Pub 105 - Treasure Map Update Phase I *See new thread!*



  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Faeryl said:
    popps said:

    "Putting Powerscrolls inside treasure chests combined with the ability to bind scrolls up and make higher ones? You will already have a decrease in Powerscroll prices within 2 weeks of the publish going live."

    Powerscrolls in Treasure Maps will ONLY spawn up to +15.

    This means, that 10 Powerscrolls of +15 will need to be found for the SAME skill in order to bind them into a 120 in that given skill.

    It would take forever to get that Legendary Powerscroll in THAT skill wanted......

    Sure, prices would drop a bit but HOW IS THAT a bad thing when my argument in the post here is that the CURRENT exclusivity of Powerscrolls to the Felucca facet HURTS Ultima Online as a whole because it FORCES new and returning players into a mindless grind to then be able to afford the current outrageous prices of Powerscrolls ??

    It would be a BLESSING for Ultima Online if Powerscrolls' prices dropped !!!

    And putting them, at least up to +15 in Treasure Chests ALSO of other facets besides Felucca, would be a great start in that direction....

    "There HAS to be a reward in Fel for the danger people willingly take on to go there."

    WHY ?

    Have Powerscrolls being an exclusive of Felucca helped in ANY WAY to repopulate that facet ?

    Not at all that I can see it. It is STILL deserted of players....

    Players ONLY show up to Raid, pretty much, and that's it.

    Felucca is NOT players pretty much, to my viewing....

    What it only achieved, at least to my opinion, the giving of Powerscrolls only to Felucca, is permitting the MONOPOLY of them into the hands of very very few players who because uber rich, where able to afford any and all items regardless how expensive it was, and thus this made their Monopoly and firm control of the Powerscrolls even stronger....

    Other players, the vast majority of them, had only the alternative to stick them into mindless and absurd grinds elsewhere in order to be able to then afford those absurd prices that the Monopoly of Powerscrolls pushed them to reach...

    OF COURSE that it would be a blessing for Ultima Online if Powerscrolls' prices where to drop !!

    It would mean less inflation, less grinding by players and, thus, less players quitting UO for being burnt out by too much grinding....

    At least, that is the way I see it.
    Popps... you're beating a dead horse. They're never going to put powerscrolls in any facet but Felucca. 

    And I think you're underestimating the number of people that do dig up maps in Felucca. Myself included.

    In regards to your point of it taking forever to get a certain skill... I don't generally have too much of an issue with the alacrities in getting multiples of a variety of skills. And with powerscrolls, that'll remove all the skills that don't have a 120 cap, such as camping, taste/item id, tracking, lockpicking, cartography, alchemy, tinkering, lumberjacking, mining... the list goes on. Point being, the pool of skills is a LOT smaller than you make it sound. Binding scrolls up to 120 won't take nearly as long as you're trying to claim they will.
    "And I think you're underestimating the number of people that do dig up maps in Felucca. Myself included."

    As soon as PvPers will get organized and have lots of free, EJ characters stationed at Treasure Maps locations in Felucca to act as Ghost Cams (as it is done with Champ Spawns...), that will change and doing Treasure Hunting in Felucca will be just like getting Raided a go-go at Champ Spawns.... 

    And you'lll see how, depending on the Shard and how many PvPers will be active there, how the number of PvM Treasure Hunters going to dig their Chests up in Felucca will drop dramatically...

    I do not see NO fun in getting a Treasure Map, decoding it, spending time to find the location of the Chest, working the Guardian Spawn to THEN be Raided by some PvPers who comes and kills the player who did ALL of the work to then get the contents of the Chest easy.... Champ Spawns rinse and repeat.... no fun at all.....

    It is going to be like with Champ Spawns where players will HAVE TO transfer to a deserted Shard somewhere in order to get their Powerscrolls be it at Champ Spawns or through Treasure Hunting in Felucca in order not to get systematically raided all the time....

    Having Powerscrolls not spawn in Treasure Chests of other facets besides Felucca is a very very wrong decision, to my opinion.

