@ popps has got to be the only person that I know of that would want a ditch digger performing brain surgery because you know everything has to be balanced. GOD give me strength.
I think you miss understand @popps … He doesn’t want the ditch digger performing brain surgery, he just thinks the ditch digger should be paid (rewarded) the same for digging ditches as the brain surgeon doing surgery.
Replying to popps for 25 months that TOT is a dungeon-based event designed for Warriors and Mages... and a gentle reminder there is no Kitchen in the dungeon...
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
We did very well with The Fellowship and Khaldun on LS, players donated sand and Cadellite resources and we made the items needed and gave them to everyone.
But for both, the end result was killing stuff to get the rewards.
It's easy to make fun of popps but in theory every class should be able to participate..
Any class that can kill stuff, can kill stuff and get drops.
I don't expect to cook poison pies and drop them in the dungeon to get drops.
With the exception of a Rogue, which could still, very well be made by the Developers, with due Design, a viable Template for the ToT Events getting drops from hidden chests and steals from Monsters, a Tamer, a Bard, Spellcasters, still would get drops from kills.....
The sole problem is the drops' rate for different Templates since, as we well know, not all Templates can kill with the same speed as Dexers and, if the Design of the Mechanics gives such a weight on kills and how fast they can be delivered in order to get drops, of course that any and all Templates other then Dexers, fighting Templates, mind you, are still at a gross disadvantage and most players, inevitably, end up preferring Dexers for these Events...
And what do we get ?
Monotony of players pretty much all using the same Template that "works" and not necessarily the Template which they enjoy playing with....
To my opinion, this is an imbalance and a shortcoming in the Design of the ToT Events mechanics which "could" be rectified thus bringing back diversity in Templates being used by players, if the Developers wanted to....
How ?
Providing different chances to get ToT Artifact drops depending on the skills being used.... skills with a lower killing speed would get their chances at a drop raised, Dexers' skills that can kill faster, would get their chances at a drop lowered and this, balanced out until the 2 ends meet and moreless, all different types of Templates can enjoy the same drop rate, moreless, in the same time window....
By the way, also crafters, Tinkers with Golems, could participate as fighters at these Events... of course, adjustments should be needed to the Design of the related mechanics in order to make them a truly viable Template to participate.... their Golems should be effective, truly healable also from a distance and, of course, the drop rate should take into account the difference in the time of killing spawn that using a Golem could have as compared to using a scrolled up pet or other ways of fighting.....
all you do is troll, moan and write novels nobody reads
you do not speak for others and you are NOT a player rep, so why do you ceaselessly try to change the game when only YOU struggle with events, and well, just about everything
so why don't you try to enjoy the game instead of trying to find things to pick on.
you ever played space invaders? might be more your level
If I recall correctly, TOT (named after Treasure of Tokuno) is a new system designed to allow the Dev to quickly setup dungeoncrawl events. Instead of backend coding they probably have a control panel for quick setup.
This is so that they can focus on NLS instead of getting bogged down by each event setup.
So whatever u want out of the usual, exciting and popular hack and slash probably isn't coded in TOT backend. Just my guess.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Can I get as many drops per hour as better players like Merus and Merlin? No Can I get enough drops before the end of the event to equip all my characters and help friends equip their's? Yes Am I having fun in the event? Heck yes! So, am I going to get bent out of shape because someone is a better player, or has a more suitable template than I? Not a chance. I don't care if someone is getting more drops than me. Why do you?
It's easy to make fun of popps but in theory every class should be able to participate..
Any class that can kill stuff, can kill stuff and get drops.
I don't expect to cook poison pies and drop them in the dungeon to get drops.
With the exception of a Rogue, which could still, very well be made by the Developers, with due Design, a viable Template for the ToT Events getting drops from hidden chests and steals from Monsters, a Tamer, a Bard, Spellcasters, still would get drops from kills.....
