UO On a Handheld? Yes Please
Hey, guys! I've never posted here before, but I wanted to share my experience. I recently decided to replace my laptop with a handheld. When I want to use it as a laptop, I hook it up to my Android tablet. That's not what this is about though.
Ever since the smartphone came out, I've been dreaming about being able to play UO reliably with a good experience on a small screen. I'm pretty sure I have it figured out here. I haven't spent a super long time playing so far, maybe 4-8 hours total on this. It's an Asus ROG Ally. So far, I'm absolutely loving it for my Sampire. I haven't tried crafting, gathering, or other classes.
There is a little set up as far as button mapping goes, but if you think about what you use the most it's not too bad. The touch screen works well(on EC anyways), so additional skills like recall/sacred journey are easy to use. Being able to control the mouse with the right stick makes life easier also for other actions. I honestly feel like I might like it more than keyboard, I never thought I'd say that. I feel like with keyboard, sometimes I get confused on what I'm pushing or my hand gets repositioned on the keyboard and I push the wrong buttons. I haven't had any finger confusion yet, and I generally NEVER play anything with a controller. So don't call me a console weirdo, I don't own any consoles.
I'm not sure I'd tell you this is a replacement for playing UO on a bigger screen with a keyboard/mouse, but it's definitely an absolutely amazing experience for chilling and grinding.
What I've done for controls is:
Map the left stick to the arrow keys for movement
Map the d pad to wasd(My boat controls)
Map the right stick to the mouse cursor
Map the RB to left click and right trigger to right click
Map the left trigger to target next and honor target
Map y to confidence and open door
ABX and LB are mapped to Samp skills I use the most
Left stick click is mapped to toggle auto-run on/off
Right stick click is mapped to my healing skill
The triggers on the back of the device are mapped to open nearest and vacuum for looting
The pause button is mapped to c and i for character/inventory
The select button is mapped to m for map
Ever since the smartphone came out, I've been dreaming about being able to play UO reliably with a good experience on a small screen. I'm pretty sure I have it figured out here. I haven't spent a super long time playing so far, maybe 4-8 hours total on this. It's an Asus ROG Ally. So far, I'm absolutely loving it for my Sampire. I haven't tried crafting, gathering, or other classes.
There is a little set up as far as button mapping goes, but if you think about what you use the most it's not too bad. The touch screen works well(on EC anyways), so additional skills like recall/sacred journey are easy to use. Being able to control the mouse with the right stick makes life easier also for other actions. I honestly feel like I might like it more than keyboard, I never thought I'd say that. I feel like with keyboard, sometimes I get confused on what I'm pushing or my hand gets repositioned on the keyboard and I push the wrong buttons. I haven't had any finger confusion yet, and I generally NEVER play anything with a controller. So don't call me a console weirdo, I don't own any consoles.
I'm not sure I'd tell you this is a replacement for playing UO on a bigger screen with a keyboard/mouse, but it's definitely an absolutely amazing experience for chilling and grinding.
What I've done for controls is:
Map the left stick to the arrow keys for movement
Map the d pad to wasd(My boat controls)
Map the right stick to the mouse cursor
Map the RB to left click and right trigger to right click
Map the left trigger to target next and honor target
Map y to confidence and open door
ABX and LB are mapped to Samp skills I use the most
Left stick click is mapped to toggle auto-run on/off
Right stick click is mapped to my healing skill
The triggers on the back of the device are mapped to open nearest and vacuum for looting
The pause button is mapped to c and i for character/inventory
The select button is mapped to m for map

Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.