Sorry... I'm getting antsy
I'm eagerly looking forward the the March content involving the Frey (or Fey?) and figured since last week still had 1 day of Feb in it that we might have to wait until this week. I thought we'd likely see something Tues/Wed but here we are at 1:30pm EST on Wednesday and still nada.
@Kyronix - can you give use an idea of what day to expect the event to start? Even a ballpark like this week... last day of March?
@Kyronix - can you give use an idea of what day to expect the event to start? Even a ballpark like this week... last day of March?

It was in the Feb newsletter. I had my event titles mixed up... I could have made so many more corny puns with Spring Fever!!
More time to get ready is fine.
Event start week of 21 cruse starts 8th ya I'm going to get lots of play in
Enjoy it for me what ever it is
3 days is mine.
But they will have to not have lag when it appears.