The sole problem is the drops' rate for different Templates since, as we well know, not all Templates can kill with the same speed as Dexers and, if the Design of the Mechanics gives such a weight on kills and how fast they can be delivered in order to get drops, of course that any and all Templates other then Dexers, fighting Templates, mind you, are still at a gross disadvantage and most players, inevitably, end up preferring Dexers for these Events...
And what do we get ?
Monotony of players pretty much all using the same Template that "works" and not necessarily the Template which they enjoy playing with....
To my opinion, this is an imbalance and a shortcoming in the Design of the ToT Events mechanics which "could" be rectified thus bringing back diversity in Templates being used by players, if the Developers wanted to....
How ?
Providing different chances to get ToT Artifact drops depending on the skills being used.... skills with a lower killing speed would get their chances at a drop raised, Dexers' skills that can kill faster, would get their chances at a drop lowered and this, balanced out until the 2 ends meet and moreless, all different types of Templates can enjoy the same drop rate, moreless, in the same time window....
By the way, also crafters, Tinkers with Golems, could participate as fighters at these Events... of course, adjustments should be needed to the Design of the related mechanics in order to make them a truly viable Template to participate.... their Golems should be effective, truly healable also from a distance and, of course, the drop rate should take into account the difference in the time of killing spawn that using a Golem could have as compared to using a scrolled up pet or other ways of fighting.....
Again this is false I'm getting drops with my t-hunter with my mystic bard my fisher tamer and my weaver mystic mage they will all earn their own rewards
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
Can I get as many drops per hour as better players like Merus and Merlin? No Can I get enough drops before the end of the event to equip all my characters and help friends equip their's? Yes Am I having fun in the event? Heck yes! So, am I going to get bent out of shape because someone is a better player, or has a more suitable template than I? Not a chance. I don't care if someone is getting more drops than me. Why do you?
This is exactly my perspective on the event. Well said.
I dont really mind how these events are set up but I do think it would be cool to have it like the Khaldun event where you had to create cadellite infused weapons to fight. Brought crafters into the event and everyone’s weapons were kind of special. Would be cool if they did this kind of thing again.
I'm guessing they don't have time to add the extra requirements because they would have to spend time making up the items, testing to see if they work, etc. Since they should be working on NL.
I have feeling Kyronix would prefer making us jump through hoops before we get to fight.
Pawain, thanks for the advice on using the meteor swarm or chain lighting on the steps. That doubled my drop rate or close to it. Cast meteor swarm at the top then ride down and cast it. That really resolves the targeting problem I have. Get good damage every time. Using these spells a lot more now on other groups too. Had been using the other area damage spells but I can precast these two and target them. That makes them much more useful
Can I get as many drops per hour as better players like Merus and Merlin? No Can I get enough drops before the end of the event to equip all my characters and help friends equip their's? Yes Am I having fun in the event? Heck yes! So, am I going to get bent out of shape because someone is a better player, or has a more suitable template than I? Not a chance. I don't care if someone is getting more drops than me. Why do you?
I get kinda bummed when I see everyone saying they are getting 8-15 drops and hours on samps and archers. I have always played a tamer and its just not viable anymore . By the time all kill comes up a swarm of samps or archers have it dead. I wish there was a way to even it out a bit for us old school tamers.
Since I feel likewise, because the template that I enjoy playing is a Tamer, not a Sampire, and I wished I could also be able to play, in a viable way (with a good drop rate for ToT Artifacts not much lower as that of Dexers), a Rogue and a Bard, perhaps a Spellcaster, without losing on drops rate so much that, in a limited time ToT Event with limited time to log in, I could risk ending up with no sufficient drops to get the Rewards I might want, I posted my opinion, wishing that, at some point, changes might come to make, for these Events, templates other then Dexers more viable for players without losing so much in TOT Artifacts drops rates with these other templates.
Can I get as many drops per hour as better players like Merus and Merlin? No Can I get enough drops before the end of the event to equip all my characters and help friends equip their's? Yes Am I having fun in the event? Heck yes! So, am I going to get bent out of shape because someone is a better player, or has a more suitable template than I? Not a chance. I don't care if someone is getting more drops than me. Why do you?
