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  • I haven’t written too much about my NL beta experience yet, but something I observed playing last night really hit me. Playing together with a ton of people all discovering this new game together: that is a classic UO experience. That is the class…
  • Community Manager said: Excellent, thank you!
  • Logging in to every single character of mine and setting that box every so often is certainly something I can do, but not something I want to. While you could not replicate it, @Community Manager, does this mean it is not entered into the bug tracke…
  • Garret said: Okami said: "Imagine the glory your house name would carry if you were the first to complete a challenge within the Quaderact." Ah, yes the glory of house . My House name was "Igil" witch in my contry mean "ISIS". …
  • Okay, so here are the steps I can take to reproduce this bug for me every time. Again, I'm on Windows 11 and using the regular classic client. I'll ask that you make sure you are as well, and not using your god client. I can log in to a character t…
  • And you are also on Windows 11?
  • What were you not able to replicate, specifically? The mouse jitter or the checkbox not persisting?
  • I’m having trouble keeping full spell books, LRC suits, and bandages stocked on my vendor. They go faster than I can keep them stocked. I’m intentionally trying to keep the prices low as my house in Luna is the New Player Center. If you’d like, I’d …
  • Okay, so let’s take a step back a bit. Let’s think of it this way: there are three levels of crafting. Level one: simple crafting. Your tailor, blacksmith, fletcher uses wood, ingots, whatever to make a single item. Goes no further than th…
  • I am so excited for a new experience that I and lots of people can explore together. I’m so, so stoked for that. 
  • I very much enjoyed this event. Starting off, the different ways to earn points was great and a very welcome addition to this event cycle. I did everything: the Void Pool, treasure hunting, SOS fishing, Beacons, Pirate ships, Corgul, Scalis, and Ch…
  • In the distant past SortsAngel/Angelstorm on Chesapeake as the leader of my first guild and mayor of Corwyn made this virtual world come alive for me. Those players from CBR/Corwyn are all long gone but I think about them often. In years since I re…
  • What a fool I was for investing all my money into balron bone armors instead of bitcoin!
  • Vmax said: I wondered why all of a sudden Origin looked like Atlantic this morning. What's the Pirate hat event? I don't live in these forums or play UO every day, how would a normal, semi-returned player even find out about this event? ht…
  • popps said:Mariah said:Before this gets any more toxicThe only pet I would train with mysticsm is a skree, because it has it already and doesn't need to lose magery to train it. Thank you for contributing to the topic. Is the Skree the only one pet…
  • NL was a stupid decision no matter how you look at it. Nobody asked for it. Nobody wanted it. I want it. I ask for it. I want it even more now that it seems to infuriate people who can't figure out that their preferences don't equal the pr…
  • First, if you've been gone a long, long while you may not be aware of vendor search: which can find items on player vendors. Second, if you need them quick, the big mage shop in west Brit…
  • I know you said it’s your schedule that keeps you from playing with others, but you may give this thread a look to see if there’s anything you can catch:…
  • Trogs in the painted caves around 1000ish luck is my anecdotal experience.
  • Now what I would really love is to use that tool to also select the color/model of the non-ethereal hued ethereal horse. I’d like to select between the brown, tan, and silvery-white horses.
  • Selling keys is not a bad idea.. A gripe I have about the current game is that it is often hard to just jump into endgame content without a ton of prep. Other MMOs have adopted instant queuing and other mechanics to get you into the game with others…
  • popps said: Considering the Platinums that already exist in Ultima Online, I really doubt much that having players spend in game gold to purchase and use reagents would do much to reduce the gold that exists in the game.... Maybe, if high …
  • It wouldn’t solve the problem alone, but I’d love to see a return to reagent use as an expansion beyond what LRC offers. A reagent cast spell does 10% more SDI or is cast at non-Protection speed. You can still use LRC, and many would, but the min/ma…
  • Lemme let you in on a librarian secret. If you take a blank green 100 or beige 200 page book and inscribe copy it to a blank red or purple 20 page book, you’ll get the page length copied over.
  • Grimbeard said: Jepeth said: I don't believe this is an issue. A 4x120 bard template that I play also is 120 mysticism/110 magery/110 focus. That character could, in theory, juice up a party with bard buffs, drop RCs or EVs against Kra…
  • I don't believe this is an issue. A 4x120 bard template that I play also is 120 mysticism/110 magery/110 focus. That character could, in theory, juice up a party with bard buffs, drop RCs or EVs against Krampus, control the minion spawn via provo an…
  • Have you tried creating a new administrator user account, logging into it, and installing the game in it?