Crafting a Mage Luck Suit for the Mini Abominations



  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    Yoshi said:
    "magery skill does not have an effect on sdi
    yes better for casting as you don't get spell disrupted as much, or killed as much

    We do tell tamers that magery 120 is not needed because pets do not fizzle.

    But, The most common spells I use do work more effectively with Magery at 120.
    • Poison field (Strength calculation same as Poison spell)
      • (Duration 3 + (Magery * 0.4)) seconds
    • Heal (Hit Points healed = Magery/10 + 1-3)
    • Greater Heal (Hit points healed = Magery*0.4 + 1-10)
    • Cure (Chance to cure % = (Magery * 0,75) + (110 – (Poison level * 33))
    • Arch Cure (More reliable at higher levels of magery)
    Not sure about resurrection spell.  If it is eval based then a lot of mages have low eval because they can cast the spell but fail.  I can res on the first try always.  
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • I'm confused about the 200m+ pig ...
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    I'm confused about the 200m+ pig ...
    Ill spend 200M on deco but not Armor.  I like Pigs, you have some spares?
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited February 2023
    popps said:
    Yoshi said:
    “How you all manage to make mistakes on luck suit? You only have to imbue a few pieces with a few mods..

    Firstly, shield should always be crafted from wood, you get an extra 2 hit point regen when you enhance.

    secondly, weapon should be spell chan mage weapon unless you actually have weapon skill, or you literally have no defence, and should have hit lightning 50, bokuto is most efficient weapon to have as its fastest weapon speed and you get 5 damage inc bonus when you enhance with oak

    should also be using the new FC1 apron that gives 5 sdi, and sash should be the fcr1 vine sash.”
    Question on the Mage weapon.....

    Assuming that it is a 190 crafted and enhanced Luck weapon, since we are talking about a Luck Suit, that means -20 Magery since, that I know of, there is no -0 Magery one-handed weapons with high Luck on.

    What good would it do, then, to play a Mage but then only be able to use 100.0 Magery even though one has 120.0 skill points invested ?

    Now, if there was a -0 Magery one-handed weapon with high Luck on, then it would make sense to use a Mage Weapon.... but using one with -20 Magery ? I do not like....

    And I oppose the swapping of suit at the end of the fight.... that is, to use 1 suit for 99% of the fight and then use a high Luck suit only for the final blows....

    I personally see this as cheating due to a Design oversight.

    The fighting mechanics should be such that they calculated the Luck worn across the ENTIRE fight, not just at the end....

    If it was this way, then swapping suits at the end of a fight would become pointless.

    @ Kyronix , perhaps you might want to make things so that what matters is the Luck worn across the entire fight, not just for the last few, killing hits ?
    I always think Mage weapon is a PVP weapon rather than PVM, and as you know you are talking to a Pvper up there.

    As for swapping out luck gear at the end... just enjoy the current game system while it last... whatever still works. Rather than joining the "goodie" side trying to make it right, why not join the dark side and exploit it Wahahahaha  >:) :D
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023
    @Seth ; some players like to get involved in a more physical level.  A guy on LS uses a Mage bow to pew pew at the mobs.  From my experience the damage is not very high compared to an actual Archer. 

    I feel the same about Hit areas on weapons, Id rather hit an individual target rather than dent a bunch if I must use a spell, Since velocity works with slayers again, I use that instead on ranged.

    So mage weapon is worth including here as an option.  Since you have room for it on weapons after they are spell channeling and -FC removed.  I put a resist on one of my weapons instead. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    edited February 2023
    I've used mage wep bows on a tamer. The right setup will do ballpark 20-30 points damage less (per regular hit) than having the actual archery with tactics. 

    Add mana leech and it's a real bonus. 
  • If I would calculate and think as much as you lot all do, I wouldn't even play anymore but be an accountant...

    Just. Simply. Yikes.
    You need help with simple stuff? -- Otherwise - can I has your stuff?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    Vagabond said:
    If I would calculate and think as much as you lot all do, I wouldn't even play anymore but be an accountant...

    Just. Simply. Yikes.
    You get to play and pursue your hobby in Math.  :D
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023
    More Math.

    This is for the Higher SDI and High Luck suit.

    If you use these Noncrafted items:

    Head  Mark Of Wildfire
    Talisman  Lucky Charm
    Earrings  Yukio's
    Robe  Blackthorn or the Old version
    Neck  Mempo
    Cloak Serpent Skin Quiver
    Ring  Compassions Eye
    Shoes  Minax Sandals
    50 SDI Spell Book
    Cuffs of Archmage
    Vine wrap

    I removed the Bracelet from above for more SDI.

    You have these resists.  Sandals will -3 one of the resists. My metal Shield gave me Gold resists.
    included in these numbers.
    Phy 32 (dont have to worry about this one)
    Fire 42
    Cold 43
    Poison 41
    Energy 48

    You are short  109 Resistance in the elementals.

