Sad depiction of today's UO.

Anyone else think this part of the UO picture is kinda sad and disturbing? but also reflects the mentality of a lot of UO players today....


  • Yeah it reflect the Mentality of UO players as whole..Sad.
  • ArchnightArchnight Posts: 48
    Agreed there's many krusty players these days but this almost looks Shakespearean to me, like a work of art  :)

  • jaytinjaytin Posts: 417
    I feel bad for that little gargoyle child!  :'(
  • I've always felt art draws out of us our own feelings and interpretations based on what's lurking around in our minds. For example the human is clearly distraught over the pain of his daemon friend who is suffering from feasting too much while the daemons child is clearly worried over his parent and is trying to comfort and assist it :)
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Pinkerton said:
    Yeah it reflect the Mentality of UO players as whole..Sad.
    Says little miss temper tantrum, lol.  Have you not turned off your accounts yet?
    Let's ban everyone from the forums who has made a UO complaint. Hey! Where did everyone go? Not a big fan of people provoking and instigating people to get upset for their own personal enjoyment. Nothing constructive in that at all.
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    The image above is from the Tapestry of Ages as seen in Ultima IX...from 1999. It depicts the literal race/species war between the humans and the gargoyles of Ultima VI, events precipitated by the spreading of falsehoods, fear and cowardice. 

    Just below it on the tapestry, is the image of the hands of the Avatar and Draxinusom (King of the Gargoyles) shaking hands in friendship. Not showing that, while showing the above image, is a tad disingenuous. (The top images shows the first scene of Ultima VI, where the gargoyles capture the Avatar and almost sacrifice him to stop a prophecy)

    The Ultima games, specifically VI, VII and IX, haven't shied away from making political and cultural commentary when appropriate. Ultima VI delves into apartheid and racial injustice, then IX shows the results of that taken to extremes with the self-caused, near-extinction of the gargoyles.

    Here is the full tableau: 

  • CookieCookie Posts: 1,867

    Thank you for that Dot, fantastic post, I didn't know any of that.

    It's a great piece of art.

    My only wish, would be that UO could still capture some of those past glories in terms of it's meaning and content.

  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    edited June 2018
    Here is the full Tapestry of Ages:

    It shows the Avatar's journey from "The Sanger" in Ultima I to ascended paragon at the end of IX.
  • Dot_WarnerDot_Warner Posts: 234
    Cookie said:

    Thank you for that Dot, fantastic post, I didn't know any of that.

    It's a great piece of art.

    My only wish, would be that UO could still capture some of those past glories in terms of it's meaning and content.

    Some shard's EMs attempt to do just that, though on a smaller scale than the global events can do. Though the EMs on GL go the extra mile to shore up the global arc events with extra plot and exposition.

    UO would need a separate team devoted to global event design and implementation to really reach the level of story found in the main games. UO used to have such a team, the Live Team, but EA canned them not long after Stygian Abyss if I remember correctly. :(

  • DerajDeraj Posts: 88
    Slayvite said:
    Anyone else think this part of the UO picture is kinda sad and disturbing? but also reflects the mentality of a lot of UO players today....
    A man killing two demons, what's sad and disturbing about this? Seems like he's cleaning up Britannia to me.
  • SableSable Posts: 248
    edited June 2018
    Deraj said:
    Slayvite said:
    Anyone else think this part of the UO picture is kinda sad and disturbing? but also reflects the mentality of a lot of UO players today....
    A man killing two demons, what's sad and disturbing about this? Seems like he's cleaning up Britannia to me.
    Those aren't demons, those are gargoyles.  It represents the war between Briannia and the gargoyles in Ultima 6.  To go into further detail, when the Avatar removed the Codex from the Abyss, it caused great earthquakes which began to destroy the Gargoyle homeland.  Thus they went to war.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    please remember rule 1 of the terms of service when posting on these forums. 
  • Sable said:
    Deraj said:
    Slayvite said:
    Anyone else think this part of the UO picture is kinda sad and disturbing? but also reflects the mentality of a lot of UO players today....
    A man killing two demons, what's sad and disturbing about this? Seems like he's cleaning up Britannia to me.
    Those aren't demons, those are gargoyles.  It represents the war between Briannia and the gargoyles in Ultima 6.  To go into further detail, when the Avatar removed the Codex from the Abyss, it caused great earthquakes which began to destroy the Gargoyle homeland.  Thus they went to war.
    HA! Gargoyles are just mini demons and everyone knows it! They're not fooling me!
    Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies
  • Victim_Of_SiegeVictim_Of_Siege Posts: 2,299
    edited June 2018
    I'm a Gargoyle and even I concede we're demons. 

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Rorschach said:
    please remember rule 1 of the terms of service when posting on these forums. 

    Is that a warning towards me? what did I do this time??

    And I don't care if they are Demons or Gargoyles, it take's a pretty sick individual to cut down a parent that's holding it's child..... :p
  • FatFat Posts: 97

    Is that a warning towards me? what did I do this time??

    The new Phoenix is clearly superior.
  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    Fat said:

    Is that a warning towards me? what did I do this time??

    The new Phoenix is clearly superior.

    You're bait is weak jedi. 
    The Sith are not weak minded fools..... :p
    Image result for UO Phoenix
  • DerajDeraj Posts: 88
    Sable said:
    Deraj said:
    Slayvite said:
    Anyone else think this part of the UO picture is kinda sad and disturbing? but also reflects the mentality of a lot of UO players today....
    A man killing two demons, what's sad and disturbing about this? Seems like he's cleaning up Britannia to me.
    Those aren't demons, those are gargoyles.  It represents the war between Briannia and the gargoyles in Ultima 6.  To go into further detail, when the Avatar removed the Codex from the Abyss, it caused great earthquakes which began to destroy the Gargoyle homeland.  Thus they went to war.
    Winged, horned abominations that dwell in the underworld, seems pretty demonic to me. And since gargoyle slayers fall under the "demon slayer" category..........................

  • GidgeGidge Posts: 426
    I use to have a school room for little abandoned gargoyles. I think I will start it up again. I use to do this when I would find people selling the poor helpless little creatures.
  • crunchnastycrunchnasty Posts: 241
    You want a soy latte with your uber sensitive opinion?
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    This is really funny how some people are so over sensitive and get all worked up over a picture that is a piece of pure fiction.
  • Uriah_HeepUriah_Heep Posts: 915
    Bilbo said:
    This is really funny how some people are so over sensitive and get all worked up over a picture that is a piece of pure fiction.
    And the name of a boss, that hasn't been a problem for 20 years...

  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
    Bilbo said:
    This is really funny how some people are so over sensitive and get all worked up over a picture that is a piece of pure fiction.
    And the name of a boss, that hasn't been a problem for 20 years...

    This is about an online game not real life.
  • KrinkleKrinkle Posts: 5
    I think that picture needs some blood.
  • BilboBilbo Posts: 2,834
  • North_LSNorth_LS Posts: 99
    looks like hes straining on the toilet.
  • BelmardukBelmarduk Posts: 4
    That slimy looking blond guy dressed as a Paladin in some splash-screens - Seeing him makes me aggressive - sometimes I feel like head-butting the screen seeing him
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