followers able to cast on targets with no line of sight

YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
edited November 2022 in Bugs
"After you aggress a target with a magical pet or summon, if the target hides or even enters a house and no line of sight,
the followers are still able to cast on the target. If the target was hidden the damage they receive from the spells reveals them.

Expected result: followers to stop casting on a target if line of sight between follower and target is broken"
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  • ForeverFunForeverFun Posts: 935
    edited November 2022
    This is very similar to how monsters appear to queue up spells and can hit players when the player is far out of range of the monster.  (see thread demonstrating this with the underwater shipwreck hold).

    Seems there is a check that prevents damage from applying from in-flight spells when the casting mob has died, but there are missing checks for "in range" and "visible" when spells apply to a target.

    Fixing this for visibility will nerf quite a few caster mobs in PVM, as timing of when you invis can be important today, but is probably correct to change this.

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    “No I don’t think it’s queued spells, seems to be continuous, unless they have unlimited queued spells, dragon breath continues to hit and don’t think that is queued” 
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  • Yoshi said:
    “No I don’t think it’s queued spells, seems to be continuous, unless they have unlimited queued spells, dragon breath continues to hit and don’t think that is queued” 
    Probably an implementation detail that doesn't matter.  

    When you use "command undead", and fail, the target will get mad and a bunch of attacks usually follow, many of which do not honor line of site and distance checks when the actions hit.  Whether that is queuing or some other logic doesn't really matter...  

  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    “okay but a mob cannot hit you in a house if you run in it will I think stop casting spells eventually, only seems to be tamed that continues, not same issue/mechanic”
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  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Maybe you should do that with all the computer controlled MOBs first.
  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    I think there was some testing done on this at one point and determined that mobs queue 2 or 3 spells depending on the mob… if the first one hits (you are in range, visible, etc) all of them hit… at least that’s what I remember.  Don’t remember if it was tested to include dragon breath.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    “Yes we did test this, why you don’t read all comments before posting?
     it’s not the same thing
    the tamed followers can repeatedly cast onto a hidden target or onto a target in a house out of sight, not queued spells. They continue to cast forever.

    @Elvis was complaining about my pixies and he is correct, it’s true they (and all magical followers) are badly bugged that he will never be able to hide from them, they are not just acting like normal mobs, it’s real bug I was using against him

    in fact, I could even get pixies to cast on him when they never saw him to begin with. He hides, I cast pixies, tell to guard, I cast thunderstorm and even if he remains hidden using shadow mastery, pixies all start to cast on him.

    you would know the difference if you were the victim of my attacks too and you were trying to hide from me”

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  • PunisherPunisher Posts: 20
    edited November 2022
    I often get that when farming cu sidhe when there is pixies around. if they are chasing me down, I'll be off screen and hidden for over a second, and lightening strikes hit me multiple times while being hidden. they somehow can cast way off screen and lightning strikes which are almost instant strike me seconds being away from them. also happens when I walk through the gate leaving the farming grounds, I'll already be through the gate and literally 1-2 seconds later, ill get hit with like 5 strikes
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    "that is just queued spells from non tamed mobs, different issue, they will stop casting on you after you hide a couple of times, i guess i will have to make a video because nobody who posts here does PvP and knows the difference
    I have literally lost some IQ points from reading the comments"
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  • MerusMerus Posts: 656
    Yoshi said:
    “Yes we did test this, why you don’t read all comments before posting?
     it’s not the same thing
    the tamed followers can repeatedly cast onto a hidden target or onto a target in a house out of sight, not queued spells. They continue to cast forever.

    @ Elvis was complaining about my pixies and he is correct, it’s true they (and all magical followers) are badly bugged that he will never be able to hide from them, they are not just acting like normal mobs, it’s real bug I was using against him

    in fact, I could even get pixies to cast on him when they never saw him to begin with. He hides, I cast pixies, tell to guard, I cast thunderstorm and even if he remains hidden using shadow mastery, pixies all start to cast on him.

    you would know the difference if you were the victim of my attacks too and you were trying to hide from me”

    Not a single post in this thread prior to this explanation provided enough details to distinguish the bug you are reporting from other casting mobs with queued spells.  If you’ve played more than 3 days you’ve likely been hit by mob spells once line of sight has been broken, it’s annoying, but not a bug.  Obviously what you described above is a very different circumstance and would be a bug (IMO) if that’s how it works.  Probably would have eliminated some confusion had those kinds of details been included in the OP.
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    How many times have you been in your house working and MOBs outside target you, working as designed.  If MOBs can do it then our pets can do it.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    "mobs can't do it...

    you're all jumping in saying it's normal, okay i don't mind...
    it's me who is casting pixies and revealing people with them..
    it's not me who is hiding. I only posted this bug as gesture of goodwill

    but actually i just tested magery summons, they are working as normal, i need to test which pets can do it, i think all"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    "no sorry, does happen with magery summons too, you have to just give the all kill command, and magical followers will forever cast on hidden targets or targets out of sight in house.

    But it's okay i don't have a char with hiding/stealth so i will just use on them if you all think it's working as intended...
    sorry @Elvis they all think my cheat I use on you is not a bug...

    I can now extend this to use on all my chars by just summoning a deamon when someone has stealth/hiding.


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  • ElvisElvis Posts: 53
    it is a bug and annoying.  Like hidden flag an archer and they shot you when still hiding and can’t see you.  ninja life.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited November 2022
    Elvis said:
    it is a bug and annoying.  Like hidden flag an archer and they shot you when still hiding and can’t see you.  ninja life.

    "then don't flag on them until you're stood next to're supposed to be stealthing"
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  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited May 2023
    “Idea for exploit, see player in their fel house afk,
    summon pixies or imps, set to guard
    cast mass curse on house (will normally reach occupant as large area of effect)
    pixies/imps slowly destroy jewels of afk occupant in house as this bug allows them to cast through walls”
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