Egg Scripters

I am on the Catskills server. Since the most recent change to dungeon Destard, I am observing many more participants egg hunting. I understand why as it is a more efficient alternative to actually going into the dungeon. The return per unit of time for collecting eggs is higher than hunting in the dungeon with the change to the spawn rate near the stairs. The result is instantly noticeable from last week to this week. Not only are many time more people collecting eggs, but now the people doing it are very suspicious with their collecting. I am observing people running the exact same foot path. I am observing people pick up eggs without stopping at a full run. I am observing extremely fast teleport egg pickup recall faster than I could manually perform with hot keyed spells. I reported two individuals this morning for scripting. No GM responded and the players are still running around.

Proposed solution: increase the drop rate of Destard so that what should be the primary way to collect "fey ingots" is the most efficient method...


  • Pac_ManPac_Man Posts: 5
    Pacific has the same problem. Please look into this big boss people :(

    id say most of us are pretty hardcore gamers and 100% can tell who are scripters, but the amount of time iv spent trying to stop them iv  learned they are never acualy afk, so even if caught, nothings ganna happen.
    And then..I swear more people try to defend the scripters. Or he’s just on his 15 free accounts defending themselves.

    Sadly havnt heard from a gm even when the scripters stop the spawn of eggs for hours on end. And if a gm showed up. Well he’s not even afk so they let him go. 

    I made my own post already but the scripters just sitting afk stealthed holding eggs so they stop spawning if you ruin the scripters route

    Please turn off EJ account for the event. Atleast those scripters have to pay 12$ for a month and they can make a profit daily from then on. If banned. They will buy another month and I won’t feel like they won and get away with their cheating. Then they always got that  super sarcastic behaviour after cause they feel that power trip…

    Either that or just don’t add somthing like this next event.  Even tho I love it and made a lot of gold from selling eggs and ingots. Such blatant scripting has to be felt with. 
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Agree the dungeon should be the primary source of drops.  Players willing to go into the dungeon should be getting more drops than egg collectors. But last three times I went to the dungeon there were three or more big paras guarding door.  One time a shadow wyrm, greater dragon and one of those fey things with wings all paras.  I mean really.  Instant death is not going to encourage players to go in.  Thought the first fix did the job on my shard don’t understand the current logic at all.

    Really like the picking up eggs alternative.  Usually I do that for a while when I log on and then head to the dungeon.  I like it when developers provide challenges providing alternatives.  During the Treasures of Tokuno event players at different levels could get artifacts.  My player did not attempt the Dojo at that time but found an undead area with monsters more appropriate for his level.  He did not get artifacts as quickly as other players that could do the Dojo but if he worked at it he still got them.

    Maybe it would help if players had some idea as to what is going on versus the target audience.  Other dungeons provided different difficulty levels so players could find the area best for their style of game play.  But to be honest, this dungeon just seems to be out of control.  Sorry UO.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    I recommend you put an egg destination each on a different runebook.. set as default, and asign each runebook to a different key... that way its a 1 click from destination to destination.. and if you have all eggs in the scavenger list, then its just a ctrl+shft to pick em up.. no mystery.
    I just spent 20 minutes in Destard.. did not get a single drop... with eggs in 20 mins I fill my bag and get the 12 ingots... so screw that spawn
  • Petra_FydePetra_Fyde Posts: 1,492
    Archangel said:
    I recommend you put an egg destination each on a different runebook.. set as default, and asign each runebook to a different key... that way its a 1 click from destination to destination.. and if you have all eggs in the scavenger list, then its just a ctrl+shft to pick em up.. no mystery.
    I just spent 20 minutes in Destard.. did not get a single drop... with eggs in 20 mins I fill my bag and get the 12 ingots... so screw that spawn
    Really?  I would need 16 rune books for that!  I have a full double page in my atlas for egg locations. Totally, different, distinct locations, not like the scripters, inside and outside the same house. Plus a couple of locations that are in other books for other, earlier, purposes.
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    That’s a great idea! Set up some runes but never thought about that and my guys always has a bunch of books.  Thanks
  • Arnold7Arnold7 Posts: 1,461
    Population of egg hunters much larger now by the way.  See more players hunting eggs than hunting fey in the dungeon.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Arnold7 said:
    Population of egg hunters much larger now by the way.  See more players hunting eggs than hunting fey in the dungeon

    Based on developers response you'd think this event was going well..
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • RomRom Posts: 51
    Arnold7 said:
    Population of egg hunters much larger now by the way.  See more players hunting eggs than hunting fey in the dungeon.
    This speaks volume to the issue. As my suggestion states the drop rate would change this immediately. Move the drop rate for in the dungeon from 2% or whatever it's at to like 5% and guaranteed ingots on Paragons of a certain fame value (The hardest 4 paragons that are not soloable.) 
  • SarkonSarkon Posts: 62
    I use EC and set up a gathering agent for all the egg hues.  I run around with all names on and just auto-grab every egg.  Since the game does it, it bypasses my human error on the grabbing part of the game.  I constantly swoop in and grab eggs from people racing to them.  All I have to do is be near it...don't even have to stop moving to grab it.
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Archangel said:
    I recommend you put an egg destination each on a different runebook.. set as default, and asign each runebook to a different key... that way its a 1 click from destination to destination.. and if you have all eggs in the scavenger list, then its just a ctrl+shft to pick em up.. no mystery.
    I just spent 20 minutes in Destard.. did not get a single drop... with eggs in 20 mins I fill my bag and get the 12 ingots... so screw that spawn
    Really?  I would need 16 rune books for that!  I have a full double page in my atlas for egg locations. Totally, different, distinct locations, not like the scripters, inside and outside the same house. Plus a couple of locations that are in other books for other, earlier, purposes.
    Yes, I use 20 books during prime time when competition is wilder. When the shard is dead I only use 4 so that I can have 120 eggs and an empty slot for the exchange. But yes, -with a couple exceptions cuz they're often blocked- I have only 1 recall spot per location, which sometimes the myriad cats are also blocking.. .then I have to recall somewhere near and run.. (I spend quite some time aggroing animals inside huts and taking them out, hehe). All in all it makes for very fast egg gathering, though after 2 bags -so about an hour- I leave and let others their chance at the eggs. Heck, many times I do also a full circuit and find nothing, it's gotten competitive. Thank Heavens I have almost all I wanted... afeter that, I'll just collect plynths  :)
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