May I remind what the OP said ?
@ dara said....
I get kinda bummed when I see everyone saying they are getting 8-15 drops and hours on samps and archers. I have always played a tamer and its just not viable anymore . By the time all kill comes up a swarm of samps or archers have it dead. I wish there was a way to even it out a bit for us old school tamers.
Since I feel likewise, because the template that I enjoy playing is a Tamer, not a Sampire, and I wished I could also be able to play, in a viable way (with a good drop rate for ToT Artifacts not much lower as that of Dexers), a Rogue and a Bard, perhaps a Spellcaster, without losing on drops rate so much that, in a limited time ToT Event with limited time to log in, I could risk ending up with no sufficient drops to get the Rewards I might want, I posted my opinion, wishing that, at some point, changes might come to make, for these Events, templates other then Dexers more viable for players without losing so much in TOT Artifacts drops rates with these other templates.
your inability to play the game is no reason to change the game for you. I know tamers who do well
stop being jealous of others and enjoy the game
simple fact ,Samps kill loads, tamers kill less, tamers get less
what part of this simple math do you not understand?
you think tamers should get a better chance of a drop because they kill less?
Sort it out Popps, and stop arguing just for the sake of it.
@ popps why do you completely ignore my reply?? I gave two Tamer build more than capable of keeping up with sampires. Keep in mind i also do the event and earn all their rewards on my fishermen. Don't get me wrong the egg concept was good and I'd love high seas. But your assertion that samps are king is just wrong
While Tamers can kill creatures in ToT Dungeons, I am highly sceptical that they can achieve it, even with your build, as fast as Dexers.
Hence, as long as rate of kills will pretty much be "the" main factor in ToT Artifacts drops rate, Tamers, and other Templates even more then tamers, will always get the very much short end of the stick as compared to using Dexers...
And this, is largely demostrated by the massive presence of Dexers at these ToT Events as compared to other templates.
If it's not a Paragon, my tamer's pets hit harder than sampires. Does that mean they're faster? No. Depending on the Paragon (Ossein Ram, Poison Ele, Lich), I spam Flamestrike on them. Or bring in my Sampire because I can do more to Paragons than my pets.
Is it efficient? No. But I don't care enough to bring a sampire in for the entire thing. And it allows me to get monsters off my back since I can just cast Invis.
I play a caster and no way he can compete with an archer as far as speed goes. Archers can shoot a lot faster than I can cast. Tamer’s pets usually can kill stuff before I can cast a spell as well. But i team up with both to kill the big stuff and mobs. And, can usually find enough pockets of the stuff I can kill on my own to be competitive. Like I said I team up with both for the big stuff and mobs, but don’t attempt to compete with either for the rest. I just wander off finding stuff I can kill.
I just pulled 9 drops in about an hour on my Tamer using my Triton. I was carrying slayer books and casting. it can be done, you just have to play the game.
A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . . Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Pawain, thanks for the advice on using the meteor swarm or chain lighting on the steps. That doubled my drop rate or close to it. Cast meteor swarm at the top then ride down and cast it. That really resolves the targeting problem I have. Get good damage every time. Using these spells a lot more now on other groups too. Had been using the other area damage spells but I can precast these two and target them. That makes them much more useful
And @popps is still writing novels about how he can't use a tamer.
A few more tips since I have a willing audience.
Always keep moving. You just run a pattern until others get there before you.
You can pre cast and use the open door macro. You have to be facing the door. The macro does not affect your spells. Can peek in cast and go back and close the door. Thunderstorm the mobs standing at the door that can't get to you.
The 2nd floor has a lot of opportunities for you. You can be in the room before the bridge and thunderstorm thru the walls of those two other rooms.
