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  • Merlin said: An earring slot item comparable to Solaria Secret Poisons , but with DCI and another skill Mace Fighting and Fencing equivalent of Captain John's Hat / Hunter's Headdress Mystic equivalent of Drogeni's spellbook Some unique dyes…
  • The first one is from mastery bonus and the last one is city loyalty bonus. The eye is Focused Eye - Swordsmanship mastery ability.
  • Is it unreasonable to think that debating something "looking stupid" is stupid itself? I posted 1-8 which are facts - anyone wants to debate them I'm up for it. KroDuK said: sibble said: One is ugly, the other is not. LOL RLY as …
  • Lord_Nythrax said: The graphics are trash, everything looks stupid, the big hotbar boxes with tiny UO item sprites in them look ridiculous, the menus are hard to read, the chat is bad, overhead text is bad and can't be highlighted or clicked …
  • One is ugly, the other is not. LOL RLY
  • KroDuK said: sibble said: "I don't understand what the big deal is it looks the same" Personally it's part of the problem.. EC bring back KR memories.. i'm buying regs on it but I wouldn't touch EC with a 12 feet pole to play the ga…
  • Instead of non-informative, satire comments maybe someone would like to articulate specifically what about EC graphics is disliked.
  • Kel said: sibble said: I'm convinced most people who dislike EC haven't even tried it yet.  Even a couple people mentioned to me from my videos that the game doesn't even look that different it's mainly just the character and mounts. …
  • I'm convinced most people who dislike EC haven't even tried it yet.  Even a couple people mentioned to me from my videos that the game doesn't even look that different it's mainly just the character and mounts. Pincos EC barely has any bugs and the…
  • @Kyronix I understand that a lot of resources went into NL and we're probably not going to get a global expansion - so I'm thinking of relatively small things that can be added for global. -  We haven't had an increase in land for housing in a…
  • I was able to patch CC successfully Still getting same error on EC
  • Kyronix said: For those who are experiencing EC patching issues try restarting the patcher and performing a full file check. Just did that, getting same error
  • Yea the Default EC UI needs work, however I am using my own UI and I don't have issues with health bars. If and when they stop letting people use 3rd party maybe we'll have more community development with EC.
  • I do enjoy items that have character names on them like Whispering Roses - many people collect these
  • For all we know it could be related to EA's SSO API I really tried to hunt this issue down from a client perspective but every hint lead me down a dead-end. It's extremely troublesome knowing 65% of all web users are using Chrome and another 5% on E…
  • Pawain said: We need to stop bantering, this is a thread about the forum being not lively. It's not banter, we're both providing information to fix an issue.  An issue that directly contributes to the forum not being lively.  An issue that …
  • Pawain said: The most difficult things to fix are intermittent problems. Agreed, it is most interesting in your case. For me, it's the same every time. I first thought it was a cookie issue, then a timezone issue, but it doesn't look li…
  • Bro what?  No offense, none of that is acceptable. This is an official game message board and people are wondering why it's not getting posts. It's not getting posts because the site doesn't work properly.
  • The craziest thing about it - a potential customer's first experience of not being able to login to a forum means that most likely those people have turned away and it's extremely difficult to get them back. I truly don't understand why this isn't …
  • Pawain said: You have to refresh the page before you post.  Then you know you are logged in. My routine is log in.  Press F5.  Do that over and over as needed.  Also if you log in and don't do anything for a few minutes.  Then refresh and …
  • @Kyronix I don't know who to ping here but I just noticed something. Looking at the website in Edge, Chrome and Firefox right now. Both Chrome and Edge says my last post was at 6:15PM edited 6:26PM Firefox says my last post was 2:15PM edited 2:26PM …
  • Pawain said: I use chrome and am able to log in every day.  Just have to have a little patience.   Or use Firefox and not need patience.  Not sure what settings you're running or why you're having a difference experience. Chrome/Edge: I l…
  • Part of that problem is that people can't even sign into the forum unless they're using Firefox which is why I'm suggesting an alternative platform if they can't fix the one they're using. - Most web traffic comes from mobile (not Firefox) - Most PC…
  • There are many unofficial UO discord servers
  • I'd like to suggest a free alternative to Vanilla Forums (which is what I believe this is running on) Discourse - (support costs money) (free) Then you can also setup integration be…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said:
  • Mushroom Cultivator's Apron - +Alchemy - a skill you can't get on jewels.- 15% EP - allowing 35% EP jewels to match up and meet the 50% cap.- No durability Can we get another event with this item please?  Ty
  • ForeverFun said: I'd imagine the QoL functionality most seek is already part of EC.  EC main complaint is the lack of CC graphics option.  It hardly seems rocket science to provide that to EC;  in fact, I think some of the recent artwork like…
  • loop said: The game would suffer a lot by the loss of automation in contexts outside of PVP. Just wanted to add some context... When I speak of automation I'm not talking about macros, I'm talking about automated actions with no player inte…