Anyone Else Want The Egg Hunting To Last A Little While Longer?
There was some discussion in GC about how people wanted this event to go on for a bit longer. They were expressing that they still needed to get a few more items, or that one last item and needed more time. Anyone else need more time?

My answer is "no". I've only spent about 5 or 6 hours over the past 5 weeks on the event so I've been ready to move on and start the next event (hopefully we actually get one before the fall).
At that point the honest player has a choice; do they finally do something like hunt eggs without bots (after several months) or do they go do the new content with new rewards? I think most people will do new content given if they couldn't compete against the bots they could just buy the rewards on the cheap.
I don't really like limited time event, because not everyone will be free during the specific period. For me I stopped playing actively almost 3 weeks now due to busy work.
I totally missed the entire fellowship quest a few years ago, again due to work commitment.
I vote thumbs down to all limited time event.
As we said, please don't make decisions for the regular players based on the scripters. Do something about the latter without affecting the rest of us.
As we said again, you don't shut down a shopping mall because there are thieves. Deal with the thieves, I still want to shop at my own time.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Personally, I would like some good, "No-Event" time in between these "Treasures of" Events so as to be able to get normal gameplay things done such as filling BODs, doing Treasure Maps, hunting the normal, non-event places and so forth.....
All content which, usually gets put on a side for lack of time during these Treasures of Events that monopolize most players' in game time....
They already knew the few coders will be busy with NLS. They won't have time for a major new content like Shadowguard, or High Seas, etc.
So they created dynamic, relatively easier-to-operate content, to keep us busy, and some good reward items such as carrots. This dynamic content is not permanent, which means - we got nothing new for a long time.
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
Static locations would have been fine in towns and dungeons if you needed detect to reveal the chest, lockpicking to open and stealing to get.
I am really curious about this....
Can anyone expert about scripting and Third Party utilities explain to me why, having Treasures of Artifacts beDesigned to spawn in hidden, locked chests that would need Detect Hidden, Remove Trap, Lockpicking and Stealing to get them, would be something that would never be possible to be scripted ?
I mean, I can understand that it would be something quite hard to be scripted, but impossible ?
Now, if it was hard, but still possible, all it would need is 1 well knowledged player about creating scripts to create such a script and then pass it over to friends, guild members and so forth, and soon, passed from player to player, quite a lot of players would be using such a script....
So, it is just hard, or would it be flat out impossible to create such a script ?
Nothing is impossible to automate. Nothing.
The goal would be to create a deterrent. By adding 3-4 relatively hard skills to gain that would make people think twice about running 24/7 bots compared to just using a throwaway EJ account with an imbued suit. There would still be automated players but most likely attended which seems to be ok.
I disagree. There should always be alternative ways to achieve the same prize rather than forcing people to play fighting templates.
There are people that would much prefer playing thief, crafter, t-hunter than being bored out of our minds saying all kill or a double clicky with a wep.
Really ?
Let's look at mining and lumberjacking.... shall we ?
They were initially spawning at set locations.... then, because of scripters, they were randomized in their spawn locations.
But "who" this Design change affect the most ? Scripters ?
No, I do not think so...... it affected the most regular, non-scripting players who, now, had to invest a whole lot more of their in game time mining and lumberjacking in order to get the resources that they needed..... because.... they were randomized and they had no clue where they would spawn....
AFK scripters, instead, who spend none of their time at the keyboard, could not care less because they can have their scripts run, AFK, 24/7 and gather whatever they get and, in the end, eventually, get the resources they are looking for but still with no investment of their actual time.
By randomizing eggs spawn locations, it would be exactly the same, to my opinion....
Regular, non-scripting players would need to spend a whole lot more of their in-game time (and some players simply lack the luxury to spend "that" much of their time in a game....) to find eggs randomly spawning, while AFK scripters would just start their 24/7 AFK scripts and come back to their computer in a several hours to benefit from their AFK scripts from that....
Not to mention, that they could run multiple clients to run those AFK scripts and get eggs not just from 1 account, but from multiple ones at once....
So, if mining and lumberjacking changes taught us anything with their randomizing of resources locations spawns, it is that the randomizing of eggs locations spawns will NOT, to my opinion, hurt AFK scripters at all but, rather, it would greatly hurt regular, non-scripting players and AFK scripters would still get their eggs without spending any of their time to gather them.....
That is at least the way I see it.
Then, all that it would take, is a well knowledged player about scripting to create a working script and then, pass it over to friends and guild members and, give it time, it would become widely spread and we would be back at square zero with scripting being "the" dominating way to play UO.....
How about, instead..... a different approach ?
Just a thought and a mere example of a different approach to deal with cheating in games.....