Afk at deceit



  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Pawain said:
    Pawain said:
    Still not 1 person has said what shard they were on when this happened.  
    I was on Lake Austin. And fyi it's Scripter Central for ToT, I've never seen so many ridiculous scripts in my life. There's one in particular that just drains every NPC of all of their candy. He launches 3 Trick or Treats so fast, I don't know how he gets past the client spamming message, but most NPCs are out of candy by the time you get there.
    Actually Mariah is correct you can not attack the red guys inside the city of Ter Mur.

    So your experience was not related to afk.

    Here some pics showing your experience:

    I was dragging these guys into Ter Mur on one monitor, Using my Archer in Deceit on one monitor, and watching TV on the other. Alaskan Bush people is a pretty lame show.

    Also, people are botting on Lake Austin in Deceit?  Who are they selling the items to?  Each other?  I know what LA vendor search looks like there is not 1 item of the Archlich for sale there.

    For ToT you have to be near the NPC you can make a macro that says, Trick or Treat. Sounds like they are faster than you.
    Yeah when I read her reply it made sense, and the bots are Trick or Treaters, I've only been in Deceit once and found it uninteresting and haven't gone back.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • KazKaz Posts: 139
    Cant say I blame him, honestly.  
    Ive heard a lot about how Atlantic needs fel due to the population, but its that same population that dumps in all the problems being discussed here. 

    Ill give you an example:  i farmed hythloth heavily on ATL (I play catskills btw); there were scripters and afks on lvl 4 but I could still get my fair share running around pretty easily.   It was fun.  
    Then destard hits and its literally wall to wall scripting (theres no denying this), and that has carried through to Deceit.  This is the new normal.  

    Cant get enough drops cuz of the amount of people?  Bring in another toon, and another.  What else can you do?

    This is populace agenda Ive seen over and over again. Always the push for people to move to ATL, new players: Atlantic is the only shard.  Its why the events there suck now, its why the housing market is ridiculous, its also why despite being the most populated shard theres no real sense of community.   
    Atlantic is a dog eat dog shard; and you either have to join them or get left behind.  
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Kaz said:
    Cant say I blame him, honestly.  
    Ive heard a lot about how Atlantic needs fel due to the population, but its that same population that dumps in all the problems being discussed here. 

    Ill give you an example:  i farmed hythloth heavily on ATL (I play catskills btw); there were scripters and afks on lvl 4 but I could still get my fair share running around pretty easily.   It was fun.  
    Then destard hits and its literally wall to wall scripting (theres no denying this), and that has carried through to Deceit.  This is the new normal.  

    Cant get enough drops cuz of the amount of people?  Bring in another toon, and another.  What else can you do?

    This is populace agenda Ive seen over and over again. Always the push for people to move to ATL, new players: Atlantic is the only shard.  Its why the events there suck now, its why the housing market is ridiculous, its also why despite being the most populated shard theres no real sense of community.   
    Atlantic is a dog eat dog shard; and you either have to join them or get left behind.  
    Well said.

    I was kind of thinking that myself about the using more than 1 toon on ATL. It's so slow to get drops because there isn't really enough spawn to kill that I'm wondering how I could also get more by using a secondary toon. Multiboxing on ATL in the AM seems like the norm now that I'm being forced to play Tram. The greed of those people is essentially taking away the chance of other players killing stuff so the result is that the multiboxer is getting 2-3x more drops than the single player not only because they are using more toons but because that then takes away from the spawn solo players like myself can kill. It gets to a point if ya can't beat'em (and they aren't being actioned) then join'em.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited October 2022
    I still enjoy my solo sampire in Deceit, no bards or whatever. 

    If I see Multiboxers in the game, I will click the names, pull out the journal, take screenshots, report ingame and also email to the Team. If still no action, then I may consider posting all the information on this forum. 

    Just complaining there are “Multiboxers” or Bots at level 4 doesn’t help. Which shard? What is the name? When? 

    In the past, I have heard players were warned or banned when another player reported. This include friends I know, and more than one of them received such actions.