    You have 15 LMC  short 25 LMC
    You have 65% LRC  Short 35%  
    You have +15 Intel
    You have 1 FC and 1 FCR
    You have 185 Mana

    You have 3 armor slots available and the Bracelet. 

    So, you will want to have 8LMC on 3 of the 4 items to get 39LMC

    The armor pieces may get 2 full additions so the most efficient way to get those numbers is to find a really nice Mage Bracelet that has 150Luck 15 SDI and FC or FCR then some resists or any other mage stats. Most likely it will be Antique.

    Your suit will have very little if any + Intel when done.

    So, it is doubtful you will get all 70s resist but choosing the 3 pieces wisely will get 3 to four elements at 70.

    When complete you can have 2400 Luck and 120 SDI

    That will make a suit that you can use all the time on a Pure Mage. Or mage tamer that does not have weaving or magic resist.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2023
    “I don’t understand, if you’re going for Sdi, why you wear tangle instead of 5sdi belt? and if you’re going for Sdi, should probably use spell focus sash, since it can give 30 for pvm”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited February 2023
    Pawain said:
    More Math.

    This is for the Higher SDI and High Luck suit.

    If you use these Noncrafted items:

    Head  Mark Of Wildfire
    Talisman  Lucky Charm
    Earrings  Yukio's
    Robe  Blackthorn or the Old version
    Neck  Mempo
    Cloak Serpent Skin Quiver
    Ring  Compassions Eye
    Shoes  Minax Sandals
    50 SDI Spell Book
    Cuffs of Archmage
    Vine wrap

    I removed the Bracelet from above for more SDI.

    You have these resists.  Sandals will -3 one of the resists. My metal Shield gave me Gold resists.
    included in these numbers.
    Phy 32 (dont have to worry about this one)
    Fire 42
    Cold 43
    Poison 41
    Energy 48

    You are short  109 Resistance in the elementals.

    You have 15 LMC  short 25 LMC
    You have 65% LRC  Short 35%  
    You have +15 Intel
    You have 1 FC and 1 FCR
    You have 185 Mana

    You have 3 armor slots available and the Bracelet. 

    So, you will want to have 8LMC on 3 of the 4 items to get 39LMC

    The armor pieces may get 2 full additions so the most efficient way to get those numbers is to find a really nice Mage Bracelet that has 150Luck 15 SDI and FC or FCR then some resists or any other mage stats. Most likely it will be Antique.

    Your suit will have very little if any + Intel when done.

    So, it is doubtful you will get all 70s resist but choosing the 3 pieces wisely will get 3 to four elements at 70.

    When complete you can have 2400 Luck and 120 SDI

    That will make a suit that you can use all the time on a Pure Mage. Or mage tamer that does not have weaving or magic resist.
    @ Seth
    Ok I have this:
    Head  Mark Of Wildfire
    Talisman  Lucky Charm
    Earrings  Yukio's
    Robe  Blackthorn 
    Neck  Mempo
    Cloak Serpent Skin Quiver
    Ring  Compassions Eye
    Shoes  Minax Sandals
    Wooden Shield of Fortune
    50 SDI Spell Book
    Cuffs of Archmage
    Vine wrap
    Scabbard of Juo'nar
    Minax Sandals

    Chest AOF
    Glove Imbue
    Pants Imbue
    Compassion Eye
    Bracelet Primal

    SDI: 110
    HP: 117
    Mana: 185
    Resist: All 70s (75 Energy for Elf)
    FC/FCR: 1/2
    LMR: 145
    LMC: 30/40
    Mana Regen 17/30

    With the above, I don't have to wear antique, but lose out only with LMC 30/40 and SDI. 

    But the difference of SDI 10% (without slayer) is not a lot of damage "loss", is it?
    I assumed the abomination boss resist will be high 80s or 90s, so the final damage is say 30 points x 110% or 120%, which gives 33 or 36 damage. The difference is not a lot. 

    On the other hand, if there is a slayer then... I still feel the 10% SDI is not worth the trouble. Unless, if I already have a bracelet with 150 luck, 15 sdi, FC/FCR 1, 3, bracelet that is Prized... then maybe its worth it. 

    So I think its easier to just swap the cuff and 50sdi book into the luck suit setup. 

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,657
    Now i understand the problem you all are racers and must kill everything in under 3 hits while Garr just stands there watching pet ..
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023
    Yoshi said:
    “I don’t understand, if you’re going for Sdi, why you wear tangle instead of 5sdi belt? and if you’re going for Sdi, should probably use spell focus sash, since it can give 30 for pvm”
    I did not get that belt. Tangle gives 10 Intel and 2 MR and 5 dci.  All of which are usable here.

