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  • Violet said: To have absolutely zero colors on 12 totems would be exceptionally rare, but still mathematically possibly. I see it's disappointing to you to not get the nightmares you want in the time frame you feel is acceptable. If the totems are n…
  • Kalsey said: I'm just curious, not being negative.  Do you have a character on Siege?  You can place a house there and on production.   Yes, I have a character on Siege. 3 Paid accounts on productions shards going down to 1 after this "New…
  • The shard absolutely nobody asked for but got made anyhow... It's not even UO. it's a different game with a uo skin and split the playerbase even thinner again, hurting the game overall. Just my 2 cents. You know what everyone has been asking for…
  • I know this thread is old but I just thought I "lost" a locked down and secured chest in my home and found this thread trying to find answers. I think I can add some context / helpful info for anyone in the future who "lost" something LOCKED DOWN or…
  • I do not require assistance with this any longer. Thank you to everyone who reached out. This thread can be CLOSED. Thank you!
  • I tried the Web Client accessible through https://retail.classicuo.org and logged in using my Discord / Official UO Information. This is a step in the right direction and I am grateful to have another option on how to access and play UO. Is it perf…
  • "Posted on September 25, 2024 by UO Dev Team9/25/2024There is no mistaking the iconic aesthetics of the Ultima Online Classic Client are irreplaceable.  Since its release in 1997, players have come to appreciate the performance and quality of life u…
  • Vartuk said: Returning after 22 years and am very lost.  Starting over on Atlantic and would like to build a mage that can handle a mix of pvp and pvm. Does anyone have a suggested template?  Many thanks. A little late but maybe still help…
  • Things with a messy spawn around them that make it difficult and I feel like I'm more engaged in a PvM dungeon raid....
  • ZekeTerra said: That event ended after Halloween 2016.  2017's Halloween event was at Terort Skitas in Ilsh and the Turn-in guy is still there if you have any old ones from Doom, Kotl or the Dungeon in Terort Skitas   You can not get any new …
  • Tim said: PS Zylo in my opinion you poll would carry more weight if you had included my choice "Both are good enough". You're probably right, I just made a quick poll as I just came back to UO and this was my immediate experience/reaction with …
  • You can enhance it with Gold to add more Luck to a Shield.
  • I would encourage you to stay Zolt… I returned a few weeks ago and there is still a TON of fun to be had in the game Explore the new areas, actually finish training all your characters, spend some time hunting with friends and finding better gear. …
  • I just placed a Large Tower on Atlantic, the first house directly outside Wrong Dungeon, directly beside the mountain & has a personal outdoor forge with waterfront nearby. I have run the map many times and do so once a week marking runes. I am …
    in Housing space Comment by Zylo June 2018
  • SoulSyphon said: there is a soulstone garden next to the EM hall in Malas. Where is the "EM Hall" in Malas? Even Googling it brings up nothing.
  • InLor said: Not everything is uglier in the EC, but as a whole there are so many aesthetic missfires, that I just can't bare it. And it's not only purely looks, but also function. There are hues and colors that are supposed to look more dashi…
  • jaytin said: My advice, if you hate it so much then don't use it, nobody is forcing you.  They are forcing us…. They refuse to add enhance client functionality with legacy graphics. Why do you care that people who like Classic Graphics want…
  • Lord_Frodo said: You knew it was going to happen @ InLor.  I have tried the EC, in fact I use it when I am sorting stuff in my housr but I am sorry I can not stand the way they have drawn my pets/mobs.  My Blue beetle looks so much nicer in C…
  • Bilbo said: DJAd said: Some great ideas here. They could call it something like "The enhanced client".  But with true CC Graphics. THIS! How are the devs not getting this? EVERYONE wants Ehanced Client Functionality with Classic C…
  • The_Higgs_1 said: Splintering is definitely OP as hell.  First off it should have only been for melee focus temps only, second it shouldn't have both bleed and slow walk, it should be one or the other.   Also parry mages need to be nerfed as …
    in You ruined pvp Comment by Zylo June 2018
  • Lord_Frodo said: AMEN  How can you honestly play something you can not stand to look at. This.  The player characters are ugly as hell in E.C..... World looks great, features are amazing but the players/weapons/mounts are UGLY... What do yo…
  • This post hit the nail right on the head.... I love all the FEATURES of the enhanced client.... BUT the graphics for the players/mounts are AWFUL... The paperdolls are AWFUL... Classic Client has better graphics for the players themselves which is w…