Please let us have a white horse mount

I have had my Nightmare for over 20 years. Tamed him in Fel Covetous all those years ago. It was hard to tame mares at the time because they were new and the Tram Teratian area was camped so to Fel I went. I got PKed and came right back to try again a couple times. The PK guild there appreciated my tenacity and let me tame my guy who has fought by my side for 1000s of hours now.

But he needs a rest sometimes! I am a weirdo and really don't like the look of the dogs, slugs or dragons so I never use them. Horse shaped mounts are it for me. I have a couple unicorns, but the model isn't my favorite either. I have a dread mare but he stays in the stable now that you can train mares up.

This event is really bringing home the idea that I want a white horse mount. I love love love this one and must have it as a new friend.

Please @Kyronix - I literally have never asked for anything all these years. I would even take it as a plain ol horse, though if it had mare (or better) type stats, I would be the happiest ever.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk


  • Oof, don't even get me started about that.  Lasher in U7 was pretty much the opposite of that model in every way

    Doesnt matter - I want a white/ice/gray horse model. Silver Steed's ship has probably sailed and that is OK  - I just want a horse mount that is close to the ones spawning right now
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    A potion that allowed taming of the treasures of beast would sell well
  • A Warhorse Destrier mount for Paladins. I think it's about time that you can add Barding to a horse as well to give them PvM Damage Reduction, like Swampies have. The Charger of the Fallen was originally supposed to offer PvM Damage Reduction, and is still a badass graphic.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    A Warhorse Destrier mount for Paladins. I think it's about time that you can add Barding to a horse as well to give them PvM Damage Reduction, like Swampies have. The Charger of the Fallen was originally supposed to offer PvM Damage Reduction, and is still a badass graphic.
    Until we can correct the gargoyle imbalance lets not add more for human/elfs
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    We have a horse with so called armor Charger looks more like mixed up colors than anything to me looks nothing like armor at least swamp dragon looks like armor on them 
  • SylphSylph Posts: 30
    As someone who started as a tamer and still loves taming I think new mount colors and/or new tamable mounts and pets would be fantastic for the game. I have friends who left and said they would only come back if new tamable pets/mounts were introduced. I usually try to still tame but ever since I got my Blaze Cu it's pretty boring going back to tame the same old thing I've been taming for 20+ years with nothing new. Sure the event mounts are neat to see added but I want something I can get excited to find/tame again.
    Lady Sylph/Lady Gem Star/Rainbow Star

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    Sylph said:
    As someone who started as a tamer and still loves taming I think new mount colors and/or new tamable mounts and pets would be fantastic for the game. I have friends who left and said they would only come back if new tamable pets/mounts were introduced. I usually try to still tame but ever since I got my Blaze Cu it's pretty boring going back to tame the same old thing I've been taming for 20+ years with nothing new. Sure the event mounts are neat to see added but I want something I can get excited to find/tame again.

    But there were a stack of new tames added with the animal training publish!
    • Shadow Wyrm
    • Phoenix
    • Dimetrosaur
    • Gallusaurus
    • Saurosaurus
    • Serpentine Dragon
    • Najasaurus
    • Dread Spider
    • Tsuki Wolf
    • Dragon Wolf – found guarding Level 6 treasure chests in all facets except Ter Mur
    • Frost Drake – found guarding Level 6 treasure chests
    • Frost Dragon – found guarding Level 7 treasure chests in Trammel or Felucca
    • Palamino Horse – found in the Second Age
    • Sabre-Toothed Tiger – found in the Valley of Eodon
    • Triceratops – found in the Valley of Eodon
    • Lion – found in the Valley of Eodon
    • Blood Fox – found in Ilshenar
    • Frost Mite – found in Tokuno
    • Ossein Ram – found in Deceit
    • Platinum & Crimson Drakes
      • Platinum & Crimson Drakes spawn in various locations throughout Felucca, Trammel, Ilshenar, Malas, & Eodon.
        • Destard, Montor, Ice Dungeon, Umbra, and the Kotl City
        • Platinum and Crimson Drakes spawn in colors related to the type of damage they deal.
    • Stygian Drakes spawn in various locations throughout the Stygian Abyss.
      • Stygian Drakes spawn in a variety of rare hues and deal physical damage.

  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Grimbeard said:
    A potion that allowed taming of the treasures of beast would sell well

    There are lots of things that would sell well, that this team simply won't even consider. So it's not about the money they would make.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    This ^^^
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,130
    Sylph said:
    As someone who started as a tamer and still loves taming I think new mount colors and/or new tamable mounts and pets would be fantastic for the game. I have friends who left and said they would only come back if new tamable pets/mounts were introduced. I usually try to still tame but ever since I got my Blaze Cu it's pretty boring going back to tame the same old thing I've been taming for 20+ years with nothing new. Sure the event mounts are neat to see added but I want something I can get excited to find/tame again.
    Frankly, before new pets are added to Tamers' gameplay, I would rather much prefer to see as fixed the various issues hurting Taming gameplay and in particular related to the training of pets...

