How come that Butterflies have been Given Turn in Points but NOT Masterfully Grafted Saplings ?
I was happy to find out that Butterflies had been given Treasures of Britannia Clean Up Points so as to at least permit to players needing to discard the excess (when no other players was interested in them) at least get something out of the time spent in getting them....
I was expecting the same to hold true for also Masterfully Grafted Saplings but, to my disappointment, instead, they have no Turn in Value for Clean Up Britannia...
Have not checked out the Candles and the Parrots so I am not sure whether these have or not been given Clean Up Points but my question to @Kyronix is "why" leave out from being given Clean Up Points any item newly created which players might have a need to get rid of after having spent time to gather them ?
Would it kindly be possible to rectify this and give Clean Up Points to any and all of these newly created items so that players can at least get something out of them considering that it took time to them to gather them, should they need to discard them, and find no fellow players needing them ?
I was expecting the same to hold true for also Masterfully Grafted Saplings but, to my disappointment, instead, they have no Turn in Value for Clean Up Britannia...
Have not checked out the Candles and the Parrots so I am not sure whether these have or not been given Clean Up Points but my question to @Kyronix is "why" leave out from being given Clean Up Points any item newly created which players might have a need to get rid of after having spent time to gather them ?
Would it kindly be possible to rectify this and give Clean Up Points to any and all of these newly created items so that players can at least get something out of them considering that it took time to them to gather them, should they need to discard them, and find no fellow players needing them ?
"Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
The butterflies are considered oragami which already have a cleanup amount associated with them and I believe the parrots also do because you get points for the regular parrot drops you would loot from corpses in malas. The candles and the bushes are based on items that have never been given cleanup points (the candles I forget what the original event was but think it was maybe Eodon related? but the bushes are from the Ice ToT which do not have cleanup values).
Just an FYI that almost no new items they introduce ever have cleanup points associated with them and the Devs need to add things to the cleanup table to be given points. That list is in need of updating for sure.
I mean, I find it extremely annoying to have to spend time to gather new items over and over without being able to at least get Clean Up points for them when a player has to discard them...
This could easily be avoided, to my opinion, by having a standard Policy to assign Clean Up points to any and all newly items introduced into Ultima Online....
"Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
Well, maybe not the end of the world but still, some players might see it as annoying to spend time gathering items, only to then have to trash them all for nothing.... that is like trashing one's own chunks of a lifetime (that time spent to gather those items...), all for nothing....
At least, if one could get Clean Up Points, that time spent could be seen getting something back...
Never be afraid to challenge the status quo
For the record, just in between Butterflies (32), Hedges short and tall (34), Candles (8) and Parrots (9), I counted some 83 "extra" items to be collected not to mention the obvious doubles, triples, quadruples and so forth....
And the new Event segment has only started !! Imagine now with Destard, how many more "colored Artifact armor pieces" players will need to store.... tens, hundreds more...
On top of all of the other ones already gathered and stored from previous Events...
Throw them in the trash because of lack of storage space ?
Sure.... but wouldn't then some players start realizing that they might be throwing away, with those items, all the time that they spent in gathering them all for nothing, if they cannot even get some Clean Up Points in return ?
And might not some among these players, perhaps, just perhaps, start thinking that, rather then wasting their time all for nothing, they might be better go do something else, rather then spend chunks of their lifetime to gather items which they then would have to throw into the trash bin all for nothing, because they are neither given more storage space to store them, nor even any Clean Up Points from discarding them ?
And no, at least to my viewing, to pay for additional accounts just to store "pixels" is not something that I personally might be willing to do..... I'd rather stop playing if I run out of space to store additional, new items released to the game but I would not certainly go spend more on a 25 Years old game.... sorry....
Just something to think about....
What happens RL when you collection gets too big for your house? You buy a bigger house, rent storage space, stop collecting or sell some of the collection off - you don't expect someone else to provide storage space for it for free.
The same thing applies in UO. Get a bigger house (or put garden sheds on your existing one) rent storage space (Vaults or a 2nd account), stop collecting or sell some off.
It has been said several times that there will NOT be an additional storage increase to accounts. Please stop winding everyone up by constantly asking for it. Learn to take NO for an answer.
"Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]
ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
I collected the candles first because I love their names and they go great at my Tokuno house "The Church" on GL.
"Insanity is a naturally occurring mutation; humanity has just managed to perfect it." -- JMK [[me]]