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  • Pawain said:Make a toon to LS, you need no skill. Ill take you on my ship and you will have hundreds of drops like everyone else. I ll deliver the hats to your home shard. This option seems good to you only because you can play it with 4 chara…
  • Petra_Fyde said: Inflation has one cause, player greed. players set the prices, not the devs.  No, actually it's quite the opposite. As you yourself have admitted any given player has zero effect on the prices. You can set whatever "nongre…
  • Amazing how those who make these decisions lack an understanding of basic economics. Not only shard bounding decreases supply and thus increase prices, but it is so so much easier for some whale to come in and establish a monopoly on a given item on…
  • Petra_Fyde said: Can we get any closer to determining what causes it?  It seems to be when you have interacted with a mob in any way, but are off screen from it when it dies.  Don't need to interact with a mob for it to happen. I have seen…
  • Tim said: Wild guess but I think when CC was written separate graphics cards didn't exist. So does it even have the base graphic "call" to a seperate GPU in it's base code?  Actually, it was built-in graphics that did not exist at that ti…
  • You are right, the broken thing about the sampire is that it is able to leech health (and mana and stam) based on damage. And to decouple them as you suggest pretty much destroys the Sampire. PvM dexxing is OP even without leeching because they are …
  • Pawain said: It has worked a lot better for me than in any dungeon on my melee toons.  Once in a while it chooses a mob out of range so I have pay attention if my guy just stands there, I run over to the selected target or retarget and it cho…
  • Cady said: Why are you feeding curry to an infant? When the baby is constipated, you gotta do what you gotta do.
  • McDougle said: This brings up three more adjustments  2. No way for a mage to leech mana perhaps an adjustment to the mastery scaling off real skill level. Well, a necro-mage can leech mana, but the biggest downside compared to a sampire t…
  • TimSt said: Superfrog said: Pawain said: This would not be a problem if we had a confirmation gump before the sale concludes.  They should make one... I went ahead and mocked up what it could look like, see pic below. Y…
  • The problem is not with the macro but with your targeting. Look at your target bar/filters to make sure the duplicates are not listed as enemies there.
  • BTW, the luck potions actually provide a negative incentive to kill paras. If you have 60 minutes to reap the benefits, you are not going to waste them on long fights with a high probability of death. Just saying. 
  • TimSt said: Sliss said: TimSt said: 5. Get rid of paragons all together and replace with automatic reveal of anyone with a pet. 6. Put paragons on a leash so they can not be lured to another player to grief them. 7. Limit the nu…
  • TimSt said: 5. Get rid of paragons all together and replace with automatic reveal of anyone with a pet. 6. Put paragons on a leash so they can not be lured to another player to grief them. 7. Limit the number of drops to 10 an hour with an ho…
  • Merlin said: Fortunately, I have been dying frequently enough in the dungeon that when I log to save my Swampy, I just close out of the client and re-run the patcher and the ghost mobs will be gone.    That's what I've been doing wrong. Ne…
  • I seriously do not understand this 20+ year old war on storage. It made sense in 1998. It does not today with all the computing power. UO is an item-oriented game, not to mention hoarder's wet dream. BS is making both direct and indirect money from …
  • McDougle said: Any pet with built in healing will of course be better than pets without it toss in overcaped skills .... That is not necessarily true. It would have a lover DPS than the same pet without healing. So, if it's a DPS you are a…
  • How about a triton rideable skin? Pick a skin from an animal that already has a riding animation. Problem solved.
  • Petra_Fyde said: Sliss said: From the publish notes: "Bonded pets (Non-pack animal) can no longer go wild and will no longer respond to commands from their owner until the pet owner feeds the pet" Does this mean that apart from the 24-…
  • From the publish notes: "Bonded pets (Non-pack animal) can no longer go wild and will no longer respond to commands from their owner until the pet owner feeds the pet" Does this mean that apart from the 24-hour stable, pack animals can also go wild …
  • McDougle said: Once again if you are having real life disaster and UO is somehow on your priority list you need help... Yes, true, but UO players enjoy their psychiatric problems.
  • McDougle said: Does anyone else sometimes log out mounted then come back next day next to your pet ?? I always assume it was just ne getting off and not noticing as i logged but if it just randomly happened could be bad and I'm sure next to i…
  • So, if I have a bonded beetle with stuff inside, if I log off while dismounted, the beetle will be placed in this special stable and go poof if I don't log in for 24 hours. And if I log off while riding the same beetle, the beetle is safe indefinite…
  • Pet's will still lose loyalty rapidly due to line of sight issues. But instead of going wild while you are surrounded by 30 mobs, they will just stop following your commands. So you still have to feed them every few min, but at least you don't have …
  • meltedmantis said: Ok again your saying thats that just don't reflect reality.   I have a tamer... im not completely ignorant of how they work.  mine has decent but not great gear and i can tell you that i easier regen mana faster then I coul…
  • I can read a newsletter in 5 min. I do not have time to watch an hour-long stream 90% of which is probably of no interest to me. Please keep the newsletter.
  • Speaking of bugs/bad mechanics, what happens to a statue-generated pet if it goes wild from the rapid loss of happiness that's been known to happen? Does it go poof?
  • keven2002 said: To keep things on topic - I find that when possible using a demon cameo (assuming you have one) paired with a demon 100% cold slayer is highly effective for a majority of the spawn. Just be sure to swap them out if you face a lav…
  • AlreadyDead said: Pawain said: It needs stew once a day. Mine had a message that it was no longer powerful after 2-3 hours while half that time was spent bank sitting It's not on a timer. It has a pool of "special" mana that it u…
  • psycho said: Why would you put AI/Chiv on it anyway Remember its a pvp pet, meant as an alternative to the Bane dragon so its afordable for all Says who? I am not aware they started dividing pets into PvP and PvE. Anyway, the Bane is one …