Completely new player seeks advice.

SillyturtleSillyturtle Posts: 5
edited March 2022 in General Discussions
Folks, I'm Turtle. G'day.

Known of UO for a very long time, never tried it. Played DAOC since 2001 and many other MMO's and I'm currently bored to death, so figured I would have a look at this one. Forums are decently active for an older game - so I made an account and subbed. Now I'm here for your help, if you don't mind.

I have no knowledge of the game outside of what I've heard over time. I know two things, that the game is skill based and you can basically design your own class which is pretty cool, and that if you PvP, you lose all your stuff. 

I don't know anything about classes, or end game content, but I have seen people mentioning on here that you can do dungeons and raids (I'm assuming end game content) solo with certain builds. I'd very much like to hear what you guys suggest for builds for new players like me. 

I don't know anything, but I am an experienced gamer and do pretty well at whatever I devote my time to - so don't worry about things being too complex for me - if it's strong, I'd love to know about it. Also, since I don't know anything about the classes, I have no opinions on what's good or bad, what's S tier and what's F tier - that's all gonna come from you guys, who know everything already. 

The only guidelines I'll put on your suggestions is that it has to be solo friendly, because I'm Australian and I expect to spend a lot of time on my own. I like farming sweet items, making currency and killing big nasties.

With that in mind, what do you reckon I should do regarding class?
What server do you think is a good idea?
Is there a difference between the game clients?

Note: After I've had a few replies, I'll probably follow up with a Poll with the suggestions and see what people think. Might make it fun for any other newcomers that might come along after me.


  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    Just some basics
    Which shards do you ping best? Make one char on each of those shards and see which you like.
    Try both clients and see which you like
    What type of chars do you like to play?  Crafter, Warrior, Mage, Tamer

  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
  • Thank you. I've been reading through those and they're quite informative. And that Community Stratics forum looks like it has a lot of information. I'll dive into it.

    But what I'm really hoping for is peoples opinions on things. Just one example could be something like "Mage classes are really good at X because of (insert reason). But Tamers are better at Y because of (another reason)"

    I've played so many MMO's I've played every archetype imaginable, Caster, Melee, Rogue, Tank, Support, Heals, Buffs etc etc. I'm open to trying anything depending on what the community thinks is good.

    I like farming items and making money. I DO like making things, but I assume crafting is something I'd probably like to do as a second character, so I reckon something that can kill things would be a better first choice. Touching on the whole Solo dungeoning and solo raiding thing I mentioned before, that sounds interesting, as long as there's profit in it. 

    I like amassing wealth, and having the best of everything.
  • KazKaz Posts: 140
    Well, my opinion is that the best way to learn UO is to dive in. 

    The game is very deep at this point.  You can read for ages, in fact you will still learn new things even after being immersed for 2 years (like me).  
  • Kaz said:
    Well, my opinion is that the best way to learn UO is to dive in. 

    The game is very deep at this point.  You can read for ages, in fact you will still learn new things even after being immersed for 2 years (like me).  
    Been playing since 99. I learn new things almost everyday.  But I agree, play more, read when you're stuck.

    A Goblin, a Gargoyle, and a Drow walk into a bar . . .

    Never be afraid to challenge the status quo

  • SoldahouseSoldahouse Posts: 129
    I could be wrong but i think the Oceania shard is in Australia. Maybe log on there when you will be playing and say hi in general chat and in help chat. I know we have  few shards that use help instead of general chat. I also dont know anything about it but many players us discord. Welcome to UO i hope you find tons of enjoyment. 
  • Kaz said:
    Well, my opinion is that the best way to learn UO is to dive in. 

    The game is very deep at this point.  You can read for ages, in fact you will still learn new things even after being immersed for 2 years (like me).  
    Been playing since 99. I learn new things almost everyday.  But I agree, play more, read when you're stuck.

    Play more read less is usually how I go about things, but only to a point. Researching properly is the best path to success I've found.

    On that front, from what I can gather, if I'm interested in killing big nasties and bosses or whatever, I need some sort of sustain - and for that people are saying Sampire. Seems to be some sort of life leeching melee warrior build. 

    Would Sampire be a type of character that someone could start from scratch and build up to where it can tackle hard bosses for sweet loot? 
  • UrgeUrge Posts: 1,308
    Yes and no. To be successful you'll need a few 120 scrolls. The suit can be low end as long as you can reach the 1.25 swing speed cap (knucklehead swing speed calculator- google the addy)

    My favorite temp is the discord tamer. There's not much you can't kill with this temp and it's nowhere near as complicated to make. 

