Monthly Treasure Hunts

EM KincaidEM Kincaid Posts: 204Event Moderator
Hi folks, I just wanted your opinions on something. Yeah, I know - fatal mistake, I always end up with more work when I do this, but you're worth it!

So, every month I run a treasure hunt, for those who didn't know.
We cruise around Siege, digging up level 7 maps, and whoever comes along gets to keep the loot. Any loot that isn't taken on the spot gets locked down in bags at the EM Hall for a week, with the bag security set to "anyone". Which means, yes, anyone can come and take it. A week later, just before the next event, I destroy whatever is left.

So, a couple of thoughts I had - here's a poll!
(NEW leaders, if the first question would cause you a massive headache, let me know!)

  1. Should the bags be dumped at the NEW Hall instead of the EM Hall?2 votes
    1. Yes
    2. Yes, but only after being at the EM Hall for 24 hours
    3. No
  2. Instead of giving the stuff to NEW, would a soulforge on the roof for trainee imbuers be better?2 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No


  • MagichandsMagichands Posts: 141
    All 2 ideas are good... Items can help new players for starting here though usually they always got basic suit same for all. And also for imbuing they can be good for training (but usually in lvl7 map, loot is so high that items are good for high imbuing)... Anyway i think we have to hear what NEW leaders think about this :)
  • TanagerTanager Posts: 634
    For my opinion, I think it is fairest to continue doing as it has been done. This way all in the community - including helpers of NEW - can look thru the bags during the week. This would prevent any accusations of favoritism. A soul forge on the roof would be nice also.
  • Blind_OttoBlind_Otto Posts: 19
    I would rather go another route - namely, encourage NEW members to attend events like this one, encourage them to join in with the rest of the community, and, if they don't manage to annoy everyone else on the treasure hunt, be rewarded with some decent items from the chests.
    Ultimately, NEW is there to build Siege's community.

    I've poked through the green bags at the EM Hall on occasion after a hunt, and the sheer volumne of stuff there would mean two things:
    1. I'd need to set up about a dozen mailboxes, and check those regularly. You may think there's no such thing as too much loot, but I don't want NEW members running around in legendary artie suits. Let them grow into the community, and build their suits the same way as everyone else - either by farming gear, or farming gold to buy gear.

    2. Someone in NEW would need to sort through it all - and trash a fair bit. While there are benefits to that - e.g. turn-in points - that's time that could be better spent tracking down newcomers to our shard, and teaching them the ropes.

    So thank you, but I think the shard would be better served by a soulforge on the roof. Unless the rest of the population feel that a soulforge would lead to one or two people getting all of the benefits, in which case, no soulforge either!

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