What is a good place to farm PvP (splintering) bokutos?
Hello everyone,
I am back to the game after 8+ years long break, so please forgive my noob questions. The in game chat seems a lot less helpful than I remember so I will try here

I am trying to get into the PvP scene. I am told/witnessed that Boku Mages are the way to go nowadays.
The problem is that, good splintering bokutos are way out of budget. I farmed the fan dancer dojo 13-15 hours in the last week. I got 8 splintering weapons there but only 1 is bokuto. In addition to that, fan dancer dojo on atlantic seems always busy with what looks like AFK farmers. I made few attempts at reports to no avail.
Anyways, if you know a good please to farm splintering bokutos that is not full with AFK farmers, I would greatly appreciate knowledge.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Make sure you bring 8 or 9 accounts, this is allowed and won't be actioned on....good luck
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.