    There is no point writing so much, just send reports or post screenshots for greater impact.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,384
    Seth said:
    I still enjoy my solo sampire in Deceit, no bards or whatever. 

    If I see Multiboxers in the game, I will click the names, pull out the journal, take screenshots, report ingame and also email to the Team. If still no action, then I may consider posting all the information on this forum. 

    Just complaining there are “Multiboxers” or Bots at level 4 doesn’t help. Which shard? What is the name? When? 

    In the past, I have heard players were warned or banned when another player reported. This include friends I know, and more than one of them received such actions.

    There is no point writing so much, just send reports or post screenshots for greater impact.
    I do report them as I see them but I typically play very early in the morning when many GMs are not online. The multiboxers aren't as egregious as in Destard just staying in 1 spot all day long this time around but still make out pretty well if they are playing from 2am-10/11am.  
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited October 2022
    The weird thing though, if they had been banning players for cheating, why do we still see so many running around. 

    So it is good to at least take screenshots and note the names when reporting. After say a week and if they are still MBing, then take another screen and post here as evidence that nothing is done.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • daradara Posts: 47
    edited October 2022
    Cady said:
    Apparently, you do NOT need to be AFK to get flagged as such.  You’ll have an AFK timer put on you even if you’re moving between rooms and talking to other players.  Especially, if you’re talking to other player’s who are not happy that you’ve joined them in ‘their room’.  The GMs won’t review chat logs or anything else to verify that you weren’t AFK.
    This is true, I was down there with my tamer and was flagged afk. How anyone thinks you can be afk with a tamer there is beyond me. No Gm did anything to check if I was afk . This was not the case in Deceit last event. And no there was no message or warning .
  • daradara Posts: 47
    McDougle said:
    The UO rumor mill is working overtime on this one.

    No one is getting the afk debuff for sitting outside the dungeon or in luna or any town or bank. 

    Go test it, it's literally the easiest thing in the world. Go sit outside deceit or luna or wherever for 10,20,30+ minutes, then go into Deceit and see if you can do damage to mobs.

    People that are claiming this are flat out lying to you, friend/guildie or not. People are doing shady stuff, and are getting caught for it, and now they are upset and trying to stir the pot by claiming they were just sitting outside doing nothing.

    Are there some false cases going on? Probably. But somehow "everyone" that other people have heard from have said they were "just outside" or "in luna"? Yea, ok. I also heard gullible isn't in the dictionary, maybe you should go check.