    The necro belt gives 5 necro 5hpi (two things of no use to my playstyle.) 

    It also has 5SDI and 1FC. Those are good. But I use Protection so I would give up 10 Intel and 2 MR for 5 SDI.

    So if I did have the belt I would not choose it for me. But I will list it as an option because FC is important if you don't use Protection.

    Heck I may have bought one and stuck it in a mannequin.
    I found another mask on a container last night.

    I'll make a shorter final analysis thread. So anyone think of something better or easier please post it. 

    I bought a couple of ash carpenter runics to try the shield and sword.

    Thanks for your input Yoshi. And others.

    @Seth the bracelet  is a good option even tho Antique they can have a bunch of stats. They are abundant on Atl at a cheap price.  Stats weighed against 50 Luck.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    @Yoshi please explain what the spell focus sash does exactly. I have some but do not wear them. 

    The artio  has FC 2MR 5 mana. All mage stuff.

    Since I do not need the FC that may be a better option for me if I can find the container they are in..
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Pawain said:
    I did not get that belt. Tangle gives 10 Intel and 2 MR and 5 dci.  All of which are usable here.

    "well that dci won't do anything for you because you're not going for mage weapon, 5% of 0 is 0.

    Spell focusing is good for monsters with a lot of hit points, it's no good for lots of little spawn.
    Here is the description:
    Enabled and disabled through a context menu on the item this property affects damage spells aimed at a single target. The first spell has a damage modifier of -30% subsequent spells increase in increments of 6% until 00% then in increments of 2%, until +20%; For PvP encounters it remains at this level for the next 5 spells, in PvM increases of 2% continue till +30%, The next spell, or any change of target during the sequence, will reset the damage modifier to -30%. (excludes field spells, poison & summons)

    So how you use it, the first 6 spells you cast, just cast magic arrow fireball, (they'll all do less damage) but then you'll reach 100% and will start to do more damage, so do big spells after that, eventually you'll reach 30% spell damage increase before it resets"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    Grimbeard said:
    Now i understand the problem you all are racers and must kill everything in under 3 hits while Garr just stands there watching pet ..
    My first suit was for that then I realized where we are and had to start over to incorporate faster killing.

    @popps this is how your question threads should be. I have never crafted a suit that included imbueing  on the armor parts. I max reforged  suit pieces. I have never reforged for luck.

    So I made luck pieces and it grew from there. Posters give you input, you weigh those things and see if it fits your play style.

    Don't rebut input, for them it may work. Or you may find after trying it, it may work for you.

    We are not the same. We do not play the same. Our templates are not the same. So there is rarely a single answer like you want. 

    The correct answer is what works best for you.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023
    @Seth ; Well I tried the Antique Bracelet.  2400 Luck 120 SDI.

    Luckily I monitored the jewel. I did 2 Whisper cycles at Balrons in Chaos. I was casting to check that out to see how mana pool was going.  About half way through the second cycle The bracelet was at 246 durability. Then I decided to stand back  and check Consume. About 30 sec into Consume, the bracelet dropped 4 durability at once.  So 15 or so minutes I went from 255 to 242.
    Some of my other armor lost 1 durability.

    So unless you carry a bag of Bracelets you are not going to last many spawn cycles.

    I did find that I got more cursed, antique, and better loot items from the Balrons. with 2400 Luck.

    I also got 2 of the Valor arties. during that time, not sure if luck did that.

    The suit has 1FC and 1FCR.  Not having at least 1 more FCR makes so my sloth like reflexes can push the next spell before I recover.

    Really need more FCR.   I run Protection so FC is not a prob for me. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    You can get FCR 100 Luck 15SDI  non Antique on VS cheap.  Or Imbue 100 Luck 12SDI.

    2350 Luck and 120 SDI.  Probably worth the FCR or FC.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    @Yoshi I bought 2 ash wood tools 75 charges each. Reforged 35 shields  The most I got was 130 luck.

    It seems metal and wood are a lot more difficult to get 150 luck on.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited February 2023
    Pawain said:
    @ Seth  Well I tried the Antique Bracelet.  2400 Luck 120 SDI.

    Luckily I monitored the jewel. I did 2 Whisper cycles at Balrons in Chaos. I was casting to check that out to see how mana pool was going.  About half way through the second cycle The bracelet was at 246 durability. Then I decided to stand back  and check Consume. About 30 sec into Consume, the bracelet dropped 4 durability at once.  So 15 or so minutes I went from 255 to 242.
    Some of my other armor lost 1 durability.

    So unless you carry a bag of Bracelets you are not going to last many spawn cycles.

    I did find that I got more cursed, antique, and better loot items from the Balrons. with 2400 Luck.

    I also got 2 of the Valor arties. during that time, not sure if luck did that.

