I spent five hours a day for three days trying to catch Shovel-Nosed Lobsters for a monger quest. And the only way to destroy the quest crate is, I'm assuming, pull everything out of my hold and drydock the ship. And the "everything" in my hold is a bunch of 10 stone fish.
Either I'm going to have to commodity deed it all and hope fish can be or I'll have to finish these two monger quests for crabs and lobster and just take it right up the ass if I get another one. Right up there. All the way. Elbow deep. No spit or anything. In b4 mods.
What I meant to say is... this game is great. It's
fun to "play." Maybe I'll just "play" a dozen EJ accounts like everyone
else. That sounds like a bunch of fun.
I spent five hours a day for three days trying to catch Shovel-Nosed Lobsters for a monger quest. And the only way to destroy the quest crate is, I'm assuming, pull everything out of my hold and drydock the ship. And the "everything" in my hold is a bunch of 10 stone fish.
Either I'm going to have to commodity deed it all and hope fish can be or I'll have to finish these two monger quests for crabs and lobster and just take it right up the ass if I get another one. Right up there. All the way. Elbow deep. No spit or anything. In b4 mods.
What I meant to say is... this game is great. It's fun to "play." Maybe I'll just "play" a dozen EJ accounts like everyone else. That sounds like a bunch of fun.
well, i experimented and there's no way to delete a fish crate except re-deeding the ship.Thought I had it, but it came back a minute later.
Yep, just looked and saw the quest. and as @Pawain said someone probably has some on your shard, or @Feigr just get quests in other towns until you have them.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I spent five hours a day for three days trying to catch Shovel-Nosed Lobsters for a monger quest. And the only way to destroy the quest crate is, I'm assuming, pull everything out of my hold and drydock the ship. And the "everything" in my hold is a bunch of 10 stone fish.
Either I'm going to have to commodity deed it all and hope fish can be or I'll have to finish these two monger quests for crabs and lobster and just take it right up the ass if I get another one. Right up there. All the way. Elbow deep. No spit or anything. In b4 mods.
What I meant to say is... this game is great. It's fun to "play." Maybe I'll just "play" a dozen EJ accounts like everyone else. That sounds like a bunch of fun.
well, i experimented and there's no way to delete a fish crate except re-deeding the ship.Thought I had it, but it came back a minute later.
*edit* just resign from that quest
That worked, thanks! There's only two commodity deeds for lobster on my shard and they are just "lobster" and way overpriced.
When the content came out, Players would sell the different fish. There is probably someone on your shard that has plenty.
We want to fish not buy stuff
Since there are 42 different fish, you have 2.38% change for a specific one. Keep fishing and keep what you get, you will eventually have hundreds of everything.
Or you can wish for 42 different baits and complain you never get the specific one you want.
Rather than bait for rare fish we need bait for the fish we need to catch for the monger quest I'd kill for tarpon or dungeon chub bait..
I thought I posted this already, (probably did in another thread) but my thoughts are maybe they could sell "Fish maps" (like somone sometime back has probably said a fwew times) that creates a "school" of fish for 20 minutes, give or take. sell them on the pirate vendor for 150,000 Doubloons.
*apologies if I posted this already,I've been awake for 24 hours*
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
When the content came out, Players would sell the different fish. There is probably someone on your shard that has plenty.
We want to fish not buy stuff
Since there are 42 different fish, you have 2.38% change for a specific one. Keep fishing and keep what you get, you will eventually have hundreds of everything.
Or you can wish for 42 different baits and complain you never get the specific one you want.
While there are a lot of different fish, you have some control over what you catch already by fishing in the right area. Crustaceans don't really have a region, but fish do. You'll catch specific fish if you're fishing from land/dock or deep sea. So your statistics aren't entirely correct.
You're also assuming every fish has an equal chance to be caught. With crustaceans, I suspect this isn't the case.
Dungeon Chub: Has less chance of being caught than other dungeon fish and appears in fish monger quests more often than others. All fish aren't created equally.
Rock Crab: Has less chance of being caught than other shellfish and MAYBE appears in
fish monger quests more often than others. All crabs aren't created
Smallmouth Bass: Has less chance of being caught than other shore fish and appears in
fish monger quests more often than others. All fish aren't created
Frankly I don't know how someone who works a 40 hour work week and has a life can do these fishing quests.I spent a few years stocking up on fish so most I have already but I've been spending the last 2 months focusing on them and I go through 1,000s of fish very quickly. Some quests, like the one I'm doing right now calls for 20 king crab, 20 rock lobster, 20 pumpkinseed, 20 yellow perch and 20 demon trout. That's 100 items that has to be fished up for 1, yes 1 order. And I think they go up to 6 different ones. The crab and lobster... to get 20 each can take an evening of solid trapping just to get hopefully 20 each.
In the past I've been able to be part of cooperatives on the shard I play but eventually it does fall apart as there always tends to be a user that pops up. It works well when it works well. It leaves a sour taste in one's mouth when it falls apart.