    Wrong decision for Ultima Online as a whole.... because, to my opinion, it LOOSES players as I tried to explain in my earlier Posts, not gains them.
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    popps said:

    "And I think you're underestimating the number of people that do dig up maps in Felucca. Myself included."

    As soon as PvPers will get organized and have lots of free, EJ characters stationed at Treasure Maps locations in Felucca to act as Ghost Cams (as it is done with Champ Spawns...), that will change and doing Treasure Hunting in Felucca will be just like getting Raided a go-go at Champ Spawns.... 

    And you'lll see how, depending on the Shard and how many PvPers will be active there, how the number of PvM Treasure Hunters going to dig their Chests up in Felucca will drop dramatically...
    Right... ghost cams stationed at completely randomized locations all over the world. I'm pretty sure that would be far too boring and far too much effort for the pkers. Especially because they'd have to check either 50 million accounts, or run all over the world all day. Because maps are not in set locations.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    Looks like I might need to create a sacrificial tmap hunter on one of my other accounts. Let him find and dig up the chest while my fully powered up mage stands ready to strike down the guardians who kill my sacrificial tmap hunter.  No more having to stone off a magic related skill just to fit in lock picking.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Faeryl said:
    popps said:

    "And I think you're underestimating the number of people that do dig up maps in Felucca. Myself included."

    As soon as PvPers will get organized and have lots of free, EJ characters stationed at Treasure Maps locations in Felucca to act as Ghost Cams (as it is done with Champ Spawns...), that will change and doing Treasure Hunting in Felucca will be just like getting Raided a go-go at Champ Spawns.... 

    And you'lll see how, depending on the Shard and how many PvPers will be active there, how the number of PvM Treasure Hunters going to dig their Chests up in Felucca will drop dramatically...
    Right... ghost cams stationed at completely randomized locations all over the world. I'm pretty sure that would be far too boring and far too much effort for the pkers. Especially because they'd have to check either 50 million accounts, or run all over the world all day. Because maps are not in set locations.
    They are STILL a number of finite locations and there is plenty players in UO who know how to script and USE these scripts to control multiple characters/account all over the place....

    Besides, to manage and handle multiple Ghost Cams is one of the easiest scripts to handle... the Ghost only needs to wander around and report to the player in the waiting as soon as they see any activity in their monitored area....

    Give to players enough time and they WILL get organized with Ghost Cams all over the place to then Raid Treasure Hunting locations in Felucca just like they do with Champ Spawns....

    Of course, the Developers could still find a way to KILL the ability for EJ, FREE and not paying accounts to be usable as Ghost Cams..... that would help somewhat, I would guess....
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    popps said:

    They are STILL a number of finite locations and there is plenty players in UO who know how to script and USE these scripts to control multiple characters/account all over the place....

    Give them enough time and they WILL get organize and Raid Treasure Hunting locations in Felucca just like they do with Champ Spawns....

    Of course, the Developers could still find a way to KILL the ability for EJ, FREE and not paying accounts to be usable as Ghost Cams..... that would help somewhat, I would guess....
    You truly, honestly think they'll go through all that effort for nothing more than 115s when they can continue to focus on spawns and get 120s, plus skulls for the Harrower, plus replica drops?

    Even if they do bother with ghost cams, they'd have to wait for the chest to be looted, because they sure as hell can't access the chest themselves. I'm sure any treasure hunter with half a brain could come up with some counter measures to protect their treasure. Worst the pkers could do would be to scare off a treasure hunter and prevent them looting altogether. But unless they remain there long enough for the loot to decay, it's pointless. 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I haven't had the chance to do much with this yet, but so far so good. I didn't have the problems some people have with digging the chest, is it a client problem? I'm using EC.

    I'm not worried about digging fel maps, I do them regularly. I don't see pks leaving the chance of getting 12 scrolls from raiding a champ for the vague chance they might get one 110 or 115 from a treasure map, if they can find the t hunter.

    popps, do remember that maps can spawn absolutely anywhere on the facet, they're not restricted to a few defined areas. The only maps I put back in the locker to re-set are those that are in the middle of a swamp or within a screen or two of Yew moongate.  I have only been pk'd once on a treasure map, and that was years ago when spots were static and it was on Siege.