On the bridge side. You can go to the door by the bridge T and thunderstorm the mobs inside. Then go in and kill the rest. Go in to the left stand by the wall and thunderstorm the stuff in the bone mage room. Then go out and kill the things on the way to the bone mage room and head towards the tele hall. Put any high HP paras in one of the rooms so you can keep moving. Kill the stuff in the hall heading to the teleporter. Kill the stuff in the teleporter room..
Go to 3rd floor. Head towards the liches on the way to level four, kill them. Go back and go down the hallway in front of the hallway that you entered on. Go down it and kill everything. Go to the room at the end where mobs are spawning in the planters. Area spell those to kill them. Go back to the liches and kill the new ones. Then go back and go down the other hallway and kill everything. Go back to the liches. Put the annoying paragons in the big room in the middle.
Now head to level 4. Kill everything on the way. The end room has lots of stuff.
Level 4 is small, do what you are comfortable with.
Use fire on the Liches. Figure out what is best for your SDI. Do you need to use flamestrike or will 2 quick fireballs kill them. Same with all the other undeads. Determine what spell will kill them the fastest.
I see Cossack posted while I was writing, he uses a melee/caster with a Nightmare for the pet. He probably gets more drops per hour than I do on my Warrior. He is very skilled and focused on killing.
@ popps why do you completely ignore my reply?? I gave two Tamer build more than capable of keeping up with sampires. Keep in mind i also do the event and earn all their rewards on my fishermen. Don't get me wrong the egg concept was good and I'd love high seas. But your assertion that samps are king is just wrong
While Tamers can kill creatures in ToT Dungeons, I am highly sceptical that they can achieve it, even with your build, as fast as Dexers.
Hence, as long as rate of kills will pretty much be "the" main factor in ToT Artifacts drops rate, Tamers, and other Templates even more then tamers, will always get the very much short end of the stick as compared to using Dexers...
And this, is largely demostrated by the massive presence of Dexers at these ToT Events as compared to other templates.
If it's not a Paragon, my tamer's pets hit harder than sampires. Does that mean they're faster? No. Depending on the Paragon (Ossein Ram, Poison Ele, Lich), I spam Flamestrike on them. Or bring in my Sampire because I can do more to Paragons than my pets.
Is it efficient? No. But I don't care enough to bring a sampire in for the entire thing. And it allows me to get monsters off my back since I can just cast Invis.
My sdi tamer on cats popps name a time I'll show you how she can out do a sampire
Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way...
A guy on LS that is a stubborn old time mage, Rides a Polar bear and plays casually said he has got 160 drops so far. He uses mage spells and EVs. He has done this in every dungeon and all content in UO. @popps You have to play to get drops.
I went in Deceit on my Crafter with 50 EV scrolls and the skills shown. by the time I had ruin through the Scrolls I had six drops. I only died twice and by the time i was done I had a groove going. I imagine I could have whatever I wanted from this event using just my crafter by the time this is over.
I don't expect to cook poison pies and drop them in the dungeon to get drops.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
But for both, the end result was killing stuff to get the rewards.
The sole problem is the drops' rate for different Templates since, as we well know, not all Templates can kill with the same speed as Dexers and, if the Design of the Mechanics gives such a weight on kills and how fast they can be delivered in order to get drops, of course that any and all Templates other then Dexers, fighting Templates, mind you, are still at a gross disadvantage and most players, inevitably, end up preferring Dexers for these Events...
And what do we get ?
Monotony of players pretty much all using the same Template that "works" and not necessarily the Template which they enjoy playing with....
To my opinion, this is an imbalance and a shortcoming in the Design of the ToT Events mechanics which "could" be rectified thus bringing back diversity in Templates being used by players, if the Developers wanted to....
How ?
Providing different chances to get ToT Artifact drops depending on the skills being used.... skills with a lower killing speed would get their chances at a drop raised, Dexers' skills that can kill faster, would get their chances at a drop lowered and this, balanced out until the 2 ends meet and moreless, all different types of Templates can enjoy the same drop rate, moreless, in the same time window....
