My Davies' Locker was Destroyed and the GM ...



  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    @Mariah thats a great add to wilki can you put that here in the forums as well in homes and castles make it a sticky there as well could help ?
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    "OP did not even use goza mats so there is still a bug here,
    regardless of whether or not bug is now listed in wiki

    How about Mariah just adds all bug reports to wiki and then dev never have to fix anything and dev and QA department can be paid to do nothing..."
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,464
    what worries me is if its put in as a bug they devs will stop us from being able to place deeds on gozas and pavers
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    edited April 2023
    Yoshi said:
    Merus said:
    I learned the lesson the hard way 13 years ago… cost me a veteran reward cannon… but it was still me using goza mats to get the cannon in a spot that it normally wouldn’t have fit inside my house and not getting it leveled correctly before re-deeding it.

    So yes, it is frustrating.  And yes, it’s been around a very long time.  No one is suggesting it doesn’t suck.  I didn’t get my cannon back in 2010, it’s no different now.

    "What a joker you are, you said you found out about it the hard way..
    so you yourself are victim of this
    and instead of help campaign to resolve issue, you blame other victims and say its user error.

    You ever thought about working for crisis charity?"
    If there are “victims” here, it is from our own mistakes.  Furthermore, I didn’t say I learned about it, I learned the lesson (user error costing me something valuable), the hard way.

    I do not view this as an issue that needs a “fix” from the dev team.  As far as I have ever seen, the only way an item gets destroyed like this is if the user fails to get all the parts properly aligned, myself included.  So yes, in my book that makes it user error, even if that is driven by ignorance.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Yoshi said:
    "you mean using exploit to make big soul forge into small soul forge?

    How you're expecting every player to know about this issue and not to use axe on item when it is not even listed anywhere in the bug forum, or on wiki?"
    This strikes me as pretty unfair. I wouldn’t call it an exploit at all. It’s one of those quirks that was discovered and stuck with us because it became a part of decorating. Was it accidental to begin with? Yeah, I’d file it under “happy accident “. And it’s something players didn’t want fixed at all.

    There are quit a number of items that get chopped to make something different or new. You know this. Is it unfortunate that a newer player lost an item because something funky happened with the floor? Yeah, it’s a bummer. 

    I lost a lighthouse last year because I had it raised up a set of crafted stairs, jacked up on granite pavers. One of the pavers must have slipped and the lighthouse broke into pieces when I tried to redeed it. 

    Would it be nice if there were a better system for keeping track of a lost item that would allow for its return? Yeah, that’d be nice. But it’s never ever been policy to replace lost items. So, it is what it is. 

    Why can’t you just be the nice guy who was willing to help a player replace a lost item? Without having to go into how chopping a large forge to make a smaller forge or chopping stone tables to turn them into stone countertops is some terrible exploit? Come on now. 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    “ Lilygrace Okay I will consider that mentality next time I find dupe exploit

    i am not saying GM should replace item, item should not be lost in first place.

    and PS everyone knows I am not nice guy

    do I care about people decorating their homes by raising things with mats?

    do I care when people get upset and lose items and community pull together to crucify them because they expose your dirty little secret   Yes”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited April 2023
    I have the Dirtiest Secrets!  >:)

    I would be fine with the GM replacing items like this.  There is evidence that it was there.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    LilyGrace said:

    There are quit a number of items that get chopped to make something different or new. You know this. Is it unfortunate that a newer player lost an item because something funky happened with the floor? Yeah, it’s a bummer. 

    I lost a lighthouse last year because I had it raised up a set of crafted stairs, jacked up on granite pavers. One of the pavers must have slipped and the lighthouse broke into pieces when I tried to redeed it. 

    “Also,  newer player? It’s 8 year vet reward

    **bangs drum**
    Hey hey, Ho Ho!
    Splitting Deeded Items has got to go!!”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
    Yoshi said:
    "OP did not even use goza mats so there is still a bug here,
    regardless of whether or not bug is now listed in wiki

    How about Mariah just adds all bug reports to wiki and then dev never have to fix anything and dev and QA department can be paid to do nothing..."

    Misk would actually need to log into the forums more than once every 2-3 months to see new bugs...
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    If the gm saw the partially chopped item they should have replaced it or fixed it. It’s not like they said they had it and there was no proof. 
  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited April 2023
    What I find most disturbing, is that is this did NOT happen because of a " Z " axis issue, as I seem to understand might be the case, THEN, this could happen to any and all players just placing their Davies Lockers on a flat ground....

    Furthermore, as I seem to understand, the GM came when only 1 tile was missing for the Davies Locker which, I would imagine, shows an odd situation...

    When I paged the GM, there was only 1 tile of the locker gone. The GM at that time could not do anything. I was unable to access the locker after the first tile was destroyed. So, I chopped each tile thinking after all of them were chopped the locker would have returned into deed form for me.

    i mean, Davies Locker is placed on flat ground, no " Z " issue whatsoever, and it has 1 tile missing.... shouldn't then be the job of the GM to fix this upon a player paging for clear help needed since the solution to a now unaccessible in game item is clearly BEYOND the player's ability ?

