to 3 hours each day.
I put a mailbox on steps if anyone wants to add some felucca ones. People really like fighting at those and its fun to watch. One felucca had 50+ people that I seen running around trying to kill each other. I think most had fun even if they died.
Mark your runes away from houses because they get blocked and enjoy.
lets suppose it is 10 Idocs a day, multiply that per at least 15 shards , are we losing at least 100 players per Day??
Doubtful actually. If that were the case then the whole playerbase would gone in 200 - 250 days and that's probably being generous. Hard to imagine there's still 25,000 players.