    My guess on the ML ingredients would be, yes the main ones will drop, because the lesser ones aren't facet specific, they drop from all peerless. The major ones I would say:
    Captured essence, Diseased Bark, Lard of Paroyxysmus  Tram and Fel - because that's where the dungeons are containing the peerless that drops those

    Eye of Travesty - Tokuno
    Dreadhorn Mane - Ilshenar
    Grizzled Bones - Malas

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Faeryl said:
    popps said:

    They are STILL a number of finite locations and there is plenty players in UO who know how to script and USE these scripts to control multiple characters/account all over the place....

    Give them enough time and they WILL get organize and Raid Treasure Hunting locations in Felucca just like they do with Champ Spawns....

    Of course, the Developers could still find a way to KILL the ability for EJ, FREE and not paying accounts to be usable as Ghost Cams..... that would help somewhat, I would guess....
    You truly, honestly think they'll go through all that effort for nothing more than 115s when they can continue to focus on spawns and get 120s, plus skulls for the Harrower, plus replica drops?

    Even if they do bother with ghost cams, they'd have to wait for the chest to be looted, because they sure as hell can't access the chest themselves. I'm sure any treasure hunter with half a brain could come up with some counter measures to protect their treasure. Worst the pkers could do would be to scare off a treasure hunter and prevent them looting altogether. But unless they remain there long enough for the loot to decay, it's pointless. 
    "You truly, honestly think they'll go through all that effort for nothing more than 115s when they can continue to focus on spawns and get 120s, plus skulls for the Harrower, plus replica drops?"

    PvP stands for "Player vs Player".....

    They want to fight against players so, if there will be players doing Treasure Maps in Felucca, they will, as I see it, use this opportunity to Raid players there just as they do at Champ Spanws and if this will need having lots of FREE EJ characters set up as Ghost Cams, then be it.....

    So yes, I think that there will be PvPers, not all, but certainly a good percentage of them, at least those having the ability to set up and handle multiple Ghost Cams, who will take the trouble to get that player's kill....

    What I am trying to say is that the loot certainly is a bonus because it adds to their in-game wealth and buys better items they may need to become even more invincible to other fellow players but, at least to my understanding, it is the fight with the players which they seek otherwise, it would not be called "Player vs Player"....

    And if at Treasure Spawn locations in Felucca they will find players, my guess is that they will get organized to find them there, with Ghost Cams, and Raid them also there, besides Cham Spawns...

    It will not be too much time before PvM players doing Maps will realize that, do all the work to find the Chest, dig it up and fight the Guardians ALL FOR NOTHING because they will then be Raided by some PvPer killing them easily and they (PvMers) will desist from doing Treasure Maps in Felucca althougether as it happens pretty much with Champ Spawns....
  • FaerylFaeryl Posts: 273
    popps said:

    "You truly, honestly think they'll go through all that effort for nothing more than 115s when they can continue to focus on spawns and get 120s, plus skulls for the Harrower, plus replica drops?"

    PvP stands for "Player vs Player".....

    They want to fight against players so, if there will be players doing Treasure Maps in Felucca, they will, as I see it, use this opportunity to Raid players there just as they do at Champ Spanws and if this will need having lots of FREE EJ characters set up as Ghost Cams, then be it.....

    So yes, I think that there will be PvPers, not all, but certainly a good percentage of them, at least those having the ability to set up and handle multiple Ghost Cams, who will take the trouble to get that player's kill....

    What I am trying to say is that the loot certainly is a bonus because it adds to their in-game wealth and buys better items they may need to become even more invincible to other fellow players but, at least to my understanding, it is the fight with the players which they seek otherwise, it would not be called "Player vs Player"....

    And if at Treasure Spawn locations in Felucca they will find players, my guess is that they will get organized to find them there, with Ghost Cams, and Raid them also there, besides Cham Spawns...

