What is everyone doing now?

keven2002keven2002 Posts: 2,240
edited July 2022 in General Discussions
Just wanted to see what everyone else has been doing now that is has been a week since the event officially ended. I started doing other stuff probably mid treasures event due to my overall disappointment with how it ended up so just wanted to see how others were passing the time to see if maybe I've overlooked something to do. 

Providing a poll of things I've kind of done over the past month or so but also giving an "other" option for something I might have missed. I'm sure people have done more than one so when you vote just pick the option that has taken the most of your time (ie best fit)
  1. What have you done (or looking forward to doing) now that the event is over?32 votes
    1. BODS / Crafting / Suit building
    2. Champ spawns / ML bosses / Medusa / Gauntlet / Shadowguard / etc
    3. Fishing / Treasure hunting
    4. Decoration / House clean-up
    5. Pet training
    6. Stopped playing UO as much
    7. Other


  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,440
    edited July 2022
    Resource gathering mostly - mining for saltpeter & ingots, goblin spawn for goblin blood, citadel for spellweave scrolls and really good chiv/mage gains on a variety of pets. Stocking vendors and crafting stock, catching non-tamer pets for my pet stall, building up Sacrifice on all fighting chars so I'm ready for the next event. Digging up the maps that piled up during the event. 

    Sometimes I spend a little time in Void pool gathering points to spend on maps and talis from Vela. As a group, I've been on hunts to Blackthorn's too.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Playing less but when I do...Some resource gathering (need feathers and arrows), a bit of treasure hunting, a little decorating, probably going to do some pirate hunting soon.
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    I don't have time to play a lot weekly and it takes a lot to retain my attention so i put other. I have 6 hours in this event at best. 

    I do little things that bring me consistent gold and building a goodie bag when i finally get shard shields. 

    I've really been thinking about starting completely new on another shard and working my way up. 
  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    edited July 2022
    I always start my day with trying to clean my houses.
    but then i get easily distracted.

    example: I came across snake charmer flutes
    so I went down into the Abyss to try to get Medusa eggs.
    when I went to put up that stuff I needed to pull out my crafter
    so she could put that stuff away.
    And since I was on her, I remembered that I hadn't checked my stumps and sheep.
    I put that stuff away. And then had to take my miner to collect my ore from the ore cart.

    then I decided to go back to trying to clean house.
    I came across a SOS and decided to stop cleaning house
    and go fish up the part I needed for zipy.
    then realized I had about 100 MIBs, so I opened them.
    I got about 5 of them, so I went out to get the white nets they provide.
    (now about 100 SOS later, I finally drydocked my ship)

    next time, I might try to clean house
    but usually when I start to do that
    I just switch to doing BODs


    when I pay attention to the time
    I go to guild events
    last event I attended was shadowguard

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    Restocking vendors and shopping. 

    Then some of the hundreds of other things that you can do in UO.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 2022

    Need an all the above choice below #5.

    It is a good list of things to keep you entertained for hours and hours.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!

  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,273
    Pawain said:
    Then some of the hundreds of other things that you can do in UO.
    There's a million other things to do. It's just most aren't worth doing. 

    Besides farming for gold and resources, the problem is the team has almost made it where nothing is really worth doing anymore but a few select things for decent armor. Now i can understand the rewards being limited.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
    More importantly WHY and why completely unannounced 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 2022
    McDougle said:
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
    More importantly WHY and why completely unannounced 
    To give you 1 more thing to complain about?

    The announcement will follow. I yelled out on LS and will continue all day.

    Also we find stuff before the devs are ready.  These were probably put in by hand and they are not finished. So they will announce when complete.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    LilyGrace said:
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,036
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
    More importantly WHY and why completely unannounced 
    To give you 1 more thing to complain about?

    The announcement will follow. I yelled out on LS and will continue all day.

    Also we find stuff before the devs are ready.  These were probably put in by hand and they are not finished. So they will announce when complete.
    Why do you always label asking for communication as complaining?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 878
    Awesome! Thanks, Larisa and Pawain. :-)
  • dvviddvvid Posts: 849
    I’ve mainly been using my scribe. Making spellbooks, filling them, putting them on a vendor. I don’t really need the gold but I find it rewarding to make things that people actually buy. 
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    McDougle said:
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Larisa said:
    Collecting Pixie Lanterns!!!!

    One per acct per shard....


    Thanks Team!!!
    More importantly WHY and why completely unannounced 
    To give you 1 more thing to complain about?

    The announcement will follow. I yelled out on LS and will continue all day.

    Also we find stuff before the devs are ready.  These were probably put in by hand and they are not finished. So they will announce when complete.
    Why do you always label asking for communication as complaining?
    Well just as I stated, once all shards got them, they were announced.

    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • BenBen Posts: 247
    The new lanterns are great. Thanks for the tip. Many times the messages do not show up during the patch prior to sign in, so I miss notices like this. As for what I have been doing, Thieving through all the different spawn locations.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    We should pay attention to what @Cinderella says. When UO.com is down between events you should look for goodies.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    I see @Larisa collecting hers on Legends.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    edited July 2022
    3 accounts...on my last one now.

