It would be nice if gargoyles had a 'helmet slot' & earrings' slot... my problem with the earrings isn't that they don't have resist, it's that they compete with the Halo for casters, or mace & shields and prismatic lenses for weapon users.
Also, the earrings are mostly a pvm item and they're not pof-able.... that's another issue though.
Remove or change casting focus & poison immunity it reduces the need for "Player Skill" it's garbage. Bring timing back and eliminate chance in pvp!
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
You had your chance. You decided to say "Yukio earings for gargs suck - where is the love?" instead of giving exact examples of what to put on there. Kyronix had to ask you what your idea was before you gave the idea of "simply adding resist"... this was less than a week before the event started. You did the same thing with the BG Fishing pole... waited until it came out to complain about it without giving any constructive feedback.
I don't agree with a lot the Devs do but this is simply unjust complaining (as usual) on your part. If anything I think the Devs should ignore whiners that say things like "we need better items" all together. It's a waste of time because they are never satisfied unless they are given something massively OP. It's managing up 101 - don't bring the Devs problems, bring them solutions if you want to get something you want.
As if i had said 15 all resistance it would have happened boy you guys think I've got power! They knew why else would they have added the resistance to the ninja earrings people need to stop letting thier feels about other posters cloud thier judgment and start holding the developers accountable
As if i had said 15 all resistance it would have happened boy you guys think I've got power! They knew why else would they have added the resistance to the ninja earrings people need to stop letting thier feels about other posters cloud thier judgment and start holding the developers accountable
You need to stop letting this be your default response. Classic case of someone who can dish it out but can't take it. Just take your own advice to the Dev team....communicate better.
Wing Armor should be actual armor, Earrings for Gargs should have resist , necklaces should be able to be enhanced with the properties of special materials just like any other piece of armor. What they really need to do is a Gargoyle rework and fix the multiple negatives that handicap garg characters and bring them more in balance with Elf and Human Characters, which is mostly in the gear imbalance issues.
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
Why you need resists on Yukio earrings? Just take crafted earrings , reforge them to 150 luck and you will get what you want. Can imbue them to even more properties. Or get Maritime Reading Glasses and alter them to get 150 luck. Ninjia earrings are awful example how to solve it (together with Wamap bone ones) . They are example how to make something useless.
@Kyronix , problem here is : human and elves can wear glasses and earrings , gargoyles glasses or earrings.
So human can have 250 (Wildfire mask) + 125 (earrings) luck. Total 375 Gargoyles can have maximum 150 from reforged earrings or glasses. To make it at least somewhere near equal - add something to weld/solder Yukio earrings on gargish head piece and allow us to alter wildfire masks.
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
Why you need resists on Yukio earrings? Just take crafted earrings , reforge them to 150 luck and you will get what you want. Can imbue them to even more properties. Or get Maritime Reading Glasses and alter them to get 150 luck. Ninjia earrings are awful example how to solve it (together with Wamap bone ones) . They are example how to make something useless.
@ Kyronix , problem here is : human and elves can wear glasses and earrings , gargoyles glasses or earrings.
So human can have 250 (Wildfire mask) + 125 (earrings) luck. Total 375 Gargoyles can have maximum 150 from reforged earrings or glasses. To make it at least somewhere near equal - add something to weld/solder Yukio earrings on gargish head piece and allow us to alter wildfire masks.
What RUNIC does a TINKER have to reforge luck with?
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
Why you need resists on Yukio earrings? Just take crafted earrings , reforge them to 150 luck and you will get what you want. Can imbue them to even more properties. Or get Maritime Reading Glasses and alter them to get 150 luck. Ninjia earrings are awful example how to solve it (together with Wamap bone ones) . They are example how to make something useless.
@ Kyronix , problem here is : human and elves can wear glasses and earrings , gargoyles glasses or earrings.
So human can have 250 (Wildfire mask) + 125 (earrings) luck. Total 375 Gargoyles can have maximum 150 from reforged earrings or glasses. To make it at least somewhere near equal - add something to weld/solder Yukio earrings on gargish head piece and allow us to alter wildfire masks.
What RUNIC does a TINKER have to reforge luck with?
After it's made you can reforge with smith runics which makes zero sense and doesn't explain why you can't enhance things just more broken stuff to ignore
Simply adding resistance to the yukio earrings with the new counterfeit version would have been a good start they fixed the ninja earrings i don't understand the stubborn refusal to admit to and fix errors
Why you need resists on Yukio earrings? Just take crafted earrings , reforge them to 150 luck and you will get what you want. Can imbue them to even more properties. Or get Maritime Reading Glasses and alter them to get 150 luck. Ninjia earrings are awful example how to solve it (together with Wamap bone ones) . They are example how to make something useless.
@ Kyronix , problem here is : human and elves can wear glasses and earrings , gargoyles glasses or earrings.
So human can have 250 (Wildfire mask) + 125 (earrings) luck. Total 375 Gargoyles can have maximum 150 from reforged earrings or glasses. To make it at least somewhere near equal - add something to weld/solder Yukio earrings on gargish head piece and allow us to alter wildfire masks.
What RUNIC does a TINKER have to reforge luck with?
After it's made you can reforge with smith runics which makes zero sense and doesn't explain why you can't enhance things just more broken stuff to ignore
So you are talking the Garg ones only because they take up armor slots on a garg but have shitty resists.
You need to stop letting this be your default response. Classic case of someone who can dish it out but can't take it. Just take your own advice to the Dev team....communicate better.
@Kyronix , problem here is :
human and elves can wear glasses and earrings ,
gargoyles glasses or earrings.
So human can have 250 (Wildfire mask) + 125 (earrings) luck. Total 375
Gargoyles can have maximum 150 from reforged earrings or glasses.
To make it at least somewhere near equal - add something to weld/solder Yukio earrings on gargish head piece and allow us to alter wildfire masks.