Thanks Team for a event I actually Enjoyed.



  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    It was indeed an enjoyable event.  There was no need to play 24/7 to get the items I wanted.  Please do something similar next year.

    Thank you Devs
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    edited June 2023
    The event was probably the worst half **** phoned in **** i've seen in ten years. Get you **** together @kryonix @Misk @Mesanna
    edited to remove profanity
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 977
    edited June 2023
    The event was probably the worst half **** phoned in **** i've seen in ten years. Get you **** together @ kryonix @ Misk @ Mesanna
    You are on idiot, how constructive is this nonsense?

    How about you grow up and post like an adult

    List what you didn't like. how it can be improved etc

    Stop being a silly little attention seeking troll, its rather embarrassing tbh
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    edited June 2023
    Hey i call it how i see it, It can be improved by if you **** for a start. Then new rewards not adding "counterfeit" to existing rewards that we worked ****** hard to get making them almost worthless.

    Also the bog thing was ****, anyone coming after the spawn got nothing. I would go cos the four ppl there cant kill it alone.

    Also respect the forum rules and dont call me names. ty
    edited to remove profanity
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 977
    lol says the guy using big swear words

    see, you can put constructive points together,  now how about listing the above points so they can be considered without having to wade through rant and swear words?
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 977
    but, with regards to your comment about the Bog thing, yes annoying if you arrived late, but you only have to wait 30 mins for the next one, I for one would like to see them make this the same at all EM events, so all the multi box gargoyles and wraiths hanging around to the end to get a drop get nothing.

    I for one 100% agree with this policy, participate in the whole run or get nothing
  • SaulGoodman1SaulGoodman1 Posts: 285
    edited June 2023
    lol says the guy using big swear words

    see, you can put constructive points together,  now how about listing the above points so they can be considered without having to wade through rant and swear words?
    Its how i speak irl, I don't harass you for talking like a guy with a stick up his ***, plus i am **** off that some **** stole my rare from my bank, explain that.
    edited to remove profanity
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    I had mixed feelings on the event.

    Reviving thorns/gardening, making luck relevant, making rabbits easy enough to kill so it wasn't super grindy to get drops were all wins by the Dev team. The price of the rewards were excellent IMO ( I'm someone that grinded in Ice to pay much more for the Drogeni spellbook and I wasn't mad about it being cheaper).

    Unfortunately the lack of any new items to actually work towards killed this event for me. It was amplified by there being no dungeon piece to collect my usual bone/plate suits. I had no reason to do this event and the past 2 months have been just like the previous 3-4 months which was very boring. It's a shame because it could have easily been made an event that I played by simply adding a couple of new items to work for (even reskinned existing items would have been good). I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy because I'd like this to be constructive but the rewards this event showed, in my opinion, a total lack of creativity or ambition to keep things fresh.

    I'm hoping there is a new event started in the next couple weeks because I really am looking for a reason to log in to play the game.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,153
    keven2002 said:
    I had mixed feelings on the event.

    Reviving thorns/gardening, making luck relevant, making rabbits easy enough to kill so it wasn't super grindy to get drops were all wins by the Dev team. The price of the rewards were excellent IMO ( I'm someone that grinded in Ice to pay much more for the Drogeni spellbook and I wasn't mad about it being cheaper).

    Unfortunately the lack of any new items to actually work towards killed this event for me. It was amplified by there being no dungeon piece to collect my usual bone/plate suits. I had no reason to do this event and the past 2 months have been just like the previous 3-4 months which was very boring. It's a shame because it could have easily been made an event that I played by simply adding a couple of new items to work for (even reskinned existing items would have been good). I don't want to sound like a negative Nancy because I'd like this to be constructive but the rewards this event showed, in my opinion, a total lack of creativity or ambition to keep things fresh.

    I'm hoping there is a new event started in the next couple weeks because I really am looking for a reason to log in to play the game.
    100% this
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    The event was probably the worst half **** phoned in **** i've seen in ten years. Get you **** together @ kryonix @ Misk @ Mesanna
    edited to remove profanity

      Was a Thanks to the Team not really a invitation to one of the worst toxic trolls in the game and on the forum to spew forth the typical trash that floods forth from its fingers.
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    /sign this was a fun event for all the positive reasons listed above.

