EA Payment system down?



  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited February 2023
    One thing at a time, fix the payment system first. They can't even fix basix CC payment quickly in 2023 and this is not 1997.And you want them to solve cross border currency issue? Maybe this is the 1029th problem on the list. Take a queue number.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    I bought sovereigns.  Well, tried to buy them.  This was back on 2-3-23.  Contacted support at UO and EA.  EA said talk to UO.  UO said talk to EA.  I tried one more time with EA and this was the remarkable answer from EA:

    Next, I spoke on the phone with a support person, she really did try to be helpful but stated that there is a technical issue with EA communicating with Broadsword and that has had an effect on code generation.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Rocko said:
    I bought sovereigns.  Well, tried to buy them.  This was back on 2-3-23.  Contacted support at UO and EA.  EA said talk to UO.  UO said talk to EA.  I tried one more time with EA and this was the remarkable answer from EA:

    Next, I spoke on the phone with a support person, she really did try to be helpful but stated that there is a technical issue with EA communicating with Broadsword and that has had an effect on code generation.
    Gee like the security certificates expiring for the second year ...
  • Some news about gtc buying?
  • Can we Please have an update about this serious situation??
    I mean, almost 30 days now that we cant buy?? you would imagine that this should be the #1 priority for you guys, since is money??

  • well, I guess that they have No clue what is going on as well!

  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    twitter really ? lol wtf for real ?
    is this a photo shop ?
  • It is real @Skett
    Why i would photoshop that?
    It is over 20 days since i last purchased a code and they said 24 hours, 36 hours, than normally takes 72 hours for a resolution, now is over 20 days and EA said that they are aware and that i have to wait and check twitter.  I mean, really @Mesanna ??

  • It is crazy to me this still is not fixed.
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    edited February 2023
    At first I'd say yes it is crazy.... but honestly it's not super crazy considering there are so many fires going right now (people still can't stay logged into this site when using Chrome which has been going on like a month now and Pac has been crashing almost daily). They are likely spread too thin (and maybe certain things are beyond their capacity).
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Maybe BS just need to sell manually-generated code directly, via Paypal at 50% discount, until the worldwide EA payment system is recovered. 

    Our house is falling down soon... 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I am informed via Discord that a French player of my acquaintance was able to purchase a one month subscription through the Broadsword | Account Management site yesterday. The cost in Euros a little higher than buying game time, but at least his account is active.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Mariah said:
    I am informed via Discord that a French player of my acquaintance was able to purchase a one month subscription through the Broadsword | Account Management site yesterday. The cost in Euros a little higher than buying game time, but at least his account is active.
    Eh, inflation, rising cost, senior citizens need discounts...
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • CathyCathy Posts: 10
    Ok. This is really getting out of hand.
    I dont believe for a second that EA can not fix this. Something is very strange.
    You going to tell me that the only game time code available to buy, is the one that is most expensive? The one no one ever bought?
    I start to believe that this was done in purpose to push the sale of the only code that no one ever bought.
    You contact EA and they have no clue what UO is. You contact UO support and they say this is all EA. So what should we do?
    And the fact that the devs would not even answer anything is really bad.
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    I just logged in and there was a pop up in game that read "Have you checked out what's new in the Ultima Online Store?" 

    No, no I have not.  Why should I?
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662
    Rocko said:
    I just logged in and there was a pop up in game that read "Have you checked out what's new in the Ultima Online Store?" 

    No, no I have not.  Why should I?
    For years we have been getting that pop up if we are in a safe log out area.  You don't play much, I see.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Cathy said:
    Ok. This is really getting out of hand.
    I dont believe for a second that EA can not fix this. Something is very strange.
    You going to tell me that the only game time code available to buy, is the one that is most expensive? The one no one ever bought?
    I start to believe that this was done in purpose to push the sale of the only code that no one ever bought.
    You contact EA and they have no clue what UO is. You contact UO support and they say this is all EA. So what should we do?
    And the fact that the devs would not even answer anything is really bad.
    1) I always bought 6mt codes, because it's the cheapest one in the long run
    2) I practically never bought 1mt codes, that's what most cheaters or house holders/sellers would do (like all those house frauds/cheats we have on Atlantic that don't exist on other shards)
    3) Try and use EA chat with the support once in a while, you'll be 'surprised' how ignorant they REALLY are towards UO and all things related
    4) Why should the UO devs answer on this EA Store mess because its not their store?
    5) Post a thread to EA Answer HQ about this mess and I will gladly join in with my facts!
    6) If nothing helps: can I has your stuff?
    You need help with simple stuff? https://uo.com/wiki/ultima-online-wiki/ -- Otherwise - can I has your stuff?
  • CathyCathy Posts: 10
    Because they are related.
    EA have no clue about this situation.
    I dont think UO devs are doing much to have this fixed, is almost 30 days since it happened and still nothing. You would think that anything related to money coming into UO that is not working, would be addressed in less than 24 hours and not month later.
  • MulderMulder Posts: 20
    When will the GT30 I bought arrive?
    The credit card company has already charged me.
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    The developers ostrich style of leadership needs to change 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Letterkenny Allegedly Ostrich Funny Flightless Bird Face Design -  Letterkenny - Pin  TeePublic
  • GrimbeardGrimbeard Posts: 2,669
    Mesanna should be posting daily about her communication with EA in resolving this 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,717
    Letterkenny Allegedly Ostrich Greeting Card for Sale by TheOpticSpin   Redbubble
  • @skett I like you - but wouldn't you plaster a serious topic with irrelevant stuff like these giant ostrich pics? Pact them to Stratics Unleashed - they're better off there ;) Thanks for your kind cooperation :)