Those fish finders never seemed to work right for me. Not sure why.
Smallmouth Bass: Has less chance of being caught than other shore fish and appears in
fish monger quests more often than others. All fish aren't created
Honestly, I don't think there is any rarity to the shore fish, or any of the fish.
I started a macro this morning, let it run for 2 hrs and 15 min and this was the distribution:
That's pretty even already, but as you approach 1000 or so of each fish, the distribution is likely to equalize further. As you can see, Smallmouth Bass (upper right) were basically the most average catch (for me, this morning)!
RNGesus just dislikes you Amber!
These results are consistent with all my other experiences fishing, whether it be shore, deep, dungeon, or crab/lobster. It doesn't appear to me that there is any actual "coded" rarity in catch rates.
It also seems unlikely there is actual rarity to the fish requested by the monger quests. However, "coded" rarity vs. real life luck just sucking and handing you the quest for the same fish 5 or 6 times in a row, that is totally possible (and yes, I have experienced this -- freaking Hummer Lobster. Every. Damn. Time.).
I collect fish that I may need for the quests if I ever end up doing quests. Here are the numbers of each fish and crab/lobster I've gotten over the years.
I collect fish that I may need for the quests if I ever end up doing quests. Here are the numbers of each fish and crab/lobster I've gotten over the years.
Just got this quest. Realistically, how long do you think it would take to fish / trap this order?
Since my fishing macro is running on another monitor, I've had time to try to work through how long it might actually take to fill an order, just as a general guideline.
Let's assume we're using 1 account, the distribution of catch is even (no "coded" rarity"), and we get about 1 fish per 10 seconds.
I'm going to go with 1 fish in 10 seconds because that's what my fishing macros run and that timing makes the math much easier. Yes, you can actually fish every 8 seconds, but by the time you deal with footwear, messes of small fish, and changing locations, the average is a bit slower. This timing also holds for me regardless of the fish type I'm going for: shore, deep, dungeon, or crab/lobster. (This timing is for once you're setup for each category. It does take a while to get to that point.)
With that, let's do some math. 1 fish in 10 seconds 6 fish in 1 minute 240 fish in 40 min 320 fish in 53.33 min 360 fish in 60 min
If the distribution of catch is even: 20 of each of the 12 shore fish should take 40 min 20 of each of the 12 dungeon fish should take 40 min 20 of each of the 16 crab/lobster should take 53.33 min 20 of each of the 18 deepwater fish should take 60 min
There will be a bunch of variation here, and setting up for different fishing types, etc., but let's say getting a distribution of 20 of each fish category, takes about an hour per category.
So, for your order above, there are only 2 categories: dungeon and crab/lobster.
It should take, realistically, about 2 hours to fill.
You're making assumptions. Your macro won't work on crustaceans unless it's not allowed. What skill are you fishing at? Also, the timing of fish and traps are different.
I would love for you to record a video of you filling that order in 2 hours.
You're making assumptions. Your macro won't work on crustaceans unless it's not allowed. What skill are you fishing at? Also, the timing of fish and traps are different.
My macros (EC) work on crab/lobster just fine.
120 Fishing skill.
The timing on crab/lobster is dependent on how you lay out your lines. I setup my lines so I pull/replace every 10 seconds continuously.
You're making assumptions. Your macro won't work on crustaceans unless it's not allowed. What skill are you fishing at? Also, the timing of fish and traps are different.
My macros (EC) work on crab/lobster just fine.
120 Fishing skill.
The timing on crab/lobster is dependent on how you lay out your lines. I setup my lines so I pull/replace every 10 seconds continuously.
How're you macro'ing traps that are RNG in EC? And 120 skill at fishing isn't realistic. People are doing this to get the 120 scrolls.
You're making assumptions. Your macro won't work on crustaceans unless it's not allowed. What skill are you fishing at? Also, the timing of fish and traps are different.
My macros (EC) work on crab/lobster just fine.
120 Fishing skill.
The timing on crab/lobster is dependent on how you lay out your lines. I setup my lines so I pull/replace every 10 seconds continuously.
How're you macro'ing traps that are RNG in EC? And 120 skill at fishing isn't realistic. People are doing this to get the 120 scrolls.
I'm on my 5th trip through and fish daily for quest with 120 fishing however I disagree with the assumption that all fish have an equal chance at being caught
Pretty sure I'm still doing fishmonger quests at 120.0.
Yes, I earned that 120.0 fishing scroll myself doing the quests. Been a number of years now, but I've actually gotten a couple of them (120's).
Why would you stop doing the monger quests just because you got a fishing 120? That would be like not doing champion spawns after you got a 120 you were looking for.
The monger quests are a nice build out of fishing as its own game. Wish they'd do the same for mining...
Grim, you and Amber may be right about rarity of certain fish. I just haven't recorded anything that would indicate an actual rarity. That doesn't mean it's not there.
They should make it to where you can craft bait for specific fish, from messes of small fish. Give those damn things a real use.