    I tested and found this to be true i fully support action against people who go afk in the dungeon even for a second and would expect no communication so props to developers 
    Well it is happening to people who are NOT afk. So no props.
  • So its happening tobme inside deceit working on an active tamer.  Im guessing some but hurt sampire is reporting me cause i stand still and send my pet "all kill" all folliw me... to return pet to me.  I move around stepping on other side of pet so mob agros pet.  Activly redirect pet to lesser targets. Then redirecting pet back onto current paragon to finiah it.  Then stand in hallway ready with all kill for next mob.  Never non motionless longer then a min.  Run fro. Room to room.  Last two days ive gotten the " cant do neg acts " on mpbs for approx 15 to 20 min.  Ive paged gm when this happens. One directed me to send email to which i did.. telling them to check logs. As it would show activly playimg tamer not afk.  No direct response but back doi g mob dam within approx 15 to 20 min. 
    So it is wrongly effecting players in deceit. 
    Im guessing. Dont know. Somwone reported afk as both times i saw somwone atop next to me for period of time not ever saying anything. Then move on.  Shortly after within approx 20 min poof. It happens.  
    Directly effecting me playing event . 
    Just info. If it happens send dispute to that email. Only way to combat this. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Peregrine said:
    So its happening tobme inside deceit working on an active tamer.  Im guessing some but hurt sampire is reporting me cause i stand still and send my pet "all kill" all folliw me... to return pet to me.  I move around stepping on other side of pet so mob agros pet.  Activly redirect pet to lesser targets. Then redirecting pet back onto current paragon to finiah it.  Then stand in hallway ready with all kill for next mob.  Never non motionless longer then a min.  Run fro. Room to room.  Last two days ive gotten the " cant do neg acts " on mpbs for approx 15 to 20 min.  Ive paged gm when this happens. One directed me to send email to dispute@ which i did.. telling them to check logs. As it would show activly playimg tamer not afk.  No direct response but back doi g mob dam within approx 15 to 20 min. 
    So it is wrongly effecting players in deceit. 
    Im guessing. Dont know. Somwone reported afk as both times i saw somwone atop next to me for period of time not ever saying anything. Then move on.  Shortly after within approx 20 min poof. It happens.  
    Directly effecting me playing event . 
    Just info. If it happens send dispute to that email. Only way to combat this. 
    Is this Atlantic?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Yes
  • Ansd like i said i donr know for sure but im guessing tjey just taking pwoples wird. As if rhey checked log wven briefly they would see.  So in that instance... i cry unfair. I only have one active paying account. Coming back after ten years off for twins.  They should at least be che king logs which is possible from what i know... i could be wrong... if it shows no activity. Yes put on temp ban.  If not. Then that person who filed complaint should have temp ban implaced.  It would curtail this.  Im 99% surebits a filed complaint. As ive seen people appear to stop right next ro me.  Take the time. Im assuming to file it... without wven omce talking to person.  Then shortly after poof.  Just putting it out there. As complaint email is what i was given. Its the only way you can dispute it. So do it. 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Almost sounds like some people are running around Atl Deceit Paging on people to get them out of the dungeon so they can have your spot @Kyronix @Bleak @Mesanna needs to look into this ASAP and tell GMs to make themselves seen so players know what is up.  It is very hard to pay attention to EVERYTHING when you are in the heat of battle.
  • Yes. I whole heartidly believe this is the case.  But if they arbitrarily take pagers wird and just hit timer ban. I have serious problem with this as paying customer.  As im not afraid to have them check my log. It will show actively playing tamer.  Im not computer guy. Iretired Army infantry. Know how to shoot people at long ranges and disappear in the woods. Lol.  But i say a brief check of log would show. And if activity is tbere. Then temp time ban reporter for false report. Just my two sense. 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Maybe they wrote a script to page on everyone not them..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Then that should be dealt with. 
  • vortexvortex Posts: 248
    Anyone with more than a few posts on here have this happen to them? Just asking 
  • vortex said:
    Anyone with more than a few posts on here have this happen to them? Just asking 
    Just killed 3 Paragon Rams in a row, didn't get hit yet. I'm thinking it's people paging on people. 
    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    vortex said:
    Anyone with more than a few posts on here have this happen to them? Just asking 
    The real question should be, anyone not on Atlantic this is happening to?

    As I said earlier I think it is people paging on Tamers they think are afk.  And people paging on archers because they think they are using some illegal auto attack. 
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • CadyCady Posts: 21
    Pawain said:
    vortex said:
    Anyone with more than a few posts on here have this happen to them? Just asking 
    The real question should be, anyone not on Atlantic this is happening to?

    As I said earlier I think it is people paging on Tamers they think are afk.  And people paging on archers because they think they are using some illegal auto attack. 
    Atlantic here.

    It would be AMAZING if they just instituted a policy of simply trusting the word of players tattling on others to be enough to put a person on the AFK timer.  AMAZING!  What a genius way to allow people to grief others and hog rooms for themselves.  No discussion with GMs, no GMs checking to see if you're moving about or chatting with other players, just boom, someone said you're a baddie so you're a baddie.

    Not to be a total McDougle, but If someone from the team could get on here and let us know if this is terribly implemented programming auto-flagging players or if this absolutely god-awfully implemented policy getting players flagged... then we'd be able to better direct our criticism.  Criticism is how we all learn :)
  • I agree. I asked both those questions. No response. 1. Is this from people paging afk. 2. Is this from gms seeing something.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    They are not going to come here and tell us how they are determining these time outs.  Unscrupulous players would use that info.

    Players have complained about AFK tamers and auto target distance fighters.  Sounds like they are addressing those and hitting some legit players.  

    Now they need to work on the Sampires.

    I'm wondering if the Sampire group emerged because their other templates were getting time outs.