    Guildie has gotten 3 that I haven't yet :/

    37 so far including the 3 I haven't gotten yet.

    Make that 38....still haven't gotten Moonglow, Eodon or Doom

    And I'm guessing that all the shrines will be one as well..I've only gotten 5

  • PawainPawain Posts: 9,727
    edited July 2022
     :D I don't even look at where they are from. 

    Forests of Montor?  I have that on Cats.

    Twin Oaks Tavern

    Ill trade those for ones on LS.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    There are so many I don't have!!

    3 accounts worth and I'm still missing at LEAST 12 that I know of.

    If they did all the shrines I am missing Compassion, Honesty and Honor.

    Cities I am missing Trinsic, Moonglow, Serpent's Hold, Papua, Eodon, Cove, New Mag, Montor and Twin Oaks.

    Dungeons? I have no idea....I haven't found Twisted Weld but there might not be one.

    I have 41 total.

    On LS I have Hythloth, Nujel'm and Shame

  • I got a Forests of the Wisp Dungeon.
  • LarisaLarisa Posts: 1,198
    edited July 2022
    This is a list of what I have

    (If they put all of them in, I am missing 3)
    Compassion (I don't have)
    Honesty (I don't have)
    Honor (I don't have)

    Empath Abbey (Not technically a city but where else do you put it? LOL)
    Skara Brae
    The Royal City
    New Haven
    Twin Oaks Tavern

    Serpent's Hold
    New Magincia

    Bet-Lem Reg
    Terort Skitas
    Reg Valom
    Pass of Karnaugh

    Blighted Grove
    Palace of Paroxysmus
    Wisp Dungeon
    Prism of Light

  • poppspopps Posts: 4,007
    edited July 2022
    I would like to work on Bulk Order deeds also to reduce my stock of BODs...

    But then, I think about the issues related to having to continuously move resources in and out of my backpack, to have to fill crafted items in the BODs 1 at a time and I get deterred and abandon the idea....

    I wished, that there was a Working Station available whereas one could lock it down and it could store unlimited amount of resources as all locked down containers can do BUT, this one Working Station special container, the crafter could use the tools in one's own backpack on the unlimited resources that the Working Station can store and, the BOD in one's own backpack would automatically detect the crafted item and, if matching with what the BOD needs, it would automatically be filled into the BOD without the crafter having to do it 1 item at a time...

    This way, filling BODs would be way more player friendly and way less annoying...

    Just set the tool to craft X items using the Working Station stored resources, and watch the BODs in one's own bacpack self-fill without needing to do anything else...

    A dream come true and a much more player friendly BOD filling.....
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,417
    edited July 2022
    popps said:
    I would like to work on Bulk Order deeds also to reduce my stock of BODs...

    But then, I think about the issues related to having to continuously move resources in and out of my backpack, to have to fill crafted items in the BODs 1 at a time and I get deterred and abandon the idea....

    I wished, that there was a Working Station available whereas one could lock it down and it could store unlimited amount of resources as all locked down containers can do BUT, this one Working Station special container, the crafter could use the tools in one's own backpack on the unlimited resources that the Working Station can store and, the BOD in one's own backpack would automatically detect the crafted item and, if matching with what the BOD needs, it would automatically be filled into the BOD without the crafter having to do it 1 item at a time...

    This way, filling BODs would be way more player friendly and way less annoying...

    Just set the tool to craft X items using the Working Station stored resources, and watch the BODs in one's own bacpack self-fill without needing to do anything else...

    A dream come true and a much more player friendly BOD filling.....
    WOW Who fills BODs one at a time other than you.  Maybe you should read about all the new tools that are on BODs.  Guess you haven't done BODs in what over 5 years.  Maybe you should just ask the DEVs to fill them for you.
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,170Moderator

    With particular notice to this gump:


    and the text that is underneath it on the page.

  • CinderellaCinderella Posts: 1,744
    popps said:
    I would like to work on Bulk Order deeds also to reduce my stock of BODs...

    But then, I think about the issues related to having to continuously move resources in and out of my backpack, to have to fill crafted items in the BODs 1 at a time and I get deterred and abandon the idea....

    I wished, that there was a Working Station available whereas one could lock it down and it could store unlimited amount of resources as all locked down containers can do BUT, this one Working Station special container, the crafter could use the tools in one's own backpack on the unlimited resources that the Working Station can store and, the BOD in one's own backpack would automatically detect the crafted item and, if matching with what the BOD needs, it would automatically be filled into the BOD without the crafter having to do it 1 item at a time...

    This way, filling BODs would be way more player friendly and way less annoying...

    Just set the tool to craft X items using the Working Station stored resources, and watch the BODs in one's own bacpack self-fill without needing to do anything else...

    A dream come true and a much more player friendly BOD filling.....
    you keep asking for a work bench to store resources.

    I actually would prefer that you could create items
    with supplies from your bank
    (this is done in other games, so it is doable)
    of course, it might be a little bit trickier if you have different colors of cloth there

    I actually use EC to do my BODs though
    because you can create a restock feature
    (you can use the miner & lumberjack satchel for the destination container)
    1 click and it refills

    [they really need to add a tanner satchel for the different leathers)

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