Classic Client : how does one check a character's STATs CAP ?
The STATs CAP is :
Now, when one double clicks the STATs bar in the Classic Client , to the left side of it the 3 Stats are displayed :

They show, though, the current figures including "modified" stats from items worn.
A naked character, with no stats modification from items, still shows the currently achieved stats, not what their respective CAPs are....
For example, let's assume that a 1 year old character has the following stats when wearing nothing :
- Strength 125
- Dexterity 30
- Intelligence 75
Total comes 230 which is the total CAP.
YET, this character, let's assume this, has already used a +25 STATs Scroll of Power plus a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation so, its CAP has effectively raised to be 260 total.
Yet, the Gump only displays the currently developed stats and, thus, shows only a total of 230 total stats points.
What if, that player forgets that, for that character, they have already used a +25 STATs Scroll of Power plus a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation which has raised the CAP to 260 and uses them again, thus wasting them all for nothing since they have already been used on that character but, only, the stats have not been trained yet ?
Shouldn't there be a way, within the Classic Client, for a player to be able to double check, BEFORE applying any Scroll of Power and/or +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation, what the current STATs CAP for that character is ?
And if there already is one (within the Classic Client, NOT having to launch the Enhanced Client to check...), what would it be ?
The STATs CAP is :
Total stats are capped at 225 for new accounts. At 6 months, all characters will have their stat cap raised by 5 points to 230. Also, Scrolls of Power can be found to raise your stat cap by up to 25 points and the special Scroll of Valiant Commendation allows a further +5 giving a final total possible of 260. Individual stats are capped at 125 real (150 with items).
Now, when one double clicks the STATs bar in the Classic Client , to the left side of it the 3 Stats are displayed :

They show, though, the current figures including "modified" stats from items worn.
A naked character, with no stats modification from items, still shows the currently achieved stats, not what their respective CAPs are....
For example, let's assume that a 1 year old character has the following stats when wearing nothing :
- Strength 125
- Dexterity 30
- Intelligence 75
Total comes 230 which is the total CAP.
YET, this character, let's assume this, has already used a +25 STATs Scroll of Power plus a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation so, its CAP has effectively raised to be 260 total.
Yet, the Gump only displays the currently developed stats and, thus, shows only a total of 230 total stats points.
What if, that player forgets that, for that character, they have already used a +25 STATs Scroll of Power plus a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation which has raised the CAP to 260 and uses them again, thus wasting them all for nothing since they have already been used on that character but, only, the stats have not been trained yet ?
Shouldn't there be a way, within the Classic Client, for a player to be able to double check, BEFORE applying any Scroll of Power and/or +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation, what the current STATs CAP for that character is ?
And if there already is one (within the Classic Client, NOT having to launch the Enhanced Client to check...), what would it be ?
You really don't play this game much, do you.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
I am 100% certain I will NEVER need to read any of these dumb posts, I will never learn anything from this poster.
In fact, I feel 1% dumber from having to endure this nonsense
Please Mariah, add ignore to this forum. I don't ever want to have to be exposed to stupidity anymore
For example, say that a character is showing 255 as Maximum stats..... now, it could "either" be that the character, let's assume one older then 6 months, had the breakdown to 255 achieved like this :
- 225 base CAP
- +5 because older then 6 months
- +20 because they used a Power scroll of +20
- +5 because they used a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation
The total makes 255 Maximum Stats YET, the missing 5 stats to the 260 possible CAP would be achieved with a +25 Power Scroll and NOT a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation (which was lready used at a previous time....).
But how would the player know what is needed to bring the CAP to 260 without a breakdown showing ?
The above 255 CAP, infact, could have been reached likewise, in this other manner...
- 225 base CAP
- +5 because older then 6 months
- +25 because they used a Power scroll of +25
The total makes 255 Maximum Stats the same, YET, this one time, the missing 5 stats to the 260 possible CAP would be achieved with a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation and NOT A +25 Power Scroll....
But by looking at that Stats gump in the Classic Client, how would a player know what they had to use to reach the 260 CAP if they did not remember what was previously used on that character ?
Popps someone already told you that you can't eat the valiant scroll twice. Your last try is irrelevant.
He would have to log into the game to do that .....
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Treasure Hunters
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Besides, for the +5, +10, +15, +20 and +25 stats Power Scrolls, after using one, nothing remains.... so, with time passing by, and the player possibly forgetting having used one, how would the player be able to know what stat scroll was used for how many points without this being retrievable as an information from somewhere ?
It should be obvious if the account is 6mth or not.
My accounts are all veteran so it's 230.
Then it's either 255 or 260 depends on what they eat. What else do u need to know?
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Let's assume, that a character has a total of 255 max stats.
Now, by looking at the Gump in the Classic client that reads this figure, 255, can one tell whether that character needs to use a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation OR, rather, a +25 Ultimate Scroll of Power ?
Because, as I tried to explain, that 255 figure could be reached in 2 alternative ways :
1) -
- 230 base CAP (because we took as granted the character's age as older then 6 months)
- +25 because they used a Power scroll of +25
The total makes 255 Maximum Stats, YET, the missing 5 stats to the 260 possible CAP would be achieved with a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation and NOT A +25 Power Scroll....
2) -
- 230 base CAP (because we took as granted the character's age as older then 6 months)
- +20 because they used a Power scroll of +20
- +5 because they used a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation
The total makes 255 Maximum Stats just the same, YET, the missing 5 stats to the 260 possible CAP, in this alternate scenario, would be achieved with a +25 Power Scroll and NOT a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation (which was lready used at a previous time....).
Please, tell me how would it be possible, by looking at the stats gump in the Classic Client and reading a figure of 255 total stats (that is, if the players does not remember the history of what stats scrolls they fed to that particular character), a player would be able to understand whether, for that one character, in order to reach the total possible CAP of 260 stats, they would have to use a +5 Scroll of Valiant Commendation OR a +25 Ultimate Scroll of Power....
I fail to understand "how" a player could be able to tell what scroll would be needed, by looking at that gump and seeing that total stats figure....
Overly bored people start asking hypothetical questions about simple game mechanics and starts giving additional hypothetical situations when people answer their previous hypothetical.
@popps - Instead of writing novels about some hypothetical scenario that might not even be real; why don't you provide us with a specific example of how this is impacting your character right now (providing screenshots) and maybe this thread might avoid being locked.
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Aside from being able to see what stats scrolls a character may have already used, I would also like to be able to see what recipes a character may have learned WITHOUT having to bring up a crafting Menu to tell me that I have not learned a given recipe...
Not to mention, how I would like the Loyalty Menu to also provide the information of what a Fisherman's Reputation with the Fishmonger is....
What I am trying to say is, that I think that players, rather then to find "work arounds" to gather informations about their characters, should be able to see it "flat out", easily, without having to go out of their way....
Is it too much to ask ? I hope not !