Can anyone please explain this VS search result technically ?
I entered a search on Atlantic's VS for a Legendary scroll of Fishing as one can see in the search window from the attached picture.
Well, within the results, there was a 120 "fencing" powerscroll.
I mean, how is it possible that a search Query for "fishing" was to return a finding for "fencing" ?
How can this technically happen ??

Well, within the results, there was a 120 "fencing" powerscroll.
I mean, how is it possible that a search Query for "fishing" was to return a finding for "fencing" ?
How can this technically happen ??

I had one the other day. I did Orc Ship on LS and all kinds of weapons and armor came up. I could understand Orc Slayer coming up, but the other stuff was weird. ( I just did it on Atl and noticed the Sorcery items showed up.)
I put in "120 scroll fishing" and also got few Fencing. But the fishing scrolls are there.
In the scheme of things, Does it really matter? You had to look at a whole 2 pages of VS.
That's not the point.
The point is that it makes no sense whatsoever to me that a player looking for a fishing powerscroll gets, among the results, a fencing powerscroll.
What is the point to enter given text words as search filters when these words return results that have hardly anything to do with the words entered ?
Someone is trying to scam. Do you just have to troll. @Grimbeard
They wrote fishing on the description.
Works as intended.
There is NO DESCRIPTION for that "fencing" powerscroll...
Hoovering with the mouse shows NOWHERE in the item that there is any "fishing" word in it.
Yet, it turned out in my query for a fishing item....
I am afraid that, at least to my opinion, it is NOT working well...
That "fencing" powerscroll should have never showed up in my search query for a "fishing" powerscroll.
Maybe it is picking up enough of the price to make it show.
Something is making it show up on your search. Many letters and numbers are the same.
Should we stop UO until this is fixed? Revert Atlantic? Not a game changing situation.
There are other fencing scrolls. Why is just that one showing if that were the case?
You also get that fencing scroll when doing 120 scroll fishing.
Maybe it had a description that said fishing but it is a ghost now.
An anomaly.
if you had a brain you would see that the answer to your question does NOT lay here
Because I cannot find a sense about why the search result would yield a fencing scroll when one searches for a fishing scroll.
If this happens, I imagine, it might be because the code that governs Vendor Search allows it to happen... but, if so, why ?
I am not sure that this is possible... because, if the item gets retrieved into the player character's backpack to be edited, when it is then placed on the Vendor's backpack the item would not be able to any longer have any description that was removed, I imagine...
As normal any other player would look at that and say VS farted oh well won't go buy that one and move on I would suggest you do the same.
I have not a clue, I just noticed it, and came to the Official Forums to be shed some light, if possible, by either fellow players, Forum Moderators or any of the Developers who, I imagine, from time to time might read Forum posts and threads like this.
Is this such a bad thing for me to do, looking for some help to understand an in-game weird thing like this which I do not understand that I noticed ?
Other then the OP, of the 21 posts so far in this thread only 5 are mine (aside this one) and in those posts I tried to better clarify my point of view.
For example, if someone indicates that the item description has the word fishing in it, but the picture in my OP does not have it, shouldn't I have posted to point this out like I did here ?
Why doesn't he go earn one himself is the question . . .
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
In this case, I don't think it was a timing thing either for your first two observations. I checked a couple times yesterday hours apart. And it's the house that has a PVPer camping in stealth that kills players buying from it. That's why it's so terribly priced.
There's one scroll that is Fencing that does not also have "Fishing" in the manually entered text box. And it's the bait house.
There are other Fencing scrolls that do not have "Fishing" in the manually entered text box and those are not showing up on vendor search. That's why I checked with a gap in the time between searches. I went back to verify that there were indeed other Fencing scrolls.