    Yet, the GM, at least if I understood what happened clearly (OP, please correct me if I understood any of this wrong), said that he could not do anything to help and the player then proceeded to axe all other tiles thinking that when the last tile was gone, the Davies Locker would have redeed in the player's backpack which, unfortunately, it did not.

    To my opinion, if the fixing of the situation (a Davies Locker missing 1 tile) was beyond the GM's possibility to fix, he/she should have adviced the players that he/she would have brought the issue further up to whomever had the power to fix the mulfunctioning item (perhaps to Mesanna or another Dev ?) and should have also adviced the player to stop axeing any other tile of the Davies Locker until someone else from the Devs would have taken care of it.

    So, was it really the fault of the player if he/she kept axeing all tiles of the Davies Locker "after" the GM left ?

    I mean, what else could the player do ?

    He/she could not use a 1 tile missing Davies Locker as it was, a GM said he/she could not help, what other option did the player then have to try solve the issue on his/her own other then keeping on axeing all tiles of that Davies Locker thinking that, upon axeing the last tile, the Veteran Reward would have turned into a deed ?

    @Mariah , if things went this way, as I seem to understand that the player is explaining they went, how is it then possible to say that this was a player's fault ?

    And, even if there was a " Z " issue (i.e. the Davies Locker raised in respect to the regular floor), shouldn't the GM have mentioned this to the player when called when only 1 tile was missing but all other tiles of the Davies Locker were still visible ?

    Yet, I do not see to see in the player's description of what happened any mention of this....
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Yoshi said:
    “ Lilygrace Okay I will consider that mentality next time I find dupe exploit

    i am not saying GM should replace item, item should not be lost in first place.

    and PS everyone knows I am not nice guy

    do I care about people decorating their homes by raising things with mats?

    do I care when people get upset and lose items and community pull together to crucify them because they expose your dirty little secret   Yes”
    Comparing duping to someone crafting a stone countertop by chopping stone tables up is pretty whacky. 

    Your comment about the OP being crucified by the UO community is bizarrely dramatic and ranty since that’s not at all what happened. 

    Your comment regarding exposing dirty little secrets is also whacky and bizarre. Frankly, I’ve no idea what you’re even talking about. I’m not hiding anything. I’m happy to share whatever I know about decorating, including tricks that require chopping an item up to alter its use and appearance. 
  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,448
    edited April 2023
    This topic is getting weird.

    Yes I get the point there could be a genuine additional bug here, that's one for the Devs.

    Yes I get the point, if the GM could see a valid item disappearing with no uneven ground issue in sight, the item could be replaced.

    Yes I get the point players who are into Deco, don't want to change their system re goza mat usage, so I did not pursue it beyond suggesting making it a bit more clear to everyone.

    Yes, I get that "Yoshi" wants to pursue it to the ends of the earth. :)

    That is the crux of various point's of view here, they all have merit.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited April 2023
    "when move to personal attack, it's so obvious you have lost any credibility in strength in argument"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator
    I have never heard of this happening before when an item was not raised. Therefore I am moving this thread to the bug forum.
    It would be helpful if @Nazghoul_Mortis could add more detail such as what style of keep he has, the shard/facet/coordinates of where it is located and where in the building the locker was placed.
    This could be done in a bug report to if you would rather not post that information in the forum.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    “At the end of the day, they can do personal attacks as much as they want. But it is so blatantly obvious that turning a 9 tile soulforge into a functioning 1 tile soulforge is a bug at best, and an exploit at worst”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    Yoshi said:
    “At the end of the day, they can do personal attacks as much as they want. But it is so blatantly obvious that turning a 9 tile soulforge into a functioning 1 tile soulforge is a bug at best, and an exploit at worst”
    This from the person that openly admits to cheating and openly supports the use of 3rd party apps and is still allowed to post here and play UO.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Mariah said:

    This could be done in a bug report to bugs@ if you would rather not post that information in the forum.

    “There is no evidence this email address is monitored”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • VagabondVagabond Posts: 95
    Wow. Sometimes I really wonder, what you're all smokin'. Or stuff.

    I'm playing for 22+ years and have never had an issue like this, because I don't put items on gozas or any other items which were never intended as you think they were.

    Sorry, but it's simple. Don't exploit game mechanics and then complain about it, you're simply too *bleeeeep" to use it, obviously.
    You need help with simple stuff? -- Otherwise - can I has your stuff?
  • TimStTimSt Posts: 1,853
    A hopefully simple solution is that any item that is redeedable should have a "redeed" option when right clicked. And leave the ability to chop an item so people can get things the small soul forge piece. Hopefully the small piece can be redeeded and when used turns back into the small piece so you can reposition it to a spot the original large item could not fit.

  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Yoshi said:
    Merus said:
    I learned the lesson the hard way 13 years ago… cost me a veteran reward cannon… but it was still me using goza mats to get the cannon in a spot that it normally wouldn’t have fit inside my house and not getting it leveled correctly before re-deeding it.

    So yes, it is frustrating.  And yes, it’s been around a very long time.  No one is suggesting it doesn’t suck.  I didn’t get my cannon back in 2010, it’s no different now.

    "What a joker you are, you said you found out about it the hard way..
    so you yourself are victim of this
    and instead of help campaign to resolve issue, you blame other victims and say its user error.

    You ever thought about working for crisis charity?"
    Says the joker that writes everything as a quote!  :D
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