Email mentioned we're getting a new EM...does this some new events coming up?

I received an email blast that mentioned Napa was getting a new EM.  Does this mean we'll start having events again?

After being gone for ~17 years, recently started playing again, and learning (re-learning in a lot of cases) the changes.  Died a LOT the first few days B).  Having fun, especially with the High Seas content, although I'm still gathering supplies to feed the cannons...


  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    We had em chance for a month, and em hendrix had their training on chese last night, so look at april.
  • EM HendrixEM Hendrix Posts: 88Event Moderator
    Yes Napa will start having events again. Keep a look out on the Calendar for a Meet and Greet this month. There will be events in April! I look forward to meeting everyone. 
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    I'm confused - is the new EM using the same name as the old EM? Maybe using old name til paperwork goes thru with the new one? Didn't realize this til a guild mate was talking about it. Just curious. Ty.
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    Looks like em hendrix inherited Vereors account.
    Em chance didnt post here.
  • MargeMarge Posts: 722
    Ah!  got ya - the old post use to say EM Vereor but they just changed them all to EM Hendrix. I'll let the guildie now. TY :)
  • I'm so confused. Did EM Chance leave Napa after a couple events and we are now getting a new Em...Hendrix?
  • EM HendrixEM Hendrix Posts: 88Event Moderator
    EM Chance did leave Napa. 

    If you can make it I hope to see you all at the Meet and Greet this Friday at 7pm PST!
  • Thanks for responding and welcome to Napa, look forward to meeting you!
  • NorryNorry Posts: 536
    So... now i have to ask, is your first name jimmy?
  • Norry said:
    So... now i have to ask, is your first name jimmy?
     :D LoL 
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