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  • Ok, for the record It had been so long since I used the normal client I didn't know that there was a bigger player window size in the settings than I was using. Anyway, just thought I'd admit it. That just leaves all the smaller problems.
  • nah, there's nothing but auto open corpses.  I don't know. It's definitely going to be a worse play experience without a 3rd party client, many tasks will be more repetitive, but the screen size issue isn't really a problem now.  My fault. There's…
  • To be honest, I did find that I can increase the size somewhat after changing some settings,  Honestly, my guess is they probably added new display settings to the CC in the like 15 years I wasn't playing UO - and in my return to UO I started pretty…
  • Urge said: username said: Boohoo. I love all these people complaining about the client never ever mention they used it to multibox/script specifically to gain an advantage over other players and rmt. Nope, always the 'need muh 60fps' l…
  • Oh and by the way - I can't even come up with a way that people "cheating" in this game today is nagatively affecting me.  Never been attacked or anything of this sort, maybe it's causing some prices to rise?  So what.. I have so much gold none of …
  • Ok Listen.. PLEASE. I pretty much ONLY even play UO now BECAUSE of classic UO.  And no, for none of the "bad reasons", I'm completely uninterested in any of that, I've got like 5 macros that are for silly things like making wool, or simply selectin…