If you planted seeds for thorns on the first day, They are ready to harvest 2 - 11
Out of 18 I cross polinated, none made black or white seeds.
Out of 18 I cross polinated, none made black or white seeds.

Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
I have 72 plants on the go and only getting green seeds........
Black and White rare seeds are also sometimes produced as mutants from regular plant crossing.
The button is called the Cross-Pollination button.
I proved I'm not good at words yesterday, so yall figure it out.
no black/white seeds from 648 seed harvests
Next Ill try math with his numbers. That is a .5% to 1.7% chance to get a black or white plant.
So keep Pollinating little Bees!
But, next round you should get 2 or 3!!!!
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
We have the same inlaws???
Yes that is correct, if you push the button you have the chance. My memories returneth.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Yes. I can't remember which Dev said it or where but it was during the time Wilki was present. But the statement was that "Pollinating a plant with itself give the highest chance of mutant seeds." So I started doing that and got a much higher percentage of white and black mutants than I did prior with cross pollinating. The 1 out of 65 does vary as does everything with the RNG but that is a rough working average. Some cycles it might be 300-1 others it might be 25-1. The odds seemed to be high using the old plant pot and potions and watering every day method than it is in the raised beds, using fertile earth in the plant pots also seemed to increase the odds. Then there was that time that the plants from the Naturalist quest made seeds for 2 cycles before they fixed it..... that was the best odds
Sure is Cousin Brother VIC!
Now we need to find the parent plant that gives high odds and stick him in a box and use him for all harvests! Eventually all your plants will be mutants.
I would multi-client and stick a bunch of chars on auto-follow for this. Still have to manually switch to each one to click the holes though, and get them auto-following again. End up with a bunch of seeds that way, including black and white.
If I attempted to do that all my followers would either be dead, dead, dead or lost in some corner.
Need to begin with green. Or other colors.
There is a big square chart somewhere out in digital land that lets you like them up easier.
Since there was just a harvest ask for seeds instead.
Rumor mill says they are going to start the spawn early so players can get seeds. Possible as soon as this weekend.
You also have a chance at getting bright green barrel cactus seeds if you cross pollinate green tri-barrel cactus with green tri-barrel, barrel, or prickly pear cactus or cross pollinate green prickly pear cactus with green prickly pear or barrel cactus.