    The suit has 1FC and 1FCR.  Not having at least 1 more FCR makes so my sloth like reflexes can push the next spell before I recover.

    Really need more FCR.   I run Protection so FC is not a prob for me. 
    Yup, antiques wear down very fast when we grind for long hours. My antique SDI 18 bracelets worn out so fast that I only use Prized now. 

    If you need FCR, maybe swap the Serpent Skin Quiver with Jumu's Sacred Hide. 
    You lose 125 luck but gain 5 SDI and 1 FCR. 

    Need to find the balance. I was doing that test with my sampire in the last event, the drop isn't great even with 1800 luck (+ statue).
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2023
    Pawain said:
    @ Yoshi I bought 2 ash wood tools 75 charges each. Reforged 35 shields  The most I got was 130 luck.

    It seems metal and wood are a lot more difficult to get 150 luck on.
    “Interesting factoid, non exceptional shields and exceptional shields both have 450 maximum imbue weight, may be easier to find a 150 luck piece as loot and imbue it”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • *blinks. blinks again.*

    Math :(
    Maith Ceol, Chesapeake
    Governor of Moonglow

    Discord: txeggplant
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    *blinks. blinks again.*

    Math :(

    Wait till you see the Dex version.  A lot more things you have to have. HCI DCI Resists more important. SSI.  I'm starting that now. Hard to tell what the max luck you can have with a suit that has everything else.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,657
    Pawain said:
    *blinks. blinks again.*

    Math :(

    Wait till you see the Dex version.  A lot more things you have to have. HCI DCI Resists more important. SSI.  I'm starting that now. Hard to tell what the max luck you can have with a suit that has everything else.
    I posted a picture of it already 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023

    I'm not versed in reading the EC stats.

    It looks like you have only 81 dex 109 Stamina.  Is that a Maul?  You are swinging at 10 ticks.

    I'm angry that I am only getting 138/182.  And have 3 items to imbue so could put 8 stam on each.

    Katana - 2.5 DS  Wakisashi same
    Radiant Scimitar 2.5 WW
    Katana - 2.5 AI

    So, Using a Katana I can get 2 good specials.

    Max speed 120 Stam 10SSI  or 150 Stam 5 SSI

    So, I could have lower Dexterity than I am used to and use a fast weapon.

    All my guys use bandages so the low Dex will slow them down, but it works for a sampire.

    I'll have to lower my expectations for Dex and Stamina.

    What is that guys HCI/DCI?

    I did not buy the HCI Earrings...

    I see why pvp uses a Bokuto. 90 Stam 0 SSi hits max.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,915
    To combat jewelry burn through I keep two sets of jewelry with me.  A lower SDI set for grinding low to mid level mobs and a high SDI set for high to boss level mobs.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    For fighting alpha or paragons, the min is 45 HCI ans 20 DCI if using Bushido Counter Attack.

    20 DCI is a sweet spot I picked up at Stratics, and verified by fighting Rend. Below 20 DCI it seems to get harder.

    The warrior luck needs statue. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    Seth said:
    For fighting alpha or paragons, the min is 45 HCI ans 20 DCI if using Bushido Counter Attack.

    20 DCI is a sweet spot I picked up at Stratics, and verified by fighting Rend. Below 20 DCI it seems to get harder.

    The warrior luck needs statue. 
    Thanks,  I was hoping less HCI would be ok.  And none of the Luck Arties fit a warrior template.
    Except the New Talisman. The Quiver gives 5 DCI.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,657
    Pawain said:
    Seth said:
    For fighting alpha or paragons, the min is 45 HCI ans 20 DCI if using Bushido Counter Attack.

    20 DCI is a sweet spot I picked up at Stratics, and verified by fighting Rend. Below 20 DCI it seems to get harder.

    The warrior luck needs statue. 
    Thanks,  I was hoping less HCI would be ok.  And none of the Luck Arties fit a warrior template.
    Except the New Talisman. The Quiver gives 5 DCI.
    If you want max luck you make sacrifices but after years of running high luck suits i find 1200-1500 to be sweet spot
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,653
    edited February 2023
    Grimbeard said:
    Pawain said:
    Seth said:
    For fighting alpha or paragons, the min is 45 HCI ans 20 DCI if using Bushido Counter Attack.

    20 DCI is a sweet spot I picked up at Stratics, and verified by fighting Rend. Below 20 DCI it seems to get harder.

    The warrior luck needs statue. 
    Thanks,  I was hoping less HCI would be ok.  And none of the Luck Arties fit a warrior template.
    Except the New Talisman. The Quiver gives 5 DCI.
    If you want max luck you make sacrifices but after years of running high luck suits i find 1200-1500 to be sweet spot
    That is basically what I am hearing on the Dex suit.  Have to sacrifice this for that. Kinda like trying to build an AI/Chiv Dread Spider.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
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