    Pets using useless spells and just wasting their mana, training abilities mulfunctioning etc. etc.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    All i hear is there are 500 things we've asked for and want before NL
  • Grimbeard said:
    All i hear is there are 500 things we've asked for and want before NL
    501, I want a cookie

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,653
    Ask mum
  • CovenantXCovenantX Posts: 999
    edited November 2023
    Doesn't siege have a white (and dark) horse?  used to have a menu that had several options, I know monster ignore was popular back in the day, worked kinda like Honor, but it also prevented tamer's pets from attacking you too, for one hour after it was used.

    "I Invoke my Good (evil) Power"  depending on good or evil powers -Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure it was tied to factions and if so, It was probably removed..  -I haven't played siege in quite some time.
    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • ThrakkarThrakkar Posts: 46
    edited November 2023
    CovenantX said:
    Doesn't siege have a white (and dark) horse?  used to have a menu that had several options, I know monster ignore was popular back in the day, worked kinda like Honor, but it also prevented tamer's pets from attacking you too, for one hour after it was used.

    "I Invoke my Good (evil) Power"  depending on good or evil powers -Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure it was tied to factions and if so, It was probably removed..  -I haven't played siege in quite some time.
    Yeah, you're thinking of the hero & evil system:

    With that you could summon a silver steed:

    But that system had been removed 2014 with publish 86:
  • does anyone remember when unicorns 1st came out? for a while there they were literally just white horses then they merged them with that 3d abortion that looks like its made out of broken glass. i always loved the white horse version of unicorns tho and was so sad when they changed them.     as for new pets in uo. ive begged numerous times for  elemental mares.  they would pop as a very rare spawn  on treasure maps....and im talking like blaze cu rare.   could be a glacial  cold mare, abyssal color chaos damage, mad king green  for poison..ect ect.... and they would be invulnerable  to anyone outside the T hunters party. meaning only a member of the party could kill or tame it so there would be no room for griefing.   but no one ever listens to me ....hell i been trying to get kyronix to raise the slot lvl on giant ice wyrms to 5  since all this pet leveling nonsense began......  
  • i would love to see a tamable hydra, but honestly they just need to revamp some of the existing pets, prime example would be stygian drake, no one uses them because at 4 slot you cant do anything with them, they should be spawn in 3 slot or have a chance to spawn as a 3 slot and there damage should be based on there color like the platuim drakes are
  • does anyone remember when unicorns 1st came out? for a while there they were literally just white horses then they merged them with that 3d abortion that looks like its made out of broken glass. i always loved the white horse version of unicorns tho and was so sad when they changed them.
    I sure do.
    Up to Rennisance there were recolors for various mobs all over the place.
    It started with Third Dawn, when those cheap looking models came up, which were just the 3D models screenshots. That trend then heavily continued with Blackthorns Revenge...
  • PlayerSkillFTWPlayerSkillFTW Posts: 645
    edited November 2023
    does anyone remember when unicorns 1st came out? for a while there they were literally just white horses then they merged them with that 3d abortion that looks like its made out of broken glass. i always loved the white horse version of unicorns tho and was so sad when they changed them.     as for new pets in uo. ive begged numerous times for  elemental mares.  they would pop as a very rare spawn  on treasure maps....and im talking like blaze cu rare.   could be a glacial  cold mare, abyssal color chaos damage, mad king green  for poison..ect ect.... and they would be invulnerable  to anyone outside the T hunters party. meaning only a member of the party could kill or tame it so there would be no room for griefing.   but no one ever listens to me ....hell i been trying to get kyronix to raise the slot lvl on giant ice wyrms to 5  since all this pet leveling nonsense began......  

    When Third Dawn came out with the 3D client, in the 2D Client Unicorns were white Horses, Ki-Rins were orange Horses (i used to wear Evil Mage Orange clothing to match my Ki-Rin), Giant Beetles were purple Llamas, Golems were grey Earth Elementals, etc. Then the Lord Blackthorn's Revenge expansion incorporated a lot of the 3D models into 2D form.
    Before the Pet Revamp, i used to pair a Giant Ice Worm with my Cu Sidhe, so he could apply DP-Lethal Poison to keep the victim from healing as my Cu would tank. Still have him too, love how he says "Very Well" anytime i command him.
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