Multiclient vs Boxing response
"There still seems to be some confusion between Multiboxing and Multi-clienting . We are adding this to the support section of, but let me try to explain the difference once again. Multiboxing is illegal, this is when you use a 3rd party program to control more than one character with one input stream. If you log in 2+ clients but do not use one input stream to control all your clients that is multi-clienting and it is legal. In other words, if you are running multiple clients and are moving between each window one by one to independently control the characters you are good to go."
I'm going to respond to this as it's still confusing and leaves too much in the grey area. Most multi-client actions are to help a main character, namely in some form of battle.
I'll provide a theoretical example of let's say a champ spawn. When the champ is up I would have my main attack. I would also have two helper archer or tamer accounts that I manually walk in, toggle war mode and attack then switch back to my main. The above response says it's legal since I'm only controlling one account at a time BUT, could i still be baned under unattended gameplay since I'm only controlling one account at a time?
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Ok my experience with this is, at least on the CC which I rarely use now, if you alt tab to another window, you come out of combat mode, this doesn't happen on the EC. So if you're saying you hit alt tab and re-enter combat each time, I suppose one could assume that would be ok, of course if you're alt tabbing and you're still in combat,'re using other methods aren't you ? **wink**
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I've never done it, hence the theoretical example and the question following for a concrete example. If it were deemed condoned then gameplay options would open.
Also after reading this I tried hitting tab and switching windows. Other account will remain in war mode. Same if opening a paperdoll and hitting the war button.
If I wanted to use "other methods" I wouldn't be asking if it were legal now would I? **wink wink**
That's what I was asking. Is it considered AFK if you're there on one character?
You must be in the EC then, because I know for a fact tabbing back and forth into a 2nd client, negates the combat mode. Maybe it's a win10/hppc thing, but I doubt it.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I either split screen or use taskbar to switch windows.
So while my toon is fighting Navrey on the screen to my left and I am writing this post on the right, I am unattended. You should page on me. Lets see how far that goes.
When my cook is making 50 dough and I decide to eat a sandwich at my desk I am unattended macroing?
Better page on me daily because I do a lot of things while I am not pressing keys or looking at my toon.
My unattended toon thinks I am.
I cant be attending both at the same time and type on one.
You are telling people they can get banned in the time it takes to hit Alt + Tab.
Someone has to page before a GM is going to check.
The original poster's example is legal. He is moving between each window one by one to independently control the characters. Just because that character does not need a lot of button smashing to control does not make it illegal.
If I take two characters hunting, have one "all kill" and then go stand in a corner then tab to my main character for the active combat - this is legal. I am moving between each window to control them. I am just not moving very often.
If I set one character at my house to make a stack of potions using the vet alchemy station, then manually switch to a different character who is out sailing his ship to the next SOS location via tillerman's map, and a 3rd character is actively farming Miasma - this is legal.
In these examples, I could get paged on by a zealous player who does not get an immediate response from me if I am not paying attention to that particular window at that particular time. But I AM sitting here at my PC, I am not Away From the Keyboard. There are no illegal scripts - or, indeed, ANY outside program at all being used. I would be moving between each window one by one to independently control the characters.
I pay for two accounts and if I want to use two windows or two PCs, what is the difference?
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
I think this is from the days 20 years ago when Windows could not handle 2 instances of the same program at the same time. Windows changed, but UO's code did not, and so if people were running 2 clients on one PC then they were using a certain illegal program to do so. Eventually CC was updated to allow multiple instances, but it still gives a little warning to say it is not approved and some people take that to mean it is outright illegal. (EC gives no such warning, because, for the most part, the code has no trouble utilizing the same files for different instances of the program.)
It seems logical how that warning message might confuse newer players. Older players who are coming back recently (as well as many older players who have just not gotten the memo) are still hung up on the old code/policy. It does no harm to make sure by asking, so the name calling is a bit uncalled for imo.
If I were referring to you I would have called you out by name, since I sort of know you.
Please make the Grizzled Mare a 5 slot mount, it's incredibly rare and deserves it. Some of us have been waiting a long time for this simple addition.
In reality, the official statement is not very specific, and there is still room for debate. I think the Devs need to give explicit examples such as turning a pet loose and just tabbing back every 5 minutes or so to loot. What about a well geared melee char in a little room slaying an endless supply of spawn to farm artifact drops - but they check in every 10 minutes or so. No scripts, no macros, just multi-client semi-attention.
I interpret "running multiple clients and are moving between each window one by one to independently control the characters" to mean that I can have one client performing an action while another client is performing its own actions. Otherwise, what am I controlling? And in that case, at least one account is performing its actions ''unattended''. There are many excruciatingly repetitive processes in UO that require zero attention once the action is set in motion. The player just needs to be able to respond to a GM within a reasonable amount of time if they are suspected of scripting or full-on AFK farming. That is fine with me.
The concern I have now is that ''reasonable amount of time'' may have been dropped to 1 minute.
My pc doesn't really like it much, so I only do something like that very briefly for things like passing items back and forth between my different crafters for things like imbuing luck and then enhancing with spined, or imbuing with ssi and then enhancing with ash (break it and start again). In these cases my characters are side by side and although I'm only controlling one at once, I can see both.
I know people who do champs with one character while their protector is hidden nearby, they do so on 2 monitors or split screen. They control one character, but can see both.
If you were to leave a character unattended farming or crafting extensively while off doing something else and the character was totally unobserved for a considerable period of time my opinion would be that you were running a risk.
Paging on 'unattended' is not something that happens in minutes. First the person has to discover the unattended character, determine it is unattended, page and wait for a response, then a GM has to respond and further establish that the character is not attending.
Multiboxing is an entirely different thing, anyone doing it knows full well that they are doing something illegal. It can't be done without special software and it means all characters are controlled by one keyboard at the same time and working on concert, whatever actions the characters do they do together at the same time. If they cast a spell, they cast the same spell at the same time on the same target.
Here is the message: Im waiting for my other toon.
Notice the word FEATURE!!!