The Value of a Valorite Runic Hammer
So you can throw these in a trashcan for 120000 clean up points which sets their game value at 12 million gold...
In the event a person decides to use them for crafting, is there any possible outcome (however improbable the stats may be) to produce an item worth more than 12 million gold with the hammer?
What would I need to craft with it for you to pay me more than the game pays me to throw it in the trash?
In the event a person decides to use them for crafting, is there any possible outcome (however improbable the stats may be) to produce an item worth more than 12 million gold with the hammer?
What would I need to craft with it for you to pay me more than the game pays me to throw it in the trash?
Why do you need a developer to come tell you that you don't not understand their uses?
Valorite runics make the same stats as barbed does, but on Metal. These runics can also make weapons, Barbed can not.
I wear many pieces of crafted armor on my toons.
You can make items worth more than 12M with these runics. Or you can go the easy route and get the cleanup points the cleanup dyes sell for 1+M per use.
I think we should close and delete this thread before word gets out and these cost a lot more on vendors.
I haven't had much luck in limited use but honestly I'm not too keen on burning a val hammer (120k turn in points) for 2 maybe 3 attempts at a weapon that might only be slightly better than something that can be imbued (at least that's my experience). Maybe if you can provide some examples of how good items can be I might be enticed to try.
I'll take your word on the val hammer item because that's what I've typically seen and IMO I can imbue something almost the same if not better. Below is what I can imbue on that staff with only Fatigue needed from reforging (with a much lower hammer) while only losing Self Repair & 4 Int. As you have mentioned before; Durb of 255 can really last a long time and depending on what is being scripted I'd imagine they could just repair when they log on before starting.
IMO anything above a bronze runic is currently best used for cleanup points (or just unclaimed). The intensity aren't really that concentrated and more so seem like they just max out a bunch of stuff...which can easily be done via imbuing while burning a much lower runic.
So what they do is they put a sampire in a certain place (EG fan dancer dojo as you can get splintering bokutos) and they use an auto loot feature to automatically loot splintering bokutos and just leave it running all day. I think it’s actually possible to do in EC even.
So theoretically you could get really amazing items?