Ideas for a new contest

EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
Greetings all,

I am wanting to introduce a new contest and wanted to see what kind of contest would interest the community the most. Please feel free to choose which contest would interest you the most in this poll or suggest one in a reply to this thread! I will introduce a new contest next month if enough interest is generated! The winner of any contest would get a plaque with their name on it placed in the reward hall!
  1. What type of contest would you like to see next?9 votes
    1. Story Telling Contest
    2. A House Deco Contest
    3. Scavanger Hunt Contest
    4. Pet Battles Contest


  • DrakelordDrakelord Posts: 1,762
    I voted for the Hunt
    Remove Trap = Bad News
    Treasure Hunters
  • ParnocParnoc Posts: 236
    I voted for the pet battle but I think I wanna change since I heard EM Xanthus say that there would be restrictions on certain pets or abilities. 
  • EM XanthusEM Xanthus Posts: 73Event Moderator
    There wont be any restrictions =)
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