Please change timing on house placement

@Mesanna and @Kyronix 
We are all getting old and clicking on the tool for 2 hours is def not helping. Please consider 1 hour instead of 2 hours waiting for an area to open.


  • magrodnyc2magrodnyc2 Posts: 23
    @Mesanna ;
    Pleas do something about this. stop idocs / house placement all together. this is so unfair to regular players. No one can place anything anymore on atlantic, always the same guy from LNR, placing all houses, all the time.

    Please make something like a stone where people can enter 1 per account and the account need to be free of a house in order to place.  at least this will give normal people a small chance, even if the rich people enter with 10-20 accs and 100 other people enter 1x, at least there is a chance. Right now, no one can place anything. This is serious, ple DO something about.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    Pawain said:
    Do you know what time it is in EU?  You should not be able to place a house outside of their prime time.
    I dont care about a specific shard. What i do care is that 90% the time you cant replace the house for a long 2 hours. I mean , i dont use those scripts and i have to 2 click tool, choose size and click floor, every like 30 secs, for 2 hours.....

    “Not my area, but I think maybe you can only place when you can ride horse in area, so just make macro to mount ethy and when it mounts you can place, but I’m not an expert in this field”
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • RorschachRorschach Posts: 547Moderator
    Several comments have been removed.
  • JackFlashUkJackFlashUk Posts: 1,084
    Rorschach said:
    Several comments have been removed.

    starting to think the biggest troll on here is in fact yourself. Your censorship is borderline bullying. So we are not allowed to air our grievances about the game. In the workplace you would NOT be allowed to behave this way

    so, to please you. Mesanna everything is great 
  • magrodnyc2magrodnyc2 Posts: 23
    Rorschach said:
    Several comments have been removed.
    @Rorschach ; and @Mariah
    It is really hard, really is, the Devs are no longer answering any questions we have, they dont post anything anymore and Mesanna dont answer the emails, so this forum is THE only way we have to tag them , and we can see the last time they were in the forum, they just decided NOT to answer to the players. Hows that look in your perspective?
    People were upset with the egg hunt script, 20 posts later, nothing addressed
    People were upset with scriptting and bugs and no answer...
    People are tired of trying to communicate but as far as I know , a communication or discussion goes BOTH ways and the devs are not doing their part on that.

    and TBH, I agree that sometimes people here go over the limit and do personal attacks which is against the TOS, but people are tired, MODS here delete posts and topics when they are too hot.

    @Mesanna, We are asking again, PLS do something about idocs / house placement,  either stop them all together or look into the problem.

    • People were using the secret tile to place
    • people were using the recall bug to place
    • people using the ethereal bug to place
    • now, they also may have found the trigger that allow the house to be placed.

    a Normal player CANT beat that.

    so Please , why not use something on the house sign, before the house collapse , where people can opt in to enter a draw for that plot?   1 per account?   anything is fair at this point, since we are not getting anything at all 99.99% the time

  • ksoridaksorida Posts: 7
    Rorschach said:
    Several comments have been removed.
    @ Rorschach  and @ Mariah
    It is really hard, really is, the Devs are no longer answering any questions we have, they dont post anything anymore and Mesanna dont answer the emails, so this forum is THE only way we have to tag them , and we can see the last time they were in the forum, they just decided NOT to answer to the players. Hows that look in your perspective?
    People were upset with the egg hunt script, 20 posts later, nothing addressed
    People were upset with scriptting and bugs and no answer...
    People are tired of trying to communicate but as far as I know , a communication or discussion goes BOTH ways and the devs are not doing their part on that.

    and TBH, I agree that sometimes people here go over the limit and do personal attacks which is against the TOS, but people are tired, MODS here delete posts and topics when they are too hot.

    @ Mesanna, We are asking again, PLS do something about idocs / house placement,  either stop them all together or look into the problem.