    Not edited for profanity.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    I put the Bunny Fetish houses up South of the Glow Cotton field.  I Spent quite a bit of time in them reforging and enhancing new luck suits and playing with my newly discovered autolooms the AUTOLOOMS are another BIG + for me BTW.  The only shard out of the 7 I play on that did not almost always have 1-3 people in the field was Origin and from what I could see rotating people at different times.  So I am going to take that as Participation = Satisfaction.

      The Bog Thing Champ Spawn was on the disappointing side after the first week.  A bit like the town invasions with the event spellbooks. Lots of people swarmed in to get the first eggs and then left 1-2 of us to try and finish the spawn.  Yeah Kind of like the Town Invasions where they swooped in got the spell books and were gone as fast as they came.

      Recycling old stuff is not a problem for me.  I HATE the Dynamic Dungeon Grinds with the Dungeons full of paragons and multi boxers.  I am glad some people love those type of events. Consider this though A LOT OF US DO NOT!   Very disturbing when someone talks about how hard they *WORKED* in a video game, very disturbing indeed.  But lets run with that, I just worked for real for 12-14 hours, I come in grab a ice cold long neck, sit down at the computer to relax....... the last thing I want to do is WORK in a game. I can see though how those can't or won't work IRL see PLAYING a game as hard WORK.  The Dynamic Dungeons seem to be geared to the player base that can't or won't work IRL and have 23/7 available to WORK in the game. 

      I hope they repeat this every year going forward recycling previous years dungeon rewards.  It gives all of us that can't grind the dungeons a opportunity to get some of the rewards. It also would give me a reason to pick more of the thorns from the snake plants instead of just the seeds. And it gives a use that is worthwhile for all of 60k stacks of thorns I do pick and hoard for whatever reason that until this event eluded me.  I guess to those that did not like this event I will use one of thems own words back at them.. "If you don't like it STFU and DON'T DO IT, you F...... idiot R..... Moron. "

     Everyone could participate not just the L33T Sampires and MultiBoxers  Thorns were reasonably easy to come by or grow yourself.  I gave away as many over the course of the event as I sold in the first week to bank a easy 25 Plat. I have been told that I have more raised and field beds than anyone else in the game..... I don't know if I do or not. I do know that digging through bank boxes and backpacks that I managed to conjure up around 350 of them that did not go poof when I let everything IDOC.  I opened up with 200 in the LS Factory farms for two harvest and then moved them around from shard to shard  for a harvest and then moved them again. The next move will land them all back on my primary play shard of Origin.  Where all but about 40 of them will go into 2-3 chest and sit LOL I like grinding raised beds slightly less than I like grinding Dynamic Dungeons :) Harvesting 40 every cycle is about the right amount to not go insane while harvesting!

      Where I think things could be better in the future IF they make this event a Spring Regular and I think they should. 
    1. Fix the mechanic that gives the eggs in the first wave of the Champ Spawn.  If nothing else remove them from the spawn and put them on the boss. The footwear is a nice addition but the boss loot was the definition of SUCKS.

    2. I don't know if it possible but scaling the Bosses power to the number of people participating when it spawns would be nice.  It was pretty easy when a dozen people hung around to kill it. Nearly impossible if it was just you or 1-2 people, which was usually the case on the lower pop shards.

    3. On the Egg Turn in throw in a new item it won's silence the vocal minority of constant complainers but it would take the basis of of their crying away. 

    4. Sure turn on a Dynamic Grind Dungeon for them with the same rewards and the same luck based egg drops as the bunnies.  But turn it on in Fel Only. That should be easy enough implement and be interesting watching the PvP in generally krappy max luck suits. 

