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Keepers of Sonoma


  • yes without cannons but have the spots at the back of the ship. I use my small soulforge to unravel loot from sos. And I saw a fellow fisherman yesterday that uses their forge.  I still think it would be wonderful if you have a spot on the front fo…
  • I love doing the fountain with 10 people and their pets. I always forget to get a screenshot
  • I'm guessing that you have never placed a house on test center before. It doesn't work the same way as production shards. And NL is on test center 2, so test center housing rules apply. (people have complained about placing multiple plots during the…
  • we need ship plans for a fishing trawler added to the fishmonger quest unlimited weight in the hold has one tile spot for adding a small soulforge and has an extra crate(tacklebox) on the deck for storage of fishing hooks and nets it could be deco…
  • it is one of the rarest to get. I usually only do the NPC at either Luna or Zento. Where do you do get your bods?
  • I'm not sure I would like the auto harvesting on production shards. What about saltpeter? Currently when use last object last target while digging and pull up a saltpeter miter, it continues to dig up ore. That makes the miter get smaller before yo…
  • I should rephrase what I wrote. There are lot of people who didn't go to test because they are busy with other things or just don't want to try it out at this time. Just because a server looks empty doesn't mean that they actually are. Usually I st…
  • depends on which character I'm playing... my fisher = SOS = Trammel treasure hunter = tmaps = Malas my main character = questing = Eodon        pirating = Tokuno
  • there are people who aren't interested in NL and there are people who are like me, who won't have time for it until after the new year. Don't get me wrong, I do like testing out new content but holiday preparations are more important to me at this t…
  • I have been too busy with other things, to test the bods on New Legacy. And you are correct, I have been vocal about wanting to be able to choose which direction to bribe the BOD. I have 200+ Large bods since the first Artisan Festival, awaiting bo…
  • halloween tot reward... gravestone that lets you teleport to the cemeteries (hue 2707 is nice)
  • You would be surprised at some of the stuff that you can sell on vendors on Sonoma. I usually stock my vendors with full spellbooks but haven't had time lately. They usually don't stay on for very long either. You would have to speak to someone else…
  • chocolate nutcrackers (any of the three) I love making them for holiday parties and love it when someone says that when they unwrapped it, that they didn't know that it could give you a semidar card.
  • did you by any chance have 10 quests already? that is the limit
  • I reported this when the publish went live. I can't remember if I checked on TC, if it would go in the book. I only noticed when I tried to put an extra one in the recipe book. It is because this recipe wasn't available when the recipe book was rel…
  • Urge said: I think we need to blow another town up like mag.  people have asked for this at meet and greets. I believe were told that it didn't fit the lore of the game. I have read on wikipedia about the Ultima Series and it mentions the…
  • Grimbeard said: Yes but let's invade luna NO!!!! I lived in New Magincia when the raiders were all over the island. when I would go to work there would be charges on my teleporter to my other house. When I came home I couldn't use them.  …
  • testing of Pub 118 plenty of time for us crafters to work on Artisan Festival
  • Taming 120 (+20 on jewels) Lore, Vet 120 (+30 on jewels) cartograph 100 remove trap 100 magery 85 eval intel 100 rest in Meditation I don't do Hoard or Trove on this character so I cast the Unlock spell and I equip my +15 magery book (shadowguard b…
  • did someone else have your account info? change your password in account management.  about the missing stuff: when did you last see it? when you last played? or did it go missing after the pets that you recently tamed, since coming back? either so…
  • ok apparently there was two different players who returned at the same time. I assumed that was you and sent that person information
  • Sonoma has its players but they are usually out doing stuff. There is so much to do now, that they don't sit around talking any more. And the event that just ended, kept everyone busy doing different things.  Lot of the players don't even pay atten…
    in Stunned Comment by Cinderella July 20
  • Community Manager said: that is a loaded question haha depends on the holiday Valentines Day... love the polar bear and the throbbing heart giftbox. (hubby says Valentine Cupid or the bear) but the Throbbing heart is precious to me beca…
  • Petra_Fyde said: Not sure I have a favourite, but if you asked for the least liked, I choose that horrible rocking horse which was so enormous there was no way it made any sense in any decor scheme. I like the rocking horse but it needs to…
  • welcome back. I sent you a message on Discord with Sonoma's discord page. And pictures of where the soulstone house is. speak with Miri if you find some that is yours.
  • if you find events boring, then you should just stop going to the events the EM puts on.  I get this was NOT a fighting event, but do you really have to come here to complain? Every event DOESN'T have to be about a drop. YOU didn't even stay for t…
    in why? Comment by Cinderella June 28
  • Cookie said: Cookie said: If I was to be really picky - I'd ask for a Quiver redesign now. Having said that, Despicable quiver works in the sense of the +Dex on it - but a Mage design, could have more useful Mage properties. I suppos…
  • the poster is requesting a blank transmog target of the above graphics. I have heard others wishing that they could put their hats stats on the Mask.
  • Skett said: 2019 0e 22nd anny ? 2019 token has the pirates name on the tree (ship circles the tree at the base) 22nd Anniversary token (portraits have pirate names on them) they updated the pirates list with the new EM names and took off…
  • Gabriella also posted on Discord that the 2019 holiday token does have unknown on them too