    • People were using the secret tile to place
    • people were using the recall bug to place
    • people using the ethereal bug to place
    • now, they also may have found the trigger that allow the house to be placed.

    a Normal player CANT beat that.

    so Please , why not use something on the house sign, before the house collapse , where people can opt in to enter a draw for that plot?   1 per account?   anything is fair at this point, since we are not getting anything at all 99.99% the time


    It is possible, there is something called Raffle Generator that they can use, that will allow 1 entry per account and the system will pick a winner @Mesanna, this is actually a great idea.
  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    Mesanna has said the next changes with IDOCs are to get rid of them. The houses and all items will be gone. If this happens then im sure there will be many post about how the only ones that get to place are the ones running bots to find empty house spots 24/7. Wasn't the reason we have a timer and can burn house tool, made to stop cheating? I have no idea on how any of this can be fixed. I do know it isn't fun trying to place after an idoc on Atlantic, that is why i gave up and dont even try. I do like the stuff i get from IDOCs now, i love the barrel and trade ministers changes. I hope idocs are not removed from game. 
  • magrodnyc2magrodnyc2 Posts: 23
    Mesanna has said the next changes with IDOCs are to get rid of them. The houses and all items will be gone. If this happens then im sure there will be many post about how the only ones that get to place are the ones running bots to find empty house spots 24/7. Wasn't the reason we have a timer and can burn house tool, made to stop cheating? I have no idea on how any of this can be fixed. I do know it isn't fun trying to place after an idoc on Atlantic, that is why i gave up and dont even try. I do like the stuff i get from IDOCs now, i love the barrel and trade ministers changes. I hope idocs are not removed from game. 

    not removed but the raffle system will be a better idea than the current mode.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2022
    “This is a trammel issue, this is not an issue at fel idocs, a raffle system would not be fair on those who legitimately kill all the opposition in fel.

    Also, I’ve read comments on other threads where the big house dealers apparently have 40+ accounts etc, so surely a raffle system would make it still likely that one of those 40 accounts would win the raffle…so they would have more chance of getting the house than they would’ve had if placing..
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022

    @ Mesanna, We are asking again, PLS do something about idocs / house placement,  either stop them all together or look into the problem.

    • People were using the secret tile to place
    • people were using the recall bug to place
    • people using the ethereal bug to place
    • now, they also may have found the trigger that allow the house to be placed.

    a Normal player CANT beat that.

    so Please , why not use something on the house sign, before the house collapse , where people can opt in to enter a draw for that plot?   1 per account?   anything is fair at this point, since we are not getting anything at all 99.99% the time

    Everything Yoshi just said, plus...

     I know for a fact a 7x12 spot opened after a collapse on Atlantic today and a new house was placed there using no type of exploit whatsoever. After a quick ride around just now we can see lots of 7x7 to 9x12 spots, in Trammel, that houses can be placed on. To say no one can place anything on Atlantic right now is incorrect.

    I've no idea how many houses we've placed over the years. Lots! Both when there was just Felucca, and after the split when Trammel came to be. Many times my husband was accused of using some kind of exploit in order to place. Never once did he ever place a house by doing anything other than clicking on a house deed or using a house placement tool. 

    A couple years ago a spot opened on our home shard where we placed a keep (without the means of any exploit of course). I can't swear to it but I don't think it was any easier to find housing spots a couple years ago than it is now. And if that spot had gone to someone who won it in a raffle it would have been entirely to us, don't you think?
  • magrodnyc2magrodnyc2 Posts: 23
    @Yoshi ; if you think the current system is working fine, so please let us know, how the same people place 90% of all the houses?? the only ones placing them?
    and @LilyGrace no one cares for small houses. we can find those spots as well anytime, we talking about all 18x18, keep's and castles and high end houses, those are 99999.9999999% scripted and everybody know about. either the secret tile or the other trigger that they know about and place 99% of them, how's that fair???

    also @Yoshi , even if the dealers have 40 accounts, if 100+ people enter the raffle, still a chance to someone win other than the dealer, at the current system, they win 99.99%  , so I will take the raffle system at anytime, way better than the current system.

    @LilyGrace, it can be done, as per your example, if no one enter the raffle system, house would collapse and go with the current system of random time, since no one entered.
    if a 18x18, Luna house, Keep or castle are falling, people can enter to win the raffle.

    but if you think the current system work, so let us all have the Orixx, Stealxxx, EUX and all other ILLEGAL clients and scripts, to compete with them as well.
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2022
    "they are not getting 90% of houses in fel, this is a trammel only issue. If i want a house spot in fel, i will call in our group and take it"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:
    "they are not getting 90% of houses in fel, this is a trammel only issue. If i want a house spot in fel, i will call in our group and take it"
    Well except you can't cast spells there and it's easy enough to stay stealthed and place a house..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    edited June 2022
    "you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, as usual

    1 you can cast spells,
    2 you kill the stealthers, they can't get close enough to place a house when reds are thunderstorming the area, can't place while dead...