    5. I was never a fan of adding the timer to the thorns or nerfing the Bunny and Solen Loot :)  LOL Vorpal Bunnies went from the most hunted critter in the game to rare to see anyone killing them instantly with that Pub.  The Bunny Loot was over the top before the nerf for that time period.  Maybe though consider removing the thorn timer or shortening it to 60-90 seconds.  And buff the Bunnies up a bit in the wrestling and Tactics department to say on par with a Trog.  Them only doing 1 damage but having 2k HP  Never made much sense to me.  Making them worthwhile to train characters and pets on would be nice.  As it is the long timer, the weak bunnies that only train anatomy and can't hurt you is not good.  I do like them tearing weapons and armor up fairly fast though :)  Leave the loot as it is as it would be good for the not so mythical new and returning players.

    6. Add a chance for a Boss Bunny to spawn each time a thorn is pushed in. Perhaps add a small chance at receiving a 1 use Glacial Dye on the Boss Bunny.  That would over time solve the ongoing glacial malfunction and confusion. And maybe add that 1 use glacial dye to the rewards trader as the High Cost item of say 1000 Eggs.

    7. Maybe shrink the Guard Zone in the Easy Glow Field back or just remove it.  For that matter remove all of the field and farm GZ tram side.  No reason the brit fields need to be a GZ in Tram :) 

    8. A LONG time ago you could push thorns in the farm field in ilsh between Sacrifice and Spirituality, LOL and for a while a Black Horse Spawned there as well.  I would not mind seeing that as a thorn pushing option once again.  And the Black Horses were kind of neat as well. They were just like any other horse just black and only spawned in that field for 6 months or so.

     Would not be difficult to give everyone a bit of what they like every spring.......even though a certain segment of complainers will complain no matter what you give them.
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,079
    I agree it was a great event. Even with little to no time to play I was able to get the rewards i wanted, plus a few extra. Thanks Devs. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    edited June 2023
    I liked it. Between thorns, the spawn and stealing i was able to get triple of everything i need. 

    Bots were still very rampant and they added an auto insure. I think taking insurance away from drops and having whatever location out of guard zone in fel would be nice.

    The whole risk thing goes out the window when the fel portion of an event is in guard zone and you can insure your drops. Instantly for bots.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    On Europa we had two fun events for the whole shard where bunnies ran everywhere and the fun was manic :D  The Europa governors supplied the the thorns.
    On each of the shards I play used the same location, a little known spot in Fel. I never saw anyone else there. - even when I checked the same spot on Atlantic there was no one around.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,387
    Have somewhat mixed feelings about this event.  Thought the thorn part worked out really well, especially for teams of two or three. Not too much down time that way and always got more eggs than thorns used taking part. Plenty of time for players to grow their own thorns if they had access to seeds.  Mostly just required any kind of luck suit, even one that was not much good for anything else.  And, recycled but really good rewards for the player’s use, or vendors.

    Thought spawn event was at a good level for getting groups of players together to kill the boss, but too stingy with rewards for those groups of players to keep coming back. At the previous Wind event almost always got five or six eggs, plus a vine wrap.  Think in that event first two spawns produced eggs and most players taking part got around five or six eggs.  But here only 10 eggs total to be divided among players taking part in the first spawn level, and a boss that took forever to kill. And, once down loot on the corpse mostly, if not all, junk.  Rabbits had better loot than the boss did.  Think after first week or so players stopped doing it.  Rewards provided just did not justify the effort required to complete more than the first wave.

    Overall got some nice things for my players and vendors.  So generally satisfied but would have liked to see spawn rewards taken to a level that encouraged players to continue to do it.

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273

    On each of the shards I play used the same location, a little known spot in Fel. I never saw anyone else there. - even when I checked the same spot on Atlantic there was no one around.

    1 snoop of a pack was enough for most to recall back to candyland on Atl even though the event was almost completely in guard zone.

    I was even able to get a few pvp kills by those that thought i was "just a thief". 
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    Urge said:

    On each of the shards I play used the same location, a little known spot in Fel. I never saw anyone else there. - even when I checked the same spot on Atlantic there was no one around.

    1 snoop of a pack was enough for most to recall back to candyland on Atl even though the event was almost completely in guard zone.