    Mages- i will never ever recommend this to a new player. SDI can get expensive to build into your suit. 

    Read up on cleanup points for extra things to sell. Loot everything. Check vendor search. If it can't be sold, left click a trash barrel to appraise for cleanup points. If it doesn't give points, unravel it for imbuing ingredients to also be sold. 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    I could be wrong but i think the Oceania shard is in Australia. Maybe log on there when you will be playing and say hi in general chat and in help chat. I know we have  few shards that use help instead of general chat. I also dont know anything about it but many players us discord. Welcome to UO i hope you find tons of enjoyment. 
    I read somewhere:
    Oceania - relocated to US, but follow Aust timing for server reboot
    Formosa - relocated to Japan

    This is another piece of info I find missing here but older info at Stratics. 
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • MariahMariah Posts: 3,398Moderator
    I believe they tried Oceania in US, but it didn't work out. Checking the 'latentcy' for my own log in Oceania is higher than any other shard. I was not aware that Formosa relocated to Japan, can you link me to that information please?
  • Urge said:
    Yes and no. To be successful you'll need a few 120 scrolls. The suit can be low end as long as you can reach the 1.25 swing speed cap (knucklehead swing speed calculator- google the addy)

    My favorite temp is the discord tamer. There's not much you can't kill with this temp and it's nowhere near as complicated to make. 

    Mages- i will never ever recommend this to a new player. SDI can get expensive to build into your suit. 

    Read up on cleanup points for extra things to sell. Loot everything. Check vendor search. If it can't be sold, left click a trash barrel to appraise for cleanup points. If it doesn't give points, unravel it for imbuing ingredients to also be sold. 
    Sounds like maybe Sampire is something to look at once I'm a little more established perhaps?

    Regarding Discord Tamer, it sounds to me like a Pet Class. You tame an animal and they're you're weapon? Perhaps they tank for you? 

    I'll work some google fu and see what I can find on them. :)
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    My opinion is you'll find that the best way to learn the game is through playing and interacting with the people on the shard. People, for the most part, are really helpful as long as you're honestly trying to learn the ropes. Go along, join in on the battles, letting others take the brunt of the hits while you skill up. Loot the corpses for gold, armor and weapons. Insure your good armor and good weapons or wear crappy stuff to begin with. You're going to die. Die a lot. Learn to laugh at it. It's only death. Nothing ruins the game more for people who hold onto not wanting to die.
    The wealth of this game is in the interactions between you and others. I've played this game for almost 25 years and I think that after a couple I would be bored if I did things solo. And I'm a total introvert..
    No laughing allowed. 

    Just one of a gazillion perspectives. Go with what feels right for you.

  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    My opinion is you'll find that the best way to learn the game is through playing and interacting with the people on the shard. People, for the most part, are really helpful as long as you're honestly trying to learn the ropes. Go along, join in on the battles, letting others take the brunt of the hits while you skill up. Loot the corpses for gold, armor and weapons. Insure your good armor and good weapons or wear crappy stuff to begin with. You're going to die. Die a lot. Learn to laugh at it. It's only death. Nothing ruins the game more for people who hold onto not wanting to die.
    The wealth of this game is in the interactions between you and others. I've played this game for almost 25 years and I think that after a couple I would be bored if I did things solo. And I'm a total introvert..
    No laughing allowed. 

    Just one of a gazillion perspectives. Go with what feels right for you.

    What she said!
  • ArchangelArchangel Posts: 461
    Also, Rabid Sniper vids on youtube are very detailed, you might learn somethings while seeing those tutorials, they helped me come up to speed.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    First get a mythic token ...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Arroth_ThaielArroth_Thaiel Posts: 1,094
    edited March 2022

    There are some helpful combat oriented UO channels on YouTube. These are the ones I know off the top of my head. Apologies to anyone I've forgotten.

    Rabid Sniper - Excellent guide for getting started with Sampires.

    Mark Shawley - Tamer walkthroughs and Enhanced Client setup.

    Shaved Chimp - Various encounters solo, with explanation overlays.

    Corpse - Top tier solo fighter. Links in video descriptions to build details.

    Azuki X - Some PvE solo encounters and fun/different builds.

    If you decide to use the EC, I suggest checking out Pinco's UI. It is a sizable rework of the default EC that fixes a lot of bugs, modernizes the UI, and just makes the game more user friendly. It is a large mod, so it's not for everyone, but it is well worth checking out. Pinco has put a monster amount of effort into it.