Oooh, that would be cool.
Or have Cooking use the "messes" in fish pies. The fish pie buff could be the same as the basic "mess", but the duration increased to like 8 min (or 10 Stamina every 10 seconds for 60s). Something along those lines.
Either way, giving the "messes" additional purpose would be nice.
...I disagree with the assumption that all fish have an equal chance at being caught
I don't know Grim. I've let the macro run a bit (19.25 hrs) for the past couple days and this is what I've got for shore fish:
Doesn't look to me like any rarity among Shallow Water fish.
I'll post the distribution one last time when I have 1k minimum of each fish. At this point though, I'm pretty sure the catch distribution for Shallow Water is even.
well, i experimented and there's no way to delete a fish crate except re-deeding the ship.Thought I had it, but it came back a minute later.
*edit* just resign from that quest
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
That worked, thanks! There's only two commodity deeds for lobster on my shard and they are just "lobster" and way overpriced.
Or you can wish for 42 different baits and complain you never get the specific one you want.
*apologies if I posted this already,I've been awake for 24 hours*
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
While there are a lot of different fish, you have some control over what you catch already by fishing in the right area. Crustaceans don't really have a region, but fish do. You'll catch specific fish if you're fishing from land/dock or deep sea. So your statistics aren't entirely correct.
You're also assuming every fish has an equal chance to be caught. With crustaceans, I suspect this isn't the case.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Moon Glow* LOL
I started a macro this morning, let it run for 2 hrs and 15 min and this was the distribution:
That's pretty even already, but as you approach 1000 or so of each fish, the distribution is likely to equalize further. As you can see, Smallmouth Bass (upper right) were basically the most average catch (for me, this morning)!
RNGesus just dislikes you Amber!
These results are consistent with all my other experiences fishing, whether it be shore, deep, dungeon, or crab/lobster. It doesn't appear to me that there is any actual "coded" rarity in catch rates.
It also seems unlikely there is actual rarity to the fish requested by the monger quests. However, "coded" rarity vs. real life luck just sucking and handing you the quest for the same fish 5 or 6 times in a row, that is totally possible (and yes, I have experienced this -- freaking Hummer Lobster. Every. Damn. Time.).
Since my fishing macro is running on another monitor, I've had time to try to work through how long it might actually take to fill an order, just as a general guideline.
Let's assume we're using 1 account, the distribution of catch is even (no "coded" rarity"), and we get about 1 fish per 10 seconds.
I'm going to go with 1 fish in 10 seconds because that's what my fishing macros run and that timing makes the math much easier. Yes, you can actually fish every 8 seconds, but by the time you deal with footwear, messes of small fish, and changing locations, the average is a bit slower. This timing also holds for me regardless of the fish type I'm going for: shore, deep, dungeon, or crab/lobster. (This timing is for once you're setup for each category. It does take a while to get to that point.)
With that, let's do some math.
1 fish in 10 seconds
6 fish in 1 minute
240 fish in 40 min
320 fish in 53.33 min
360 fish in 60 min
If the distribution of catch is even:
20 of each of the 12 shore fish should take 40 min
20 of each of the 12 dungeon fish should take 40 min
20 of each of the 16 crab/lobster should take 53.33 min
20 of each of the 18 deepwater fish should take 60 min
There will be a bunch of variation here, and setting up for different fishing types, etc., but let's say getting a distribution of 20 of each fish category, takes about an hour per category.
So, for your order above, there are only 2 categories: dungeon and crab/lobster.
It should take, realistically, about 2 hours to fill.
Hey, you asked!
120 Fishing skill.
The timing on crab/lobster is dependent on how you lay out your lines. I setup my lines so I pull/replace every 10 seconds continuously.
How're you macro'ing traps that are RNG in EC? And 120 skill at fishing isn't realistic. People are doing this to get the 120 scrolls.
Pretty sure I'm still doing fishmonger quests at 120.0.
Yes, I earned that 120.0 fishing scroll myself doing the quests. Been a number of years now, but I've actually gotten a couple of them (120's).
Why would you stop doing the monger quests just because you got a fishing 120? That would be like not doing champion spawns after you got a 120 you were looking for.
The monger quests are a nice build out of fishing as its own game. Wish they'd do the same for mining...
Grim, you and Amber may be right about rarity of certain fish. I just haven't recorded anything that would indicate an actual rarity. That doesn't mean it's not there.
Or have Cooking use the "messes" in fish pies. The fish pie buff could be the same as the basic "mess", but the duration increased to like 8 min (or 10 Stamina every 10 seconds for 60s). Something along those lines.
Either way, giving the "messes" additional purpose would be nice.
I don't know Grim. I've let the macro run a bit (19.25 hrs) for the past couple days and this is what I've got for shore fish:
Doesn't look to me like any rarity among Shallow Water fish.
I'll post the distribution one last time when I have 1k minimum of each fish. At this point though, I'm pretty sure the catch distribution for Shallow Water is even.