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  • Spent days farming greater dragons for best tame I could get. Eventually one spawned in the wall of the cave... unreachable even w AoE spells. Paged a GM to have it moved. Hours later no response . Paged again. An hour later, paged again . Out of…
    in I Died Comment by Acid_Rain August 18
  • This 4 reals? Alil late 4 April fools jokes. I’ll be watchin here & Stratics 2 see folks cryin over actioned accs for proof. Sure would b nice if they’ve decided 2 finally do …
  • Lord_Frodo said:      Remembering our brothers and sisters.  ... Mothers and Fathers as well.   - God Bless America and those whom have chosen to serve it.
  • Started playing UO when I was old enuff 2 kno better but young enuff 2 do it anyway...
  • CovenantX said: ......the lack of enforcement as well. Every time I think abt coming back to play, I see the exact reason why I quit playing UO in the 1st place A game where you have to cheat (go against ToS) to play isn’t worth playing i…
  • ^^^ Why’s there no like option? ^^^ That’s awesome
  • Its a tie between 3 or 4 but I’ll just name one... Watching the entire HI5 guild & their friends get destroyed by spawn lured in Tera Keep by Legendary Chester Rockwell (Judge Smails/Burt) & I. Burt worked up terra to lvl 4 then soon as it …
  • Looks like fun. Good sized group fights w action... Sign me up ! Just need to know what game your actually playing? Looks kinda like UO but not a single tree anywhere, just stumps. There’s movement like I’ve never seen, not a single rubberband or l…
  • Late 1998 or early ‘99 iirc, a GM took control over a ‘Lord of the Abyss’ balron in 3rd lvl Hythloth(sp?) on Atlantic absolutely destroying everyone that dared approach. Word got out that this unkillable beast was lurking & folks started poping …
  • PlayerSkillFTW said: Packet pushing. It's been around for decades. There's different ways to force a crash. Pushing was 1, especially when a heavy load was present. Not sure if thats the case anymore but def possible. The exploit I mentio…
  • Years ago there was a similar exploit often used in PvP by tryhards w no skill that would crash other players in the middle of fights to kill them. Couple of PvP losers would do this whenever they were abt to die, I’m guessing they had it on a hotke…
  • A blue tent w 1 chest inside 2 screens east of the beach above Shame. Saved up & placed a green tent right next to it. 1st home was a small fieldstone along the coast south of what is now the Blighted Grove area (Blighted Grove didn’t exist whe…
  • Mit said: the very first thing I attacked. an eagle. thought I can kill a bird right out the gate,, Im an archer i can kill a bird.. and the feathers will be a bonus.. but NO.. ran for my life went back and bit dirt... Exactly the same...…
  • shootgun said: Acid_Rain said:  ESPECIALLY when she volunteers her time w/o pay. Wow, I never know she was volunteering. If that is real then she is the patron saint of Sosaria!. Fact.
  • Dealing w all the knuckleheads posting here is painful enuff I’m sure. Drop the whole dumpster fire in her lap... thats just cruel & inhumane. ESPECIALLY when she volunteers her time w/o pay. I’d vote her a paying staff position in CS/Promotiona…
  • CovenantX said: That's what happens when those in charge let the cheating slide for so long.    I'm not sure what else the result of doing nothing could have been. Facts.
  • U may already be doing this but just incase... Set a macro for tame last target & just hold it down for taming any pet that will aggro on taming attempts. It makes taming them much easier.
  • Long ago in a land far far away, I used to PvP against cheaters & this was my song (My phones not letting me embed & on pc I’m getting “You dont have permission” message trying to edit . )
  • JackFlashUk said: (Slightly Changed To Fit My Experience - Acid Rain) many. many years ago on Atlantic I loved idocs, then rafman and idoc guy just destroyed them, and the nonsense changes instead of dealing with the cheating. It WAS a pl…
  • Thing is... they’re NOT playing the game. They’re running a script to gain unfair advantage over folks that ARE playing the game. Time is what players here are investing in their games. Game evolution & tolerance have absolutely nothing to do wi…
  • Yoshi said: “There is no option to choose client limitations,  What’s the point in dueling someone when one player can have 3 x frame rate and casting speed as someone else.  If broadsword are allowing all cheats now, at least give people …
    in Arenas Comment by Acid_Rain July 2023
  • Years ago when UO had physical server locations, I lived less then 100miles from the Atlantic server. I never moved as fast as these guys in the vid link. CrAzY.... If they’re actually in Russia playing that fast w zero lag... I’m so glad I’ve quit…
  • Yoshi said: “Let me also ask another question. the wiki states: You must first prove yourself worthy to be taught by the elves of Heartwood or Sanctuary. This is achieved by undertaking the quest Learning the Ways of the Arcanist.  And for…
  • Yoshi said: “Half of the spells are cast-able (without even much reduction in function) at JoaT.  Arcane circle gift of renewal Attunement Thundertorm Nature’s fury immoliating weapon Arcane circle does absolutely nothing in itself. Thu…
  • PlayerSkillFTW said: However, nowadays, the scripts are simply too advanced and prolific, with even third party clients now running numerous scripts at once. As i saw cheating becoming more rampant in UO, i did say that eventually PvP would …
  • My favorite stealther template, one which decimated an entire pvp guild in terra keep, is the hated stealth ninja archer herder.  Basics are: 120 archery 120 tactics 100 hiding 100 herding 120 ninja 120 stealth Theres left over points for what yo…
  • Grimbeard said: the majority of them use scripts at best and more importantly illegal 3rd party clients Since discussion on unapproved programs & unofficial clients isn’t allowed on official game forums, theres not much that can be said…
  • PaladinBob said: I'm one of the unfortunate persons who thinks the game could be great if there wasn't cheats out there.  Edited ur comment for inclusion of a handful of others that agree, like myself.
  • Curious why shoot for 120 magery when it can only be used for support? What spells are u guys casting that isn’t damage related thus requiring evalint which cant fit on the templates? 79.9/80 magery is required for non-fizzle inviso. I wouldn’t bot…
  • gay said: It doesn't "remove" them. Take a screenshot of somewhere in tram, and then the exact same spot in fel, you'll see that they line up. Sapling, spruce, bush... call them what you will. I haven’t logged on to play in a looong time …