By the way, also crafters, Tinkers with Golems, could participate as fighters at these Events... of course, adjustments should be needed to the Design of the related mechanics in order to make them a truly viable Template to participate.... their Golems should be effective, truly healable also from a distance and, of course, the drop rate should take into account the difference in the time of killing spawn that using a Golem could have as compared to using a scrolled up pet or other ways of fighting.....
NO-ONE cares what you think, it isn't going to change YOU ADAPT
all you do is troll, moan and write novels nobody reads
you do not speak for others and you are NOT a player rep, so why do you ceaselessly try to change the game when only YOU struggle with events, and well, just about everything
so why don't you try to enjoy the game instead of trying to find things to pick on.
you ever played space invaders? might be more your level
If I recall correctly, TOT (named after Treasure of Tokuno) is a new system designed to allow the Dev to quickly setup dungeon crawl events. Instead of backend coding they probably have a control panel for quick setup.
This is so that they can focus on NLS instead of getting bogged down by each event setup.
So whatever u want out of the usual, exciting and popular hack and slash probably isn't coded in TOT backend. Just my guess.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Can I get enough drops before the end of the event to equip all my characters and help friends equip their's? Yes
Am I having fun in the event? Heck yes!
So, am I going to get bent out of shape because someone is a better player, or has a more suitable template than I? Not a chance. I don't care if someone is getting more drops than me. Why do you?
Since they should be working on NL.
I have feeling Kyronix would prefer making us jump through hoops before we get to fight.
@dara said....
Since I feel likewise, because the template that I enjoy playing is a Tamer, not a Sampire, and I wished I could also be able to play, in a viable way (with a good drop rate for ToT Artifacts not much lower as that of Dexers), a Rogue and a Bard, perhaps a Spellcaster, without losing on drops rate so much that, in a limited time ToT Event with limited time to log in, I could risk ending up with no sufficient drops to get the Rewards I might want, I posted my opinion, wishing that, at some point, changes might come to make, for these Events, templates other then Dexers more viable for players without losing so much in TOT Artifacts drops rates with these other templates.
stop being jealous of others and enjoy the game
simple fact ,Samps kill loads, tamers kill less, tamers get less
what part of this simple math do you not understand?
you think tamers should get a better chance of a drop because they kill less?
Sort it out Popps, and stop arguing just for the sake of it.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
A few more tips since I have a willing audience.
Always keep moving. You just run a pattern until others get there before you.
You can pre cast and use the open door macro. You have to be facing the door. The macro does not affect your spells. Can peek in cast and go back and close the door. Thunderstorm the mobs standing at the door that can't get to you.
The 2nd floor has a lot of opportunities for you. You can be in the room before the bridge and thunderstorm thru the walls of those two other rooms.
On the bridge side. You can go to the door by the bridge T and thunderstorm the mobs inside. Then go in and kill the rest. Go in to the left stand by the wall and thunderstorm the stuff in the bone mage room. Then go out and kill the things on the way to the bone mage room and head towards the tele hall. Put any high HP paras in one of the rooms so you can keep moving. Kill the stuff in the hall heading to the teleporter. Kill the stuff in the teleporter room..
Go to 3rd floor. Head towards the liches on the way to level four, kill them. Go back and go down the hallway in front of the hallway that you entered on. Go down it and kill everything. Go to the room at the end where mobs are spawning in the planters. Area spell those to kill them.
Go back to the liches and kill the new ones. Then go back and go down the other hallway and kill everything. Go back to the liches. Put the annoying paragons in the big room in the middle.
Now head to level 4. Kill everything on the way. The end room has lots of stuff.
Level 4 is small, do what you are comfortable with.
Use fire on the Liches. Figure out what is best for your SDI. Do you need to use flamestrike or will 2 quick fireballs kill them. Same with all the other undeads. Determine what spell will kill them the fastest.
I see Cossack posted while I was writing, he uses a melee/caster with a Nightmare for the pet.
He probably gets more drops per hour than I do on my Warrior. He is very skilled and focused on killing.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo