Reward Suggestions for Upcoming Feudal Lands ToT



  • SynnSynn Posts: 17
    Grimbeard said:
    Holumer said:
    New pets!! 
    Do not need to creat new ones. However, a lot of us want new pets, and ones we can ride.

    I think it would be cool to add some that can have armor equiped, bags, and other stuff. 
    We haven't had a actual new tameable in forever 
     Here's a suggestion:

    Volcano Hiryu
    Damage Type:  20 Phys / 80 Fire
    Special Move:  Inferno
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Healing
    Trained Volcano Hiryus can be controlled by players w/ Bushido 120 (real skill)

  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Synn said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Holumer said:
    New pets!! 
    Do not need to creat new ones. However, a lot of us want new pets, and ones we can ride.

    I think it would be cool to add some that can have armor equiped, bags, and other stuff. 
    We haven't had a actual new tameable in forever 
     Here's a suggestion:

    Volcano Hiryu
    Damage Type:  20 Phys / 80 Fire
    Special Move:  Inferno
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Healing
    Trained Volcano Hiryus can be controlled by players w/ Bushido 120 (real skill)

    All pets should start with healing 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Grimbeard said:
    Synn said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Holumer said:
    New pets!! 
    Do not need to creat new ones. However, a lot of us want new pets, and ones we can ride.

    I think it would be cool to add some that can have armor equiped, bags, and other stuff. 
    We haven't had a actual new tameable in forever 
     Here's a suggestion:

    Volcano Hiryu
    Damage Type:  20 Phys / 80 Fire
    Special Move:  Inferno
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Healing
    Trained Volcano Hiryus can be controlled by players w/ Bushido 120 (real skill)

    All pets should start with healing 
    All rideable pets should be able to attack while the rider is sitting on it too.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    That would be a cool new combat system. Bring things like the lance into action again. You could add things like trample or see a bonus damage like velocity for bows, but from pets when mounted. 
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Seth said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Synn said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Holumer said:
    New pets!! 
    Do not need to creat new ones. However, a lot of us want new pets, and ones we can ride.

    I think it would be cool to add some that can have armor equiped, bags, and other stuff. 
    We haven't had a actual new tameable in forever 
     Here's a suggestion:

    Volcano Hiryu
    Damage Type:  20 Phys / 80 Fire
    Special Move:  Inferno
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Healing
    Trained Volcano Hiryus can be controlled by players w/ Bushido 120 (real skill)

    All pets should start with healing 
    All rideable pets should be able to attack while the rider is sitting on it too.
    As long as the rider takes damage 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    I would like this tombstone in hue 2707

    (or same style but with the UO symbol on top)

    that when clicked, you can select a graveyard
    and it takes you to the front gate 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Graveyard teleporter. Sweet!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Great Idea !!! @Cinderella

    @Kyronix ; after you fix the chicken lizard eggs can you get started on Cinderellas excellent idea and then go back to NL tyvm !

  • SynnSynn Posts: 17
    Synn said:
    Grimbeard said:
    Holumer said:
    New pets!! 
    Do not need to creat new ones. However, a lot of us want new pets, and ones we can ride.

    I think it would be cool to add some that can have armor equiped, bags, and other stuff. 
    We haven't had a actual new tameable in forever 
     Here's a suggestion:

    Volcano Hiryu
    Damage Type:  20 Phys / 80 Fire
    Special Move:  Inferno
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Healing
    Trained Volcano Hiryus can be controlled by players w/ Bushido 120 (real skill)

    Just building off the pet suggestion above, but more geared to ninjas.   This is a non-ridable mount.

    Inari (Bake Kitsune model)
    Damage 20 Fire / 80 Energy
    Magic: Ninjitsu
    2 Slot (Trained to 5 slots)
    Innate:  Rage and Healing.  Has the ability to shapeshift.
    Trained Inari can be controlled by players w/ Ninjitsu 120 (real skill).

  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,385
    I'd like to see a yumi for archers and a soul glaive for gargs:

    30Hit area
    20Damange Inc

    If needed 1 of the bottom 3 properties could be removed.
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    edited August 2023
    keven2002 said:
    I'd like to see a yumi for archers and a soul glaive for gargs:

    30Hit area
    20Damange Inc

    If needed 1 of the bottom 3 properties could be removed.
    I agree, this fits into 1 of my suggestions, there has not been an updated weapon for these classes for a long time.

    I'd probably want a Composite Bow for the AI :)

    Yumi requires Bushido/Ninja for it's specials? - which I get, amazing for a pvper - but surely Bushido has to be nerfed soon... Yumi would not help your average archer. I get you asking for Yumi though as well.

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867
    2 more suggestions - could be Vet reward, or Event Reward.

    Like the First Aid Belt + Spellbook Strap + Runebook Strap + Quiver;

    A Backpack container for;
    a - Warriors weapon sets.
    b - Different suits that get swapped on and off - and they preferably use the Container rather than going all over the backpack.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Cookie said:
    2 more suggestions - could be Vet reward, or Event Reward.

    Like the First Aid Belt + Spellbook Strap + Runebook Strap + Quiver;

    A Backpack container for;
    a - Warriors weapon sets.
    b - Different suits that get swapped on and off - and they preferably use the Container rather than going all over the backpack.
    Unfortunately much like the spellbook strap they wouldn't go back inside the container..
  • OatsOats Posts: 14
    edited August 2023
    how about a bokuto since we in tokuno.

    Spell Channelling
    Splinter Weapon 30
    Lightning 70

    This is honestly needs to happen. Want to balance Bok mages without actually balancing bok mages? Make the weapon cost 100m and not 5p and people will find ways around it. 
  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    An item that allows you to reset your pet to the lowest level and retrain it. Or an item that allows you to respec your pet.

    Not certain if anything like this exists.
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,795
    bring back the pumpkin cannons, rowboat & helm
    if only for the haunting season that will soon be here
  • Oats said:
    how about a bokuto since we in tokuno.

    Spell Channelling
    Splinter Weapon 30
    Lightning 70

    This is honestly needs to happen. Want to balance Bok mages without actually balancing bok mages? Make the weapon cost 100m and not 5p and people will find ways around it. 
      Haha, The devs make that bokuto, they better make several 1 & 2h weapons with like 50% fireball, magic arrow, harm & lightening (all 4 hit-spells) together, that cannot be 'mysticism>enchanted' or have "spell channeling' added in any way.

    Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. rant2 Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!

  • HolumerHolumer Posts: 172
    Okay, since it's an event, a new tameable is probably out of the question.

    How about a new token pet. 
    One that is a random hue when recieved,  with rare awsome hues. Either make each hue do different damage types or make the damage random or chaos damage.
  • ValeriaValeria Posts: 98
    edited September 2023
    How about instead of making a reward which is an OP 30 splinter 70 hit spell weapon, you make a recipe or some kind of special one-time potion/refinement that let's a crafter apply splintering to a weapon.  You could maybe make it require imbuing space to limit it's power.  You could also maybe make the recipe or item have an element of chance like a refinement with the % of splintering  random, maybe 6/10 it's 10%, 3/10 it's 20%, 1/10 it's 30%... but provided I have more recipe ingredients or more of the special item I can reapply it to the same weapon for another roll.  Because let's be honest, if you make a finished 30 splinter / 70 hit spell item as a reward then the massive botters than run rampant at these events are going to amass thousands of that reward to resell for money on their websites.  At least this way you can make it possible, but something which would require a variety of hard to obtain ingredients or an element of RNG to limit it's proliferation.  Make the recipe require four things obtained differently... like 1000 green thorns, 5 black moonstones, crystals from the shimmering effusion like the craftable moonstones, some of the weird stuff with no purpose from SA like the primeval lich dust, etc.  A good mix of things that can't be quickly obtained en masse by an infinite number of unattended EJ bots in a single afternoon.

    And give us crafters something new to try to make and sell  :p
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