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  • Skett said: id check your links Thanks lol. I just took them out, Google works 
  • My new golden rule... if you enjoy something, anything in this game at its core design... Don't complaint about the scripters doing it. All you will end up with is changed and more difficult content.  I still kick myself for complaining so much abo…
  • Rom said: I stand by my feedback. Scripting an activity you're unwilling to take place in should be tolerated? I went out and manually collected eggs for several days and am forced to compete against bots... How is that in any way fa…
  • Rom said:  "I would be willing to go out on a limb and say you were most likely someone that was taking advantage..." You sir are the Legendary assumer in this scenario. I returned to the game around the time the event began after an 11 year hi…
  • I normally don't post on stuff like this because well.. I feel its pointless. But I'm bored so why not! The problem goes wayyyyy beyond scripting some eggs honestly. The mismanagement of this game over the past several years is honestly the real pr…
  • Smaller shards now have less spawn, more open area, and no longer any area where people congregate. So all I am seeing is a bunch of archers and tamers running around tagging all of the regular mobs and ignoring the paragons completely. It got so ba…
  • Petra_Fyde said: I just spent around 45 minutes in Destard Europa. The spawn in the back area (champ in Fel) is now consistently spawning fey creatures, where they were exceedingly sporadic before. I got 5 drops on my archer. Not a lot, but i…
  • I didn't read all the posts in here. I just came in here to say thank you for adding this past event to the fel side as well on all shards. PvP hasn't been stimulated like this in years. I had a blast being able to log into any shard and find a smal…
  • Checking in from Pacific at 10pm... Oh... this is TRAMMEL the magical place where botting isn't happening..... Fel players are generally viewed as sociopaths these days. Even though the truth is most of us fight against other fel players and not …
  • LaMbToY said: Agreed, we have decided to disband 0MG and start TNWA - The Neighborhood Watch Alert - We will do our best to report any suspicious activity and defeat any pesky dirty botters in fel. #MakeFelGreatAgain   
  • TastyTreats said: Not denying fun. Denying scripting. You are the one trying to change the elements of the game. The fact remains that not enough players populate felucca on any shard outside atlantic to justify changing this. The…
  • TastyTreats said: I regularly pvp the fact is people rarely field more then 4 people. That is not enough players to support Felucca content. And that is 4 people on the second most populated shard in the game.Other shards don't even have acti…
  • TastyTreats said: All you are suggesting is players that don't normally play my shard or others will log on and bot deceit. I main Lake Superior and I can assure you that we do not have an active enough Felucca population to support the addit…
  • Well, it is the weekend. Hopefully, we can get some official feedback regarding this tomorrow since there haven't been any valid and/or factual reasons or arguments against it.  Let us have some cake too, with pumpkin spice lattes!
  • Pawain said: TastyTreats said: There is no reason to open up the event in felucca on any shard other then atlantic.  All that will come of it is dead shards being botted and tanking the value of the items that players legitimately put …
  • Seth said: Finally received my first Morphius Epaulette, but this time, I strongly feel a lack of "satisfaction" unlike previous events for Katakotl, Khaldun, etc. I still like this new item as it can potentially replace my Insane Tinker le…
  • TastyTreats said: Please don't activate it on any other shards these people just want to set up bots and farm it uncontested. At least if it remains only Atlantic it has a chance to be a draw for PvP participation. the other shards will not…
  • I decided to do a little testing. My concerns so far are: 1. Skill does not seem to affect the passive damage, but it seems with having skill you land more critical strikes on the barrel doing 10-12 damage for that hit. Dexterity will be a must for…
  • Back in the day I did idocs all the time. Once the 5,10,15 hour fall time went into effect, I quit idocing all together, as did many other people who could not cut away that type of time from their days.  Now... it just got worse (provided the hous…
  • And just as an added measure, it's not my internet connection either. 
  • Captain_Lucky said: Passmark (google it) will test your system for a limited number of free evaluations. See how your computer rates in a modern world. Checks your processor, video card and all that. It will rate your puter compared to all th…
  • Captain_Lucky said: Or just buy a computer made in the last 10 years. Purchased 4 years ago. Custom built and can play and handle any current game on the market. It's not my computer  
  • Kyronix said: Which shard did you experience the issue? Pacific 
  • Well then, please add Legends, Pacific, and Catskills to the "still broken" shard list if this is indeed a shard specific problem still.
  • Pawain said: Giggles said: Yup, still broken. After you challenge and complete it one initial time, you cannot challenge it again. "The Champion of this region has already been challenged!" is the message received. So now you can do it…
  • Yup, still broken. After you challenge and complete it one initial time, you cannot challenge it again. "The Champion of this region has already been challenged!" is the message received. So now you can do it twice in one day, and it's still only th…
  • Mervyn said: Maybe they’re just testing the waters. If they made ALL the champs behave like this, and ALL the scrolls shard bound, that would be cool. its just the inconsistency and complexity that is bugging the hell out of us game teachers…
  • Well if this is not a bug, and working as intended, you guys need to reword your own wiki , which currently reads;  "In Felucca there will always be one location in the Dungeons and one…
  • Skett said: This is really messed up a once a year event that requires you do other permanent spawns first. I guess they felt the new grind wasn’t enough lol  Unless you are a trammel player, you can pop it all day long Logic....
  • Bleak said: The_Higgs_1 said: Why cant the spawn be popped using valor like any other spawn in felucca?????!!!!! @ Bleak See my first post and also due to the fact they(Dragon Turtle & Khal Ankur) are not linked to the Harrower.…