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  • CovenantX said: Hopefully it goes as planned and actually works, then soon pvp will be restored If they branch out to paid accounts. It seriously is no fun at all getting auto attacked at the same time by everyone on screen. It also c…
  • That stupid timer needs to go asap. Pretty please. 
  • It seems complicated at first but once you get it, you get it.  The advice I give people is to take it slow and master one thing at a time until it all makes sense.  By all means do not feel bad or frustrated for not knowing everything. There's no…
  • I got tired of it long ago so I just started using a cc then deleting the card info after purchase. Way less of a hassle. 
  • I tested spellweaving once and found it to be disappointing at best. Almost on par with ninja on a pet.  The ai with spellweaving will cast WoD at all the wrong times and essentially keep the pet drained of all mana. 
  • I can usually log in using chrome from my phone but not my PC.  I think there's a lack of posting just because there's nothing to really talk about lately.  There's still people playing the game as Atl was packed the other day when I logged in. 
    in Forum Livelyhood Comment by Urge July 10
  • An actual kings crown. Pegleg. Bull skull helmet. Kachina masks. Viking helmets.  New robes. Cloak slot items. New shoes. 
    in Profession Robes Comment by Urge June 23
  • I had resubbed an old account and totally forgot i need ToL for masteries.  I'll have to scratch this whole temp until i can move some pieces around on my mains. 
    in Pvm question Comment by Urge June 18
  • People make errors. Even Gms. I've seen gms tele to a location and be visible for a few before hiding again.
  • Thanks Pawain for testing. I'll dig around when I get home this weekend for more arties with properties and start testing myself. If the new ones don't work, maybe an old one slipped thru.  Grim, I'm using this as purely a support char for a littl…
    in Pvm question Comment by Urge June 12
  • I just thought someone had already tried it. I have ninja swords on one account and macing and archery on another lol. 
    in Pvm question Comment by Urge June 11
  • I heard Glenda was nerfed for pvp but was unsure about pvm.  I'm haven't paid attention to anything like this except for that one bow with swarm. Does the tiger bleed proc with ranged weps? 
    in Pvm question Comment by Urge June 11
  • Grimbeard said: You can't do special moves in animal forms.. Correct. You can't do toggled specials in ninja forms. Bone breaker is a property of Glenda, not a toggle. In theory it should work just like a hit spell unless something has ch…
    in Pvm question Comment by Urge June 11
  • One of the main problems is that an EJ account can be fully functional without a master account and registered using a completely FAKE email. 
  • As a person that skirts a lot of boundaries I think EJ isn't limited enough.  That said, I also dislike the EJ bank system. 
  • I just dropped one on Origin last week to the left of Tram Wrong. 3 spots up towards Ice.  Tokuno loop has prime 18x18 spots so I chose that.
  • keven2002 said: Urge said: ForeverFun said: Are you hoping to steal some super rare thing?  Otherwise, it's far easier to steal from mobs at champ spawns.  I've seen one spawn in particular that is frequented by some thiefs tha…
  • Single click yourself and use vendor search. Under item name put commodity deed and whatever you're looking to price. I haven't used search in a long time for granite but there was a bug where all types would just show as granite.
  • Something Kevin and Skett didn't touch on is that you can buy Mining for quality stone and Mining for Gems books from Royal City smith/stonecrafter. A quick toggle on your shovel allows you to mine granite that is used in building custom house walls…
  • ForeverFun said: Are you hoping to steal some super rare thing?  Otherwise, it's far easier to steal from mobs at champ spawns.  I've seen one spawn in particular that is frequented by some thiefs that appear to never rest. I didn't kno…
  • That was 3+ years ago when kyronix tossed out the rogue + crafter future update.  I've made plats with my thief doing VvV and getting lucky stealing scrolls at spawns.  Would I like some better content? Absolutely. Do you need it to make bank with…
  • Korik said: Without a doubt top choice Ethies because of how they changed the landscape of PvP. Runners up: Shard Shields, Because who doesn't want to go afk for a year then come back to hundreds of free transfers.Really, most Vet rewards sho…
  • I put 2.5 years worth of aids in each one and i'm mentally done with this chore.
  • Mariah said: Urge said: Unrelated but KH and UOG show different results with a couple weps. Double and triple check with other weps with the same speed.  There was a weapons revamp in publish 81 which changed some of the weapon sp…
  • Unrelated but KH and UOG show different results with a couple weps. Double and triple check with other weps with the same speed. 
  • Cinderella said: i started the list on stratics  Pirate Names | Stratics Community Forums (i update it when i see them announced at the sea market)   There's a possibility of getting a "stink fist" or "fat pants"?!  If @Kyronix added re…
  • Mariah said: Before this gets any more toxicThe only pet I would train with mysticsm is a skree, because it has it already and doesn't need to lose magery to train it. Highly disagree here. My disco tamer has a mystic-ai cu that is almo…
  • Not to derail but this thread gave me the idea to see if the salvage bag would turn bolts into straight bandages. It does not. It will turn bolts into cloth then into bandages.  Having just shy of 300 fountains of life, i really would like to have …
  • Petra_Fyde said: Has it been that long? I remember when the 'hot spot' was skara/brit cross roads and when it was Bucc's den with it's 'server hopping' complaints. On Atl it was shortly after age of shadows. Bucs got me into pvp. 
    in VvV vs Factions Comment by Urge March 31
  • It has potential.  As far as rewards go, yew gate has been the place to pvp for 20+ years. I don't believe there needs to be any rewards. 
    in VvV vs Factions Comment by Urge March 31