    Cheaters r gonna cheat.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2022
    Simple tamer fix, when you An Lor Xen , so do your followers. My first and only venture into Deceit during this Halloween season...Cu fightin 2 steps inside the dungeon, tamer healing invis'd at the entrance, I chuckled to myself, turned around and walked back out....
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Simple tamer fix, when you An Lor Xen , so do your followers. My first and only venture into Deceit during this Halloween season...Cu fightin 2 steps inside the dungeon, tamer healing invis'd at the entrance, I chuckled to myself, turned around and walked back out....

    The drop rate was lowered if you stay hidden or invisible 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    edited October 2022
    Simple tamer fix, when you An Lor Xen , so do your followers. My first and only venture into Deceit during this Halloween season...Cu fightin 2 steps inside the dungeon, tamer healing invis'd at the entrance, I chuckled to myself, turned around and walked back out....
    A tamer can not vet or heal while invised, so even you would call BS on that statement.

     The paragons auto reveal. Pets do 1/2 damage to paragons. The paragons change target to the tamer.  You have to hang in the event a little longer to know what is going on.

    I can refer you to a Popps novel on how tamers have been abused by game mechanics in these events.

    A tamer fighting a paragon at the entry is happening 100% of the time on some shard.  The NOOBs bring them there for them to be killed because they can not. So a nice tamer kills it at a one drop an hour rate.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • Garth_GreyGarth_Grey Posts: 1,459
    Pawain said:
    Simple tamer fix, when you An Lor Xen , so do your followers. My first and only venture into Deceit during this Halloween season...Cu fightin 2 steps inside the dungeon, tamer healing invis'd at the entrance, I chuckled to myself, turned around and walked back out....
    A tamer can not vet or heal while invised, so even you would call BS on that statement.

     The paragons auto reveal. Pets do 1/2 damage to paragons. The paragons change target to the tamer.  You have to hang in the event a little longer to know what is going on.

    I can refer you to a Popps novel on how tamers have been abused by game mechanics in these events.

    A tamer fighting a paragon at the entry is happening 100% of the time on some shard.  The NOOBs bring them there for them to be killed because they can not. So a nice tamer kills it at a one drop an hour rate.
    I didn't go in to invest any of my own time, I went in to see what all the hype was about...I left hype-less.
    You and Several Others like this.

    Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Simple question. If you see a warrior on a swampy do you automatically assume said warrior is a sampire?  Because my character riding around Europa on a swampy is not, and neither are many others in this event, she uses healing and chiv. I have always flat out refused to have a sampire.
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    Simple question. If you see a warrior on a swampy do you automatically assume said warrior is a sampire?  Because my character riding around Europa on a swampy is not, and neither are many others in this event, she uses healing and chiv. I have always flat out refused to have a sampire.
    Aye, my 3 bards on 3 accounts all ride a swampy.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    I think I'm lucky to play the shard I do. I've been in the dungeon quite a bit, and what I've seen are lots of individual players racing around killing stuff, helping each other out with the paragons and rezing each other. On Europa this event is FUN.
  • The UO rumor mill is working overtime on this one.

    No one is getting the afk debuff for sitting outside the dungeon or in luna or any town or bank. 

    Go test it, it's literally the easiest thing in the world. Go sit outside deceit or luna or wherever for 10,20,30+ minutes, then go into Deceit and see if you can do damage to mobs.

    People that are claiming this are flat out lying to you, friend/guildie or not. People are doing shady stuff, and are getting caught for it, and now they are upset and trying to stir the pot by claiming they were just sitting outside doing nothing.

    Are there some false cases going on? Probably. But somehow "everyone" that other people have heard from have said they were "just outside" or "in luna"? Yea, ok. I also heard gullible isn't in the dictionary, maybe you should go check.

    For my part, I was reacting to posts only -- no one I actually know in-game said anything like this to me. Certainly not for going afk in Luna.

    If you're correct that there's no penalty for going afk outside of the dungeon, then thank you for letting me know and that's pretty swell, because going afk outside of an event spot is a time-honored tradition.
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