    It will not be too much time before PvM players doing Maps will realize that, do all the work to find the Chest, dig it up and fight the Guardians ALL FOR NOTHING because they will then be Raided by some PvPer killing them easily and they (PvMers) will desist from doing Treasure Maps in Felucca althougether as it happens pretty much with Champ Spawns....
    They rarely go after treasure hunters now. I doubt the vague possibility of getting a powerscroll that's not a 120 will be enough incentive to make them change their targets from champ spawns to treasure hunters. Especially long term.
  • MargretteMargrette Posts: 549
    edited April 2019
    @Kyronix, I have a few more questions:

    When an uncompleted map resets after 30 (?) days once Publish 105 is in effect, will the profession package be reset for that map?

    Every time we get a map, is there an equal chance it will be one specific profession package, or do you expect some profession packages to be more prevalent and some rarer than others?

    Which map levels will Grizelda give after the publish is active?

    Can you please give us a list of which skills are associated with each profession package so we know which types of maps to use if trying for specific power scrolls, SoTs, SOAs, or weapons? I'm very confused on this.  Here is what I've come up with, but I'm pretty sure some things are wrong and that some skills might even be missing.  (Used the list in the wiki but it seems incomplete...?)


    Detect Hidden

    Evaluate Intelligence

    Resisting Spells


    No idea??

    Animal Lore
    Animal Taming
    Lock Picking
    Remove Trap
    Spirit Speak
    Forensic Evaluation
    Taste ID

  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    edited April 2019
    While I think popps is being a bit over-dramatic in suspecting that people will set up 100 EJ ghostcam accounts for 115 PS, he does indirectly make the a point that while there may be a SELLER'S MARKET for Powerscrolls, there are no sellers on most shards for people to BUY from. 

    Once you get off of Atlantic and the non-transfer shards, there ARE FEW OR NO SELLERS OF POWERSCROLLS.

    On Lake Austin, there's TWO ways of getting powerscrolls if you aren't part of a spawning/raiding guild (note that "making friends with those guilds" counts as joining them, IMO) -

    1. Finding out the sleep patterns of the few raiders on the shard, and trying to sneak in a Fel spawn while most of them are asleep/at work. And, Odds are you're doing it SOLO, so no protection.

    I'd say that something like 95-99% of the PS used on Lake Austin by non-PvPers are acquired via method 2. Out of the last 20 PS I've used, ONE of them was from actually going to Fel (and it was a 115; forget if it was Anatomy or Med, but it was used on a pet). The rest were ALL bought on Atlantic, because that's where most 115s and 120s end up. 

    And, most of the 105 & 110s end up going to the tamers associated with the people doing the spawns on LA, because the few times you see someone drop 105s and 110s off in Luna, they are the ones that aren't usable on pets, or are rarely used on pets.

    Here's set of ideas that would help T-hunters, as well as everyone else:

    1. Change Fel spawns to drop 110s instead of 105s during the actual working of the spawn.
    2. Change the Reward scrolls from defeating the champs to 4 scrolls base (up to 8 with Protection), but ALL the scrolls being 115 or 120. This is actually an improvement that would make more people interested in doing fel champs.
    3. Make the PS from Fel chests be from level 2-5 maps, of the level 100 + (map level -1)x5. So, a 120 map for a level 5, 115 for level 4, 110 for level 3, 105 for level 2, tied to the template that the package represents. 
    4. Make Non-Fel champs drop 105-110 PS from defeating the boss, but not in the way PS drop from the Fel ones. Now that most people have masteries, you just make it to where a level 1 mastery has a 50% chance of being a random 105 PS instead, and level 2 masteries a 50% chance of being a 110 PS. S level 3 mastery is going to always be a level 3, because they're already rare.
    Since people having been tossing 110s and less on the ground at banks for over 15 years, there's ZERO legitimate reason for there to be any complaints about that.
    5. Non-Fel Treasure maps could have a 105 PS in a level 4, a 110 in a level 5.

