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Primary Shard


  • popps said: Kronal said: You could use armor ignore instead.  They drop pretty quick with that. @ Kronal Thank you for the Armor Ignore suggestion... do you happen to know about a weapon for swordsmanship that can handle Armor Ign…
  • You could use armor ignore instead.  They drop pretty quick with that.
  • Lord_Frodo said: Broardsword Account Management is back up.  @ Mariah @ Rorschach problem solved, close thread as it will turn into another troll fest You know, this bothers me. Who are you to make this decision? Who are you to dictate w…
  • Nikard said: How many mana regen items is your pet wearing? @ Garth_Grey None, however you can add mana regen when training them. This just like with wearing mana regen pieces is added to the natural regen.  So his comparison is quite …
  • Melchiah said: Power creep through items is a dangerous precedent, but then again, it's been going on since AoS... That ship sailed a very long time ago. 
    in no names Comment by Kronal June 2020
  • I also think they need to reexamine the smithing rewards (and perhaps tailoring).  With the hammers really only a handful are really useful.  Worse yet, the higher end ones are in most aspects inferior to the lesser ones.
  • Just a guess... rename tokens?
  • I get a mib ~1 in 5 salvage hooks thrown.  I can toss 10 hooks at a time and clear the spawn all in under a minute or so.  Also have retrieved two golden fishing poles.
  • Xare said: @ Pawain Personally, I try to play this game with friends (this is an MMO afterall), so the loot we get should be based on how hard it is as a group, not solo. Let's base these ideas on reality instead of what should be.  There…
  • Honestly I've found a sampire with double axe with hll (fire) works well.  Little slow but almost never die.
  • Pawain said: Kronal said: Pawain said: I have also used up many rings/bracelets.  Even more bows.  I wore out a Bane bow from last year. I guess I play too much. No you don't play too much, you just don't spend all your time…
  • Pawain said: I have also used up many rings/bracelets.  Even more bows.  I wore out a Bane bow from last year. I guess I play too much. No you don't play too much, you just don't spend all your time trying to figure out ways to make every…
  • Mervyn said: I wouldn’t class a 22% and 33% reduction in something that started off around 200% more powerful than other pets as substantial. I thought you wanted to avoid forum drama, yet you throw out accusations that others who have a dif…
  • @Kyronix what about vet reward ones?
    in Teleporters Comment by Kronal March 2019
  • Kyronix said: Also - my name is "Kyronix", the tags won't ping if you miss the "y". Thanks for the feedback. Frankly I prefer the lack of an y 
  • Pssst @Kyronix 3 words to sweeten chests and MIBS....... Pet Power Scrolls
  • Mervyn said: Kronal said: absolute total possible luck bonus to 5680 When hunting in fel. That is incorrect, Compassion’s eye plus bracelet of primal consumption will give you 50 more luck on jewels. (plus if I wanted to be a ped…
  • Mempo for neck - 300Etoli Set- 400Armor of fortune - 200 6 pieces at 190 (Head/Arms/Gloves/Legs/Shield/1H weapon) - 1140Minax Sandals - 150Luck Robe -140Lucky Charm - 150 Total Luck - 2480 Luck. After that you can add to your luck with the combinati…
  • Pawain said: You can only control untrained Lesser Hiryus with bushido. You cant have a 5 slot pet with just Bushido.  No but 4 of them smacking a critter while a sampire tanks is pretty effective
  • Urge said: Mervyn said: They ruined things already by allowing players to start with 2k silver points, people have already made and deleted mass amounts of chars and got all the vvv rewards. Market ruined already. Bit like powerscrolls…
  • Broadsword has AI.  Katana is fast and has double strike and AI.  Damage output on katana is low therefore adding life leech would be recomended to make up for the lack of leeching from vamp form..
  • Cetric said: I know without a doubt someone utilized many, many active accounts to move theirs to the top of the list.  I dunno how you combat that.  Devs should just take note of the nice designs and make their own.  Something that fits with…
  • Garth_Grey said: I"ve always found it funny that a 120 mage still, can't make an apple with Create Food when they need it, but they can create the Elemental of their choice. So freaking true
  • TimSt said: Hemp plant that produces both seeds and a fiber resource that can be woven into rope. ... yes... rope.... that's it.  Rope.
  • cagle said: What is the point of having either of these skills? Nothing the player can make can compare remotely to the items that drop! An imbuer can not hope to make a luck suit remotely close to 2K. A blacksmith can not hope to make any ar…
  • I wish that global loot had some sort of gurenteed drop chance like some of the dungeons.  Instead of dropping an arty maybe the critter spawns loot one fame tier higher than it usually does. I think we can all agree something has to be doneglobal l…
  • ezikel said: If you start casting a fist and equip stoneboots, then you can run while finishing your cast .its working too with spellweaving and necromancy .please remove stone boots from the game ,pvp is horrible now ,instant fly for gargole…
  • Xare said: Can I submit a bug report that Mervyn has yet to be banned for being generally disagreeable and antagonistic to everyone in the community? I fear the reports on that would be drastically overwhelming.  May even cause a server c…
  • Most people don't care for the fel facets what makes you think a fel only shard would be a success?