can't connect - login servers down?

can't log in on classic or enhanced client, both fully patched.

both give the message: unable to authenticate your login. usually this means that either a newer client patch is now available, or that the account name and password you provided are incorrect. yadayadayada

restarted, checked spelling, capslock etc. still the same...


  • SlayviteSlayvite Posts: 113
    yup, looks like the login servers are down.....Prob that thing they were talking about for Tuesday being donw today, you know because..... lol
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    never mind I can log in again now...
  • TrevelyanTrevelyan Posts: 21
    edited May 2018
    never mind I can log in again now...
    Its alright for some! *stares at login screen*
    Scratch that, I can login now. I tried another account, which prompted me to agree to the TOS (which I had, already, a while ago!) and then it seemed to work ok. *shrug emoji*
  • Max_BlackoakMax_Blackoak Posts: 655
    loosing connection every 15 minutes now... *sigh*
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