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Faeryl said:
    popps said:

    "You truly, honestly think they'll go through all that effort for nothing more than 115s when they can continue to focus on spawns and get 120s, plus skulls for the Harrower, plus replica drops?"

    PvP stands for "Player vs Player".....

    They want to fight against players so, if there will be players doing Treasure Maps in Felucca, they will, as I see it, use this opportunity to Raid players there just as they do at Champ Spanws and if this will need having lots of FREE EJ characters set up as Ghost Cams, then be it.....

    So yes, I think that there will be PvPers, not all, but certainly a good percentage of them, at least those having the ability to set up and handle multiple Ghost Cams, who will take the trouble to get that player's kill....

    What I am trying to say is that the loot certainly is a bonus because it adds to their in-game wealth and buys better items they may need to become even more invincible to other fellow players but, at least to my understanding, it is the fight with the players which they seek otherwise, it would not be called "Player vs Player"....

    And if at Treasure Spawn locations in Felucca they will find players, my guess is that they will get organized to find them there, with Ghost Cams, and Raid them also there, besides Cham Spawns...

    It will not be too much time before PvM players doing Maps will realize that, do all the work to find the Chest, dig it up and fight the Guardians ALL FOR NOTHING because they will then be Raided by some PvPer killing them easily and they (PvMers) will desist from doing Treasure Maps in Felucca althougether as it happens pretty much with Champ Spawns....
    They rarely go after treasure hunters now. I doubt the vague possibility of getting a powerscroll that's not a 120 will be enough incentive to make them change their targets from champ spawns to treasure hunters. Especially long term.
    Well, we'll see....

    My take is that, in order to preserve the Monopoly and control of Powerscrolls and, thus, keep their prices outrageously high (which I think is bad for Ultima Online as a whole as it drives players away from it as I tried to explain...), Treasure Hunters in Felucca will get raided and quite often too.

    But eventually the time will come to see whether I was right or wrong in my guess.
  • ZekeTerraZekeTerra Posts: 375
    One thing I've noticed was a Map in the Davies Locker would show Mage Trove and when you removed it, it would change to Assassin or Warrior (or w/ever) Trove.  Also the last 4 chests (Trove) were unlocked and untrapped.  Had a party of 2 and there were 18 useless items in it, most of which were cursed, 50 Stone, etc, and NO artifact items at all, not even the Minor Artifact that is in all L6 and L7 chests (in the greenish bag).
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656

    Would it be possible to get a list posted for the potential mob spawns for each level/facet?
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    edited April 2019
    Merus said:
    @ Kyronix

    Would it be possible to get a list posted for the potential mob spawns for each level/facet?
    This was well addressed by the Publish Notes :

    Treasure Guardians & Encounter Difficulty

    • Treasure Maps that lead to a Stash, Supply, or Cache have been balanced for solo encounters while Hordes and Troves are more geared towards group encounters.
    • Treasure Map Guardian creatures have been redistributed where,
      • Level 1 -> Level 1
      • Level 2 & Level 3 -> Level 2
      • Level 4 & Level 5 -> Level 3
      • Level 6 -> Level 4
      • Level 7 -> Level 5
    You can find the "previous" Maps' system for Guardians here :
  • BasaraBasara Posts: 164
    Here's what I suspect will happen for the new level 2 and level 3:

    An example of possible map guardian spawn mergers. (this is just MY GUESS - nothing official)

    Trammel & Fel: 

    Current Level 2*: Orc Mages, Gargoyles, Gazers, Hellhounds, Earth Elementals
    Current Level 3*: Liches, Ogre Lords, Dread Spiders, Air Elementals, Fire Elementals
    Current Level 4*: Dread Spiders, Lich Lords, Daemons, Elder Gazers, Ogre Lords
    Current Level 5: Lich Lords, Daemons, Elder Gazers, Poison Elementals, Blood Elementals

    *Same spawn on all facets except Ter Mur - this is likely to change with Publish 105 (I hope).

