Hey all,
I always love seeing different screenshots and peoples setups - so we should have a screenshot thread!
I'll start! I've been working on a project for the Enhanced Client to help people into the game when Endless Journey launches, to create a more universal UI - so I am bringing back to the Kingdom Reborn UI, which basically works like every other MMO.
I always love seeing different screenshots and peoples setups - so we should have a screenshot thread!
I'll start! I've been working on a project for the Enhanced Client to help people into the game when Endless Journey launches, to create a more universal UI - so I am bringing back to the Kingdom Reborn UI, which basically works like every other MMO.

Why is the artwork we have today, of lower quality then what we had in 2007?

Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!

Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!
Also CC, I just do not like the art in the EC, looks as if a child drew it and went outside the lines when they colored it. About the only thing I really like is the scroll in and out, really handy when placing a house in a tight area.
Treasure Hunters
Now returned again, Iam still very fond of the EC. I used Pincos UI. Iam still working on setting all my chars up with macros and so on.
This is my Mystic Mage
Mort: Mystic Mage
Siw: Tamer
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Demorde on ATL/PAC/SP || ICQ: #330663732 || Why not join the DiscordChat, its fun!