Ridable Tigers and Lions and Frost Mites oh my!
I recall a while back at one of the meet and greets someone had asked if the Dev's could make some of the tamable critters we have that we also have in ethy form ridable.
specifically the tiger, lion and frost mite.
the answer at the time was 'that sounds doable, we will look into it'.
it has been a long while since that meet and greet and i was wondering where we sit (haha get it) on this topic?
was this looked into and scraped or is it still on the back burner just awaiting its turn in the queue that the Dev's have to work on stuff?
thanks in advance.
Certain angles didn't look very good for the ethy color frost mite due to weird shading and lack of an actual shape. I haven't tested the prod version though to see if changing the color helped.
"I always presumed that was a balancing issue, as they are quite powerful as is"