    So to the topic:
    @Mesanna @Kyronix @Minsk @Bleak
    I've just met with two EA employees on the subject of
    Purchase of GTC via PayPal not possible - they told me to contact you with the problem, so that it can be clarified.

    I have a lot of patience and understanding, but that's enough for me!

    How long are customers willing to put up with this back-and-forth of problems? What kind of "lick-me" attitude is this - sorry if I'm being so crass in my words, I really feel like I'm being taken for a ride. If you can't even begin to buy GTC for the main game, how please do you want to continue to prozudate and how please should you be able to get players for your new super project called NL?

    Are they really that ignorant at EA or are they just pretending? And - or in other words: You are the same ! What the unwilling customer sees here - is that obviously nothing happens anymore! Mind you - after weeks nothing happens!

    It annoys the hell out of all you loyal players and it keeps real interested people for this game from even dealing with this old aunt here.
    Are we after 25 years of loyalty not even worth it to get some more concrete infomation about the state of things? gethere to be treated better

    25 years or not - fuck it ;) - presumably the tombstone on which the death of UO is noted is already somewhere in the game - which of course will only be set when all the gates are closed and no one sees it anymore.

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Calm down.

     You'll all get a new version of a pirate flag for your trouble and all will be well. 
  • I know some day somthing much better :
    Throwing all my stuff into the trash can and leave ;)

    A little less ego-thinking, know-it-all and rumbling compared to others who aren't so "great" and the UO-life would be a whole corner easier

    (Ein bisschen weniger Ego-Denken, Besserwisserei und Rumprollerei anderen gegenüber die halt nicht so "toll sind" und das UO-Leben wäre ne ganze Ecke einfacher)

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "they don't need to fix the payment system or anything,
    just get a forum mod to close all the threads

    problems solved"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • CathyCathy Posts: 10
    I agree.
    When you talk to EA, 1st they have no idea what Ultima Online is. after you insist on the problem and show them that you bought and PAID for a product on January 28th and show "processing". They 1st said that the product may be out of stock, than they ask to contact the support for UO, I told EA, good luck with that as they never answer. Than they told me to use Twitter to get updates, I was like, look, I am getting tired of this, Who should we contact to get this resolved?
    why some 1 or 2 products work? is this in purpose?
    because to be honest, it really dont sound that complicated. if the 3 month code work, make a copy of the same product, change description and price and Voila!!!

    This is a really weird situation... only the Sov's that are not popular are available to buy and only the GTC that is not popular is available?  I mean, it is just me that think that all this is a way to sell not popular products?
    What kind of company EA/UO  dont like money?  people want to buy and they cant. I mean , is the only product that you have to buy 1 by 1 because you dont have QTY or add to cart option.
    I will never trust EA/UO with my CC# , so I rely on GTC.

    almost 30 days and still silence!!!!!!!
    This is why people are upset @Mesanna ;  because the lack of communication is a killer.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited February 2023
    "you don't have to do anything,
    just don't buy anthing because you can't
    and the situation will resolve itself

    i recommend going against your usual purchasing habits. Meaning if you normally buy 6 month GTC and can't and instead buy a 1 month GTC or pay subsciption with card, you're actually making the situation worse for everybody.

    Worse for you as you'll be paying more and be doing more admin,
    worse for everyone else as they won't address the issue if they continue to receive payment
    should not continue to reward bad behaviour"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • RockoRocko Posts: 174
    @Pawain You miss the point. Here is the point: Why should I see what is in the Ultima Online store when EA and Broadsword are unable to provide codes to use to get sovereigns?

    Perhaps you play too much, or board warrior too much.  There is this magical thing outside called the sun, go bathe in its light.

This discussion has been closed.