Vet Reward accrual

Am I crazy, or aren't you supposed to receive 2 choices every year ? I have an account that just turned 3 years today, and it got 1 reward. The gump says "you have already chosen 4" which makes sense, 2/yr, and have 1 remaining ??

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Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.



    it's 3 for year 1, then 1 per year till you turn 6... after that it's 2 per year
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    ahh ty
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • OnixiaOnixia Posts: 91
    Thats never made any sense to me.   I get the 3 after your 1 year anniversary.  But why drop it down to 1 until you turn 6?  It would be an incentive to keep playing for that 2 year vet reward add on every year.  Why penalize people who decide to stay and keep playing after their first year.  I started a 3rd account two years ago and I found it kind of sad only getting 1 vet reward this time around. Wouldn't take much to change that in game and would be a nice guesture.
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,132
    edited November 2023
    Onixia said:
    Thats never made any sense to me.   I get the 3 after your 1 year anniversary.  But why drop it down to 1 until you turn 6?  It would be an incentive to keep playing for that 2 year vet reward add on every year.  Why penalize people who decide to stay and keep playing after their first year.  I started a 3rd account two years ago and I found it kind of sad only getting 1 vet reward this time around. Wouldn't take much to change that in game and would be a nice guesture.
    My guess, is that this is how it was done back in those years and, now, of course, new accounts need to follow the same logic or the older veterans who got 1 reward until they turned 6 years, would get penalized.

    Probably, back then it looked that 1 reward past year 1 was sufficient then, when the program reached its 6th Year of age, for some reasons it was decided to double that single yearly reward to 2.

    Personally, I think that 2 yearly Veteran Rewards are OK, I would be happy to see it going to 3 per Year since now Veteran Rewards are deleted with IDOCs and, so, there is more shortage as before thus, to my opinion, giving to players 3 yearly Veteran Rewards rather then 2, somehow, would compensate the loss of Veteran Rewards getting deleted at IDOCs.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    I wish we could exchange them for the same year pick so a year 3 vet reward could be used to exchange it for another year 3 or 2,or 1st year or say 2 3 years vet rewards for a 4th year something like that. way to many 1st and 2nd year states out there and robes that are worthless
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    If only they would just all work correctly or allow us to exchange our broken spellbook straps..
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Skett said:
    I wish we could exchange them for the same year pick so a year 3 vet reward could be used to exchange it for another year 3 or 2,or 1st year or say 2 3 years vet rewards for a 4th year something like that. way to many 1st and 2nd year states out there and robes that are worthless
    I proposed a turn in system that each vet reward was worth 1 point for ever year (1 year worth 1 pt 2nd - 2 pt, etc) and when turned in it was worth 1/2 of its value so I could turn in 4 1st for a 2nd or 16 ist for an 8th or 4 2nd for a 4th.  I think you get the idea and was told NO but I still hold hope out.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    Onixia said:
    Thats never made any sense to me.   I get the 3 after your 1 year anniversary.  But why drop it down to 1 until you turn 6?  It would be an incentive to keep playing for that 2 year vet reward add on every year.  Why penalize people who decide to stay and keep playing after their first year.  I started a 3rd account two years ago and I found it kind of sad only getting 1 vet reward this time around. Wouldn't take much to change that in game and would be a nice guesture.
    I could be wrong on this but I believe Vet Rewards didn't actually begin for a few years after UO started. I googled it and it said 2001 so people who had been around since the beginning were starting at 4 years (ie 5 or 6 rewards).

    Few things on that:
    1. Back then the rewards were things like dye tubs / reward statues / valorite robes / etc so there wasn't really anything that was a big jump as far as rewards go. Soulstones didn't exist yet if memory servers correct. Most things were just vanity and for looks (like the valorite robe) to show off. Best thing imo back then was the ethy mount so that I didn't have to worry about my mount dying and needing the buy/tame another one.
    2. Some Vet rewards (like ethy's) couldn't be used by any age accounts. Again memory is a little foggy 20 years ago but I don't even think you could use a vet reward dye tub if your account wasn't the proper age.This means Vet rewards weren't a highly bought/sold thing... I never saw people buying vet reward picks 20 years ago.
    3. Getting a 5 or 6 reward "dump" all at once was a lot. Only giving 1 reward for years 2 through 6 was an attempt at curbing the inflation of vet rewards. It also encouraged people back then to keep subscribing to work toward the +2 vet rewards each year.
    This becomes a slippery slope changing how many vet rewards people get. How would it work for people who have an account that's 7+ years old already? It's only fair that they would also get an extra +1 reward for years 2-6 right? That would throw the balance of rewards off because the 20+ year vets would be getting 5 extra 20+ year rewards; not just 2-6 year rewards.

    At the end of the day I think Vet rewards should be viewed as a perk of playing the game, not some sort of end goal. I think the way most view it is that people should be playing (subscribing) to UO for the fun it brings them (adventure/friends/events/etc). If people are only subscribing to UO simply for the extra 1 vet reward pick then they might want to re-evaluate playing the game. 
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