    Combined, this would look like:

    Trammel & Fel: 

    New Level 2: Orc Mages, Gargoyles, Gazers, Hellhounds, Earth Elementals, Liches, Ogre Lords, Dread Spiders, Air Elementals, Fire Elementals

    New Level 3: Dread Spiders, Lich Lords, Daemons, Elder Gazers, Ogre Lords, Poison Elementals, Blood Elementals

    I would expect that since there were already 3 items common between the old levels 4-5, that there would be a need to rebalance, as this has 10 creatures in the new level 2 but only 7 in level 3. 

    As there were two creatures in common between old level 3 & 4, and were some of the tougher ones at that, they would be in the new level 3 only.
    Ogre Lords are probably a bit much to inflict on level 2 maps, and Dread Spiders with their poison and magery, might be as well. The Treasure Map Dread Spiders also are an anomaly, not being the same creature as the "natural" Dreads, with different loot, skills, etc. (something discovered about 15 years ago during the last major look at Treasure Maps). If the "real" Dreads are put in as part of the fix, they might be too powerful for level 2s as well.

    Making those two creatures for level 3 maps would leave the new level 2 maps with 8 possible spawn types, and the new level 3 with 7 possible spawn types. This would be a lot more balanced, while leaving room for adding another creature or two.

    And, as noted, There might be room to tweak Malas and Tokuno new level 2-3 to include more local creatures, instead of duplicating the creatures common to Trammel, Felucca and Ilshenar.

  • AbbaroshAbbarosh Posts: 27
    Anyone having issues not being able to dig up any chests

  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited April 2019
    Abbarosh said:
    Anyone having issues not being able to dig up any chests

    Not me 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    edited April 2019
    @Bleak @Kyronix MOST of the maps I brought over in a Davies locker are bugged. They read as "unreadable treasuremap". When I remove them I am told it is too difficult to decode! FYI, The ones I have done, have had worse loot than before, and I haven't had to "unlock" any of them. Will I notice anything different/better if I use Remove trap on them?
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited April 2019
    popps said:
    Merus said:
    @ Kyronix

    Would it be possible to get a list posted for the potential mob spawns for each level/facet?
    This was well addressed by the Publish Notes :

    Treasure Guardians & Encounter Difficulty

    • Treasure Maps that lead to a Stash, Supply, or Cache have been balanced for solo encounters while Hordes and Troves are more geared towards group encounters.
    • Treasure Map Guardian creatures have been redistributed where,
      • Level 1 -> Level 1
      • Level 2 & Level 3 -> Level 2
      • Level 4 & Level 5 -> Level 3
      • Level 6 -> Level 4
      • Level 7 -> Level 5
    You can find the "previous" Maps' system for Guardians here :
    This does nothing to explain what new mobs spawn FROM each level of map in each facet... i.e.  what the new guardians are.
  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    @Merus this has most of the information you are looking for
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Just did a "trove" map in Fel (gold chest). Same thing, I didn't have to unlock it, so/so loot. I did get a 105 PS. Should I use remove trap? 
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Kyronix said:
    @ Merus this has most of the information you are looking for

    That doesn’t appear to be updated yet.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    I wonder if the problems with the maps copied over to TC have to do with the locker? I copied undecoded maps over, carrying them in a pouch I had in main pack. And I brought over an empty DJ Locker. I decoded all the maps in my pack then stored them in the locker. I has 0 problems with them.

    Not sure if other folks copied over an already loaded locker? An already loaded locker with undecoded maps that they took out after placing the locker on TC? An already loaded locker that had already decoded maps that didn't read correctly after they were taken out of the locker on TC?