    I was even able to get a few pvp kills by those that thought i was "just a thief". 
    Well, now I'm not there, if you want to know where I was, send me a DM :D
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited June 2023
    In general, I enjoyed it, not much more to add.

    Ironically, due to having far more time, no pressure, I actually did it far less than I meant to, and got far less out of it than I wanted lol :)

    I enjoyed doing it in Felucca - I could never have stood the boredom of doing that in Trammel, so thank you for it being in Felucca. Always should be.

  • usernameusername Posts: 789
    edited June 2023
    It was nice in the sense that we could get everything we wanted (and then some) with minimal effort. 
    Would have been nicer if the stuff was account bound...
    Good change from the massively botted ToTs.
    This discussion has been closed.

    I will be slow to reply because I cannot log in/stay logged in to the forums.
    Make this your signature if you are tired of Vendor Search being broken, over 4 years and counting.
    Vendor search rendered useless after Publish 106 – Forsaken Foes on August 14, 2019.
  • TyrathTyrath Posts: 542
    username said:
    It was nice in the sense that we could get everything we wanted (and then some) with minimal effort. 
    Would have been nicer if the stuff was account bound...
    Good change from the massively botted ToTs.

     I could go with acct bound if it was bound to ALL of the Accounts under a Master Account and not the individual Accts.  LOL I have a chest on a lot of shards with juorneymans armor that fell off of character after they fixed it being account bound.  Very time consuming to log in and out cycling through every account figuring out which account which armor set belongs to.  Not to mention all of the character logged out hidden in the middle of nowhere fel that the armor dropped off of scrounging reagent off the ground trying to find the right ones to recall back to a house.

      Shard bound seems good enough for me, even if annoying as hell when you have a Counterfeit Yukios somewhere in some chest inside of one of the pack critters, your pack or the bank when you are trying to do a big transfer LOL and they blend in so good with the wood chest.  Finally resorted to logging into the EC to find the Mystery Shard Bound Item preventing the transfer.  I don't use the EC because it is so ugly IMO that it makes my eyes hurt.  Only useful to me for finding things in containers and taking screen shots with the zoom in and out.  So a lot of respect for the folks that can stomach playing that eyesore regularly. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,904
    edited June 2023
    Most boring event ever in the history of ultima online.

    Even playing classic chess is more exciting, at least I won't fall asleep after 5 mins. The idea of going to the Farm to actually Farm artifacts already got me half sleepy.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    There was an event ? :p
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 685
    Baja had a player event to start off the wabbit hunting season and it was a blast with everyone planting thorns and running around. People were giving away thorns and just being plain cool. While I haven't had a ton of time to play recently when I did log on I saw people joining other people and working together.
    I appreciated that I could log in for a luck hour now and again and get a bunch of eggs running 2 chars. It was relaxing and rewarding.

    Thanks Devs!
  • PitrPitr Posts: 182
    It was simple and FUN!
    Thank you Devs!

  • Glad to see folks liked this event. Sad that I wasn't one of them. My response though was to just not do it. (OK, OK, I did the spawn a couple of times, use the boots on one of my characters, will sell other pairs later.)

    Here's to hoping the next one will be more to my liking.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    I think this was the first event that I got everything I wanted with some extras.
  • SmootSmoot Posts: 409
    edited June 2023
    poorly thought out.  rewards should have been much higher points, or eggs much harder to get.  there was little point to doing the event yourself unless you were doing it AFK.  i did it for about an hour, then seeing how worthless all the items pretty much instantly became just bought everything i wanted for dirt cheap prices. 

    devs have to realize that if items are too easy to get, no ones going to actually do the content (escept scripters).  theyll just let the scripters / 20 account players farm it and buy the rewards for next to nothing.

    i would have done the event if the eggs were much harder to obtain but as it was it wasnt worth the time.  also now regret actually doing the previous events, because i could have just bought a previously 100m value item for 3m if i had waited to this one.  the ease of this event ruined it for casual players using 1 account manually, and also ruined the previous event where it was MUCH harder to get the same items.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2023
    “Great event
    say all guard me

    last Object
    Target self

    go afk

    look forward to next”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
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