    it's been a while since we actually wanted a spot, but there was a spot right outside khaldun entrance to fel, and we took it, and yes your scripter friend tried to take it.. but seemed to have trouble placing while was running off the screen

    you're wanting to play in trammel, you must accept the trammel rules that apply,"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Yoshi said:
    "you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, as usual

    1 you can cast spells,
    2 you kill the stealthers, they can't get close enough to place a house when reds are thunderstorming the area, can't place while dead...

    it's been a while since we actually wanted a spot, but there was a spot right outside khaldun entrance to fel, and we took it, and yes your scripter friend tried to take it.. but seemed to have trouble placing while was running off the screen

    you're wanting to play in trammel, you must accept the trammel rules that apply,"
    If you can cast its after the barrels are gone 
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • YoshiYoshi Posts: 3,322
    "i have never attended a trammel idoc as i don't see the point, but that is not the case for fel idocs, maybe trammel it is different"
    Posts on this account have been pre filtered from personal comment or opinion in an effort to suppress conservative views in order to protect the reader.
  • LilyGraceLilyGrace Posts: 1,022
    edited June 2022
     @ LilyGrace no one cares for small houses. we can find those spots as well anytime, we talking about all 18x18, keep's and castles and high end houses, those are 99999.9999999% scripted and everybody know about. either the secret tile or the other trigger that they know about and place 99% of them, how's that fair???

    That's not what you said. You said no one can place anything on Atlantic anymore.  If Atlantic has been your home shard for a long time and you've not been able to place a house, I'm thinking placing house, in general, is challenging for you.

    If your home shard was elsewhere and you've moved to Atlantic because it's a more highly populated shard, that was your choice. UO is a game of choices. If you really want housing to be easier to come by move to a less populated shard. 

    I'll add this though. I think what ought to be reevaluated is how old an account has to be to get and use transfer shields. I think shard hopping should be made easier for everyone. It would help players find housing more easily if they could place on less populated shards and hop to other shards to find others to group with. This would also encourage shard populations to be more evenly balanced and perhaps breathe more life into shards other than Atlantic.

    also @ Yoshi , even if the dealers have 40 accounts, if 100+ people enter the raffle, still a chance to someone win other than the dealer, at the current system, they win 99.99%  , so I will take the raffle system at anytime, way better than the current system.

    You can say 99.99% of the people placing houses are using exploits as much as you like but it's still a made up number. And likely very inaccurate.

    Edit: My husband just pointed out a typo in my above post. There's a reason they didn't have me proofread copy at the newspaper I used to work at. 

    Meant to say: A couple years ago a spot opened on our home shard where we placed a keep (without the means of any exploit of course). I can't swear to it but I don't think it was any easier to find housing spots a couple years ago than it is now. And if that spot had gone to someone who won it in a raffle it would have been entirely unfair to us, don't you think?

  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,645
    McDougle said:
    Yoshi said:
    "you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, as usual

    1 you can cast spells,
    2 you kill the stealthers, they can't get close enough to place a house when reds are thunderstorming the area, can't place while dead...

    it's been a while since we actually wanted a spot, but there was a spot right outside khaldun entrance to fel, and we took it, and yes your scripter friend tried to take it.. but seemed to have trouble placing while was running off the screen

    you're wanting to play in trammel, you must accept the trammel rules that apply,"
    If you can cast its after the barrels are gone 
    The last fel IDOC I was at, they were casting spells inside the barrels while picking up items.  I think you can't gate is all.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Pawain said:
    McDougle said:
    Yoshi said:
    "you haven't got a clue what you're talking about, as usual

    1 you can cast spells,
    2 you kill the stealthers, they can't get close enough to place a house when reds are thunderstorming the area, can't place while dead...

    it's been a while since we actually wanted a spot, but there was a spot right outside khaldun entrance to fel, and we took it, and yes your scripter friend tried to take it.. but seemed to have trouble placing while was running off the screen

    you're wanting to play in trammel, you must accept the trammel rules that apply,"
    If you can cast its after the barrels are gone 
    The last fel IDOC I was at, they were casting spells inside the barrels while picking up items.  I think you can't gate is all.
    Could be or recall but weren't people putting gates in front of the barrels?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SkettSkett Posts: 1,716
    Yes they cast gates in front of barrels
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,397Moderator
    @magrodnyc2 allow me to assure you the posts removed included no information relavent to this topic.
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