    I'll copy other characters over to TC tomorrow with a locker in their pocket and try to experiment. I was just curious how others brought their maps and locker over.
  • PooPoo Posts: 41
    with the changes and amalgamations of these chests i hope the loot is actually worth it and good.
    would be sad to have all these changes and not have the loot worth doing.
    i heard the the loot was better on the Guardians than the actual chests...... that shouldnt be.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    I Just did a "trove" map in Malas (rusty chest). Same thing, I didn't have to unlock it.  I used 100 remove trap on it, and was told "I need to become better at detect hidden". Are these bugs, @Kyronix ?  
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    Merus said:
    popps said:
    Merus said:
    @ Kyronix

    Would it be possible to get a list posted for the potential mob spawns for each level/facet?
    This was well addressed by the Publish Notes :

    Treasure Guardians & Encounter Difficulty

    • Treasure Maps that lead to a Stash, Supply, or Cache have been balanced for solo encounters while Hordes and Troves are more geared towards group encounters.
    • Treasure Map Guardian creatures have been redistributed where,
      • Level 1 -> Level 1
      • Level 2 & Level 3 -> Level 2
      • Level 4 & Level 5 -> Level 3
      • Level 6 -> Level 4
      • Level 7 -> Level 5
    You can find the "previous" Maps' system for Guardians here :
    This does nothing to explain what new mobs spawn FROM each level of map in each facet... i.e.  what the new guardians are.
    From what I can tell, the "new" maps have the same Guardians as the "old" corresponding maps.
    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    KHAN said:
    I Just did a "trove" map in Malas (rusty chest). Same thing, I didn't have to unlock it.  I used 100 remove trap on it, and was told "I need to become better at detect hidden". Are these bugs, @ Kyronix ?  
    Khan, for now you need DH for RT to work. Fifty points is enough. Eventually DH won't be needed but that change hasn't taken place yet, if it comes at all.
  • KHANKHAN Posts: 510
    LilyGrace said:
    KHAN said:
    I Just did a "trove" map in Malas (rusty chest). Same thing, I didn't have to unlock it.  I used 100 remove trap on it, and was told "I need to become better at detect hidden". Are these bugs, @ Kyronix ?  
    Khan, for now you need DH for RT to work. Fifty points is enough. Eventually DH won't be needed but that change hasn't taken place yet, if it comes at all.
    Thanks. Does the RT reveal anything different than without using it? Also, any word on why none of the chests are locked? Or have traps?

    If you sell UO items for R.L. $$$, you need to quit playing UO , and get a BETTER R.L. JOB!
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited April 2019
    I had to drop music & discord & 20 points in focus on my T-hunter.

    the results of the 3 Trove Maps I've done on TC1 within the last ~30-45mins.

    1 Malas Artisan Trove map = ~57k gold, ~29-34 of each small gem (new gem bag looks pretty good) 18 magic items, nothing above Major Magic Item quality.

    1 Malas Ranger's Trove map = 56k gold, ~35-40 of each small gem (both contained in the gem bag) 18 magic items, all consisting of studded/hide armor, some jewelry & a bunch of bows, none of which were even lesser artifact or greater quality.... a greater artifact off of a guardian though...

    1 Malas Barbarian's Trove map = 58k gold, ~35-40 of each small gem (both contained in the gem bag) 18 magic items, all except one consisting of Major Magic & Lower quality items, 1 prized Greater Artifact Bracelet.

    The chest dug up on each of the 3 map's Chests looked rusted, so that may be an indication of why the loot was such useless garbage.  

    Q: What are the chances that the chest would spawn as a better quality?   -Don't say it's pure RNG, no one wants to hear that.

    "new" item types spawning: Elven Glasses & Circlet's spawning with random magic properties.
    ML items are able to be found in T-maps now, at least in Malas maps, I have not tested any other facets yet.

    Notes: Today (4/18/2019) it seems you do not need to use Remove Trap, Detect Hidden, or even Lockpicking.... you are also able to loot the T-chest without killing the guardians first. the quality of loot seems to have been decreased quite a bit from what we have on live shards still though, the quantity of overall magic items seems to have been halved, at least for Solo maps anyway, I have not tried to do a map in party as of yet.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • KyronixKyronix Posts: 1,207Dev
    Merus said:
    Kyronix said:
    @ Merus this has most of the information you are looking for
    @ Kyronix

    That doesn’t appear to be updated yet.
    Right - but you can infer which mobs went where based on the publish notes.  That page will be updated when everything is finalized.
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