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  • Marked a rune at the Pillar just west of Destard and the rune auto detected and named it Hythloth Dungeon lol.Coords:90 36 S, 21 56 W
  • Finally was able to finish the assassin quest line but now have 2 problems. 1. the disguise kit is still stuck in my bag and cannot be  moved, plus it weighs like 200stones 2. the shadow robe i got as the final reward poofed into a monks robe and n…
  • Still cant finish assassins yew jail quest, still broken.demolishing a house told me i would get refunded. did not get refunded.
  • Still bugged on the assassin quest line in the yew jail. 'find the trap door', use door and quest giver will not talk nor does it update
  • quickblade said: . This one might of been reported already but when doing this assassin sub-quest, it gives you a disguise kit in your backpack and you can't move it it becomes stuck in backpack and it weight 250+ stones, also the quest can't…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: Mariah said: One mistake I found I was making with my crafter, was trying to interact with npcs while I was still in war mode from gathering leather. It's probably not related to the problem you're seeing, but may…
  • seemed to randomly become unbugged so i was able to complete the mage arc. now for the dang jail one
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: @ Pring I was able to complete it just now, but I still had to gate myself to Beside Captain Mattias. may want to try your teleport again still bugged for me. now i have another arc with the yew jail bugged as well…
  • Victim_Of_Siege said: Pring said: Same issue here, paged in and just waiting Did you ever get a response? I did not =[ still stuck =[
  • Same issue here, paged in and just waiting