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  • Bark_At_The_Moon said: I made friends with the people at the Brit graveyard. Joined my first guild EiG. The next two years became the best gaming experience ever. Nothing has even come close to the level of fun I had everyday in UO. If I neve…
  • In addition to the wiki Mariah provided; you can use / / UO Stratics Forums as other resources to learn all the changes since you last played a couple decades ago. Welcome back!
  • Because..... the team is busy with New Legacy.... and stuff...
    in why? Comment by keven2002 June 26
  • Cookie said: Scripts I don't mind so much, as long as they are available to all, and we are all playing the same game. That's the thing - scripts aren't available to all (I certainly don't have any or know where to get them) and we aren't…
  • @sibble pretty much nailed it. With the amount of scripting that goes on in PvP these days (the reason I stopped pvping many years ago), giving a mage the ability to AoE (or any other new way of dismounting) probably wouldn't change things as much a…
  • If already tweaking the robes to add symbols, could we possible get a semi new piece of robe art? Other idea would be have different style robes for different professions. A mage robe, in my opinion, would look much different than a thief robe. I …
  • Kegs of Fort work just like regular potion kegs... keep reusing them forever. This has to be some sort of troll though because popps is the guy that wants an easy button for everything but now he wants kegs of fort to be harder to get for some reaso…
  • CovenantX said: However, I have seen Advisors get poisoned at despise champ spawn from a poison field, they were hidden so you saw the message 'Advisor is wracked with extreme pain" in the chat box, I will say that this is the part of …
  • LeBaiton said: Genuine question: how many times do you have to report an unattended scripter before action is taken? I have reported the scripter 4 times and the same character with the same exact gear keeps returning to the spot to do his or…
  • EJs don't even need to pay their subs to access their banks - it's a one time fee of like 300 (maybe 500?) sovereigns from the UO store (anyone can do this - EJ or Paid) to get 30 days of bank access. So basically for the cost of a large soda from t…
  • Rorschach said: There is a lot of speculation, rumormongering and flat out misinformation here. Be careful where and who you get information from. Shout out to ya @Rorschach for allowing us to hash this out a bit instead of shutting the th…
  • Yea I tend to agree with Jack on this.  As I mentioned very early on in this event, the rewards list is lacking with half of the rewards being repeat and the other half only being 6 items with varying usage. We are now 2 months into the event with s…
  • Kyronix said: Lord_Nythrax said: Kyronix said: These are meant to be fun and whimsical akin to the BNN articles of yesteryear.  For more specific game related information please see the periodic newsletters delivered via mailchi…
  • Kyronix said: Anyone who has spent a while on project will no doubt evolve their thinking and methodology.  Some of the original stuff I wrote 10+ years ago I look at and go...who wrote this?!...oh...right.  But that's part of learning and gr…
  • Lord_Frodo said: Please do NOT break the pet command spaghetti code, that code is as old as UO No need to worry, the Dev team isn't going to make any sort of major changes to anything in UO that isn't NL anytime soon.  We have the pirate h…
  • Rufus_The_hermit said: @ Petra_Fyde True, one can find the standard 5gold per bottle in Europa, but ALSO for 47gold, and THAT is the problem : fill 5 pack mules with bottles bought for 5gold in one NPC, gate to the other to sell bottles for…
  • I'm guessing if I'm using CC there is no option for that since there isn't any overhead text menu option??
  • Meh - I've seen at least 3 different people now say that AI can write scripts now for UO. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. AI has come a lot further than turning your lights on or off
  • Agreed - one of many systems that is in need of an update.
    in I am Leaving Comment by keven2002 May 29
  • This is one step above the trash talk on GenChat during PvP primetime. I'm just waiting for one of them to say "you lost w/ numbers!" or a fat joke. C'mon boys let's see who can out-nerd who and who is the bigger keyboard warrior! Kick it up a notch…
  • Pawain said: There sure is a lot of effort put into a game that has been declared dead monthly and has no players or development.  How much effort is "Hey Siri (or Alexa) - write a ultima online script to collect plundering hats" ?
  • I'm also down to just one single paid account which I've been toying with the idea of closing as well because it really does seem like we've received bare minimum over the last few years while the team has "been hard at work building NL". I think yo…
    in I am Leaving Comment by keven2002 May 28
  • Petra_Fyde said: Neither of the above. It's not a 'companion' it's a crutch. No matter how badly I play it's ME playing, not some blasted computer program. If you look at it from a new player perspective it's actually very helpful to come …
  • Urge said: ForeverFun said: Are you hoping to steal some super rare thing?  Otherwise, it's far easier to steal from mobs at champ spawns.  I've seen one spawn in particular that is frequented by some thiefs that appear to never rest.…
  • Lord_Nythrax said: Anyway these dungeon revamps were the peak era of effort being wasted because the devs were too out of touch. They actually thought someone would want all that ephemeral garbage. They actually thought someone would want all…
  • I have 2 sampires and an archer in very high end suits that include several shard bound items, but I'd disagree with this. All this does is allow the people/guilds that are all decked out in almost max stats to easily hop around to any shard they wa…
  • Short answer to your question is yes - ingots do sell but the real question to ask is whether or not the time you spend mining warrants the price you will get per ingot.  Several things have changed since you probably last mined some ore.  Skett i…
  • Mariah said: Perhaps you should read more about stealing from monsters? quote pertinent sections:A given monster can be stolen from once in its…
  • Mariah said: Far from being 'on the lash' I was laid low by a migraine. When 'flashing lights' appear in my head and my eyes are closed, the only thing I can do is close the pc. Unfortunately I'm not a 'bot' and can't be here 24/7. I've…
  • Grimbeard said: Pawain said: My 0 skill guy usually gets at least 1 scalis from 10 nets.   I have seen 120 fishers get 1 with 10. I have seen a pvper template get a scalis with almost every toss.  I can't tell his name because it is to…