    -Good luck!
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    This thread needs to be sticked on top.  There is some very good info being offered here that anybody can use
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    edited March 2022
    McDougle said:
    First get a mythic token ...

    You have no idea how much this wants me to say 'No!'. All must suffer through skilling!
    Wax on! Wax off!  >:)
  • AmberWitchAmberWitch Posts: 698
    Lots of stuff in the links to learn! Thank you to those that posted them. I've been frustrated with for years with a character and I think I've found out how to fix her.
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    Play what you have fun with i do all current content on my Fishermen. It's not a race you don't have to do max damage or kill the fastest just have fun so many times i have fun with a build until someone tells me that will never work...
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    McDougle said:
    First get a mythic token ...

    You have no idea how much this wants me to say 'No!'. All must suffer through skilling!
    Wax on! Wax off!  >:)
    If you could effectively gain skills through game play rather than tricks I'd agree....
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    McDougle said:
    First get a mythic token ...

    You have no idea how much this wants me to say 'No!'. All must suffer through skilling!
    Wax on! Wax off!  >:)
    For someone new totally agree.  Learn the old way first by playing the game.
  • PawainPawain Posts: 10,662

    Shaved Chimp
    I think you are in the wrong game forum for that activity.  And that is a not easy for new players.
    Focus on what you can do, not what you can't.
  • My opinion is you'll find that the best way to learn the game is through playing and interacting with the people on the shard. People, for the most part, are really helpful as long as you're honestly trying to learn the ropes. Go along, join in on the battles, letting others take the brunt of the hits while you skill up. Loot the corpses for gold, armor and weapons. Insure your good armor and good weapons or wear crappy stuff to begin with. You're going to die. Die a lot. Learn to laugh at it. It's only death. Nothing ruins the game more for people who hold onto not wanting to die.
    The wealth of this game is in the interactions between you and others. I've played this game for almost 25 years and I think that after a couple I would be bored if I did things solo. And I'm a total introvert..
    No laughing allowed. 

    Just one of a gazillion perspectives. Go with what feels right for you.

    I don't disagree. I get bored very easily without people to play with. But I'd be foolish not to plan for solo activity considering my timezone and schedule.

    Thanks to everyone who has posted advice and information. It's greatly appreciated. :)

    I will continue to check this thread, so if anyone feels like adding anything else, definitely feel free!
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    edited March 2022
    Mariah said:
    I believe they tried Oceania in US, but it didn't work out. Checking the 'latentcy' for my own log in Oceania is higher than any other shard. I was not aware that Formosa relocated to Japan, can you link me to that information please?
    Could we get official info from Broadsword for all shard's geolocation by city instead of country. 

    We are relying on pings, and other forum posts to speculate. This is not part of the game, and a necessity for players when they select the game server option. 

    Anyone can post garbage on another forum or blog and it becomes the "guide". Or need to read like 100 posts to find one and then find out of the poster is credible, etc. should have any official info, or they did lose all the documentation during the transition which I hope not.

    I know there is the ping test in game, but what if people travel between cities to work. If we know the exact city we or new players can pick the ideal based on its location.

    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    All West Coast USA Servers are at Redwood City Calif, EA
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    edited March 2022
    If I remember right Oceania was in Aust and the server location was lost or FUBR and it was moved to West Coast USA until they got a new Server location back in Aust.

  • McDougleMcDougle Posts: 4,082
    All West Coast USA Servers are at Redwood City Calif, EA
    Which shards are considered west coast Pacific and baja for sure Origin?
    Acknowledgment and accountability go a long way... 
  • SethSeth Posts: 2,944
    If I remember right Oceania was in Aust and the server location was lost or FUBR and it was moved to West Coast USA until they got a new Server location back in Aust.

    Thanks for the link to the maintenance time.

    I am not sure if it's possible the physical server was relocated, but the maintenance time is based on original shard's location to suit their local timing.

    For Formosa, I could not remember where I read that but more than one person told as we are picky about server location for pvp some years ago.
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it. 
    ESRB warning: Some Blood. LOTS of Alcohol. Some Violence. LOTS of Bugs
  • Lord_FrodoLord_Frodo Posts: 2,440
    McDougle said:
    All West Coast USA Servers are at Redwood City Calif, EA
    Which shards are considered west coast Pacific and baja for sure Origin?

    United States West

    (Maintenance: 5am PST/PDT)

    • Baja
    • Lake Austin
    • Napa Valley
    • Origin